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Almost time guys n gals! 5 days til NaNo
1 hour later…
Q: Using citations in chapter headings?

am304I noticed in some books I read that under each chapter title, there is a citation, somewhat related to what the chapter in question is about. I was thinking of maybe using the same technique for my (first) novel. I have no experience in creative writing and so I was wondering whether this is frow...

4 hours later…
Q: Are modern authors still using colons and semicolons in dialogue?

Alexandro ChenNot sure if it's just my idea but I rarely see colons and semicolons in dialogue (especially in modern novels). Is it because they don't simulate normal speech? Because their use is more a semantic one? If I'm wrong, could you please give me some examples of authors who do this?

@KitFox Did you ever read any John Bellairs books? They're children's books with a gothic horror setting. I'd totally forgotten about them until I saw a library pamphlet recommending them.
Hmm. I don't think so.
I had some of his books in a box set when I was young, but they were lost in the great book purge of 1999, an event I still regret.
Oh! Yes.
I read The Letter, The Witch, and The Ring. It's on my bureau right now.
How long since you last read it? Is it still good, or does it fall into the bin of "how did I ever read this stuff?"
I read it for the first time earlier this year.
It was OK. It's a good bantam-weight book. Not too scary, kind of thrilling, slightly but not horribly transparent.
I would have really enjoyed it when I was in the 8 to 10 range, I think. I put it with Harriet the Spy and From the Mixed-Up Files... and The Egypt Game.
yeah 8-10 is the recommended reading age.
Haha. I just pulled that out of my ass.
I am literally feeling small physical pangs of anguish when I think of all my childhood books that I got rid of when we were downsizing. Why didn't I try harder to keep them?
Because they are available in the library.
That's what makes me put books back on the shelf now.
Out of the entire set I kept the Chronicles of Narnia of all things.
I almost bought Divergent yesterday.
Why did I not keep Prydain instead?
Oh god, that's awful.
That makes me want to cry.
Or the Bellairs box?
Just burn the Narnia books, and check the others out of the library.
Or enjoy buying them all over again.
The library is a no-go. My wife is paranoid that we'll get bedbugs from there.
... what?
There are bedbugs in Toronto. They are hard to get rid of once established.
And if someone with bedbugs takes out a book at the library, the bug might get checked back in with the book.
I know, but from the library?
There was a rumour of a single bug found in one book at one branch.
Which is enough for her to say "no more books!"
But the kids are bringing school library books home every week
You could quarantine them.
The books, I mean.
yeah, freeze them
Put them in a plastic bag as soon as you get them.
I will probably take the opportunity to re-buy at least some of my favourites.
Then blame her.
Interesting plan.
"What do you mean, I'm spending too much on books!?"
"I'd love to save money, but the bedbugs at the library..."
There's no such thing as too much money on books.
Books are awesome.
Granted, with her the problem is thus: 1. She doesn't like to re-read books. 2. She doesn't like having bookcases full of books taking up space. 3. She doesn't like to spend money.
So when I buy books, it peeves her.
I enjoy the aesthetic of books.
She reads tons, but she mainly borrows books from my parents, who have an informal book lending circle going on.
Oh, yeah, she also doesn't like ebooks.
I don't particularly like ebooks either.
I don't like eBooks.
They are a mockery of nature.
An affront to my sensibilities.
I'll read them if free, but I don't want to spend money on an ebook to the exclusion of a paper book. I wish my paper books just came with free ebook downloads.
I like having things like a search function for my books, and having a library in my pocket, but I also like a library on my wall and don't like reading on screens even though I've read tons that way.
I wish there was a nice reader for electronic texts. Something designed by people who enjoy books.
I have yet to see one.
@MattЭллен I was wondering why jacobites. Aren't they the ones who want the alternate royal line?
Hi @Matty.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yeah, I think so :D I get the various rebels confused
hi @Kit
So I bought the Legendary version of Skyrim yesterday, and I'm playing the intro and we get to the part where you choose between going with the Imperials or the Stormcloaks.
I say to my boys "Which way should I go? Imperials or rebels?"
Eldest: "Rebels"
Youngest: "Imperials"
Although the eldest is going to be Darth Vader this year.
maybe there's an argument that Vader is the ultimate sleeper rebel
It's probably that he wants to make sure his little brother doesn't get to be Vader.
@KitFox have you used the Google Play Books reader?
Don't think so.
I quite like it
but then I like eBooks
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't hear it myself...
I don't hear it either, although I'm liking the march right now. Makes me want to have sex with people.
@MattЭллен It's like the March is the evil version of the song.
It's in a minor key, but the rhythm and the structure are the same
Try singing the Mary Poppins words to the march
If you say so. I can't sing the one to the other though.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yeah, I suppose they share a rhythm
I think you're both crazy.
Now I'm hungry.
the more carzy you think we are, the hungrier you get
@MattЭллен I've used it a bit. It seems to work okay. It's no better in my eyes than the various other readers I've tried.
I used to read ebooks on my Sony Clie (a palm OS 4 device) back in the day.
The worst part of that was that the ebooks I had were all pirated scans and I had to spend hours fixing them up so that the formatting was legible.
Once THAT was done, it was fine
I like the google reader because I can tap on words and it tells me what they mean (if it can)
yeah that's neat.
also, the simulation of page turns is a nice touch
I like page turn simulation.
hi all
The endless scrolling makes me want to barf.
Hi @Arrowfar.
hi @Arrowfar
I'm feeling pretty intensely frustrated today. An yideas on how to fix that?
@KitFox Nice pic
@jsbձոգչ gave it to me.
@KitFox achieve something you set out to achieve
Thank you.
@MattЭллен growls
@KitFox well, it worked for me
Nothing is working.
@MattЭллен Murder someone who needs murdering.
frowns It's all borked.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I guess if that's on your todo list...
I have to write a story this week. Like nowish.
But I also have to finish this requirement.
do one right now. no more chat.
do the requirement
@KitFox Are both these okay to say: (I mean people say like that in informal speech)
1) I proposed to a girl and she told me you are fake and immature...
2) I proposed to a girl and she told me I am fake and immature ...
> she told me that you are not my true friend because...
she told me that I am not her true friend because....
@MattЭллен What do you think?
@Arrowfar those are fine
@Arrowfar these are fine except that it seems an unlikely outcome of proposing to someone
Yes, hah :)
I'd say you have to do this:
1) I proposed to a girl and she told me "You are fake and immature."
2) I proposed to a girl and she told me I was fake and immature.
oh! well, that makes more sense. I hadn't thought of it like that
I guess your original 2) can work but it bugs me somehow.
I assumed 1) involved three people
@matt what's your thought on the right tense to use for the 2nd part of #2?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, I know. But people say sentences like these in informal speech, right? I mean without 'backshifting'
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I would say was is more usual
Although backshifting looks formal.
but am is OK
@Arrowfar I don't think backshifting is more formal.
especially in contraction: "She told me I'm a sack of shit"
I guess it would depend on whether or not the speaker thinks it's still true and/or relevant now.
"When I woke up from the coma, the nurse told me I am the president" <- still am president
"The captain told me I am to report to the master at arms"
"When I woke up from the coma, the nurse told me I was the president" <- not president any longer
right. I see.
not president any longer / not believing the nurse
yeah. does not think is president right now.
So the "fake and immature" thing, I'd say if the speaker agrees with the girl, he might use am. If he doesn't, he might use was.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And in "she told me you are..." construction, is it always necessary to use quotation marks? Because in informal speech (like in ELU sometimes) some people use this structure without 'quotes'.
What is your opinion?
It depends.
I spoke to Kit, and she told me you are a whiny help vampire.
I spoke to Kit, and she told me "You are a whiny help vampire."
In the first sentence, Kit is talking about you.
In the second, me.
(Note: Kit didn't say that)
I see :-)
yes, hence my confusion about 1)
2 hours later…
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I didn't say that to you.
I'm still not done, but I came back anyway because I'm in a tedious meeting.
I'm still here, but I should leave. I need a walk to help forestall this headache. Also it's voting day.
I wish it were so here.
My husband volunteers for many political activities.
So this time of year blows.
Also, he told me this morning he has another meeting tonight.
he should do the responsible thing, and put his meetings in a calendar you can access, so that you can see them on your phone days ahead.
Well, we do that, except he forgets a lot.
yeah, he should stop doing that.
He should stop having meetings from 6 to 8 every goddamned night.
Because his wife is getting pretty irritated about it.
yeah, he should stop doing that too.
I have a meeting tomorrow night.
So does he.
which reminds me that I'm unprepared for it.
I am going to be out of town.
So the kids will have a sitter again.
I'm going to pop out for a bit. "Enjoy" your meeting.
OK. See you.
I'll be in a better mood when you return.
1 hour later…
@KitFox Yeah, so I am. Sorry I ask a lot of small grammar questions.
@Arrowfar I'm pretty sure I didn't say it to you either.
@RhysW Hello.
Excited for NaNo?
Seems im always travelling home when everyone else starts and stops talking! :P
yeah im ready this year
you ready?
Getting there.
I wish I had more prep time.
im going in totally unprepared, i usually overthink
If I weren't hella overscheduled, I would do the same.
Still. It's coming up fast.
Are we writing buddies?
it is, only a couple of days out!
i dont know what that means, but sure
NaNoWriters, my handle is KitFoxfire. Ping me if you want to be writing buddies.
@RhysW Do you have your account set up on NaNoWriMo.org?
yeah, did it this morning
havent actually used the site before now though
Oh. You can have writing buddies, see your friends' progress.
ahh so to add a little friendly competition aspect to it
I put a wordwar function on the bot, but she doesn't come to chat anymore.
wow, your previous novels had long titles
Yes. Part of the humor.
I think I came up with my idea an hour ago on the bus
changed my mind from the previous one
There we go novel 'Created' on the site and buddy request sent
further than i was last year already
@RhysW That's almost as far as I went last year. I think I did 1000 words.
Nice, a thousand more than i've done. What was your plot?
Really they should promote October as National Novel Outlining Month. It would help november's project significantly.
@RhysW I'm not really sure, hence why it got stuck.
Novel Outlining Month. NOM NOM NOM
It was meant to be a sci-fi novel where external forces were meddling with some local planet.
i don't have much of a plan, i have a very very rough outline and plans to just 'go with it'
I hadn't spent enough time outlining the premise enough and got caught up in details.
Basically, the scope was too large for me to fly by the seat of my pants.
ahh right, too much to hold in your head at once?
Not that, so much, but for the story to work the various disconnected factions need to be properly motivated to achieve certain conflicting goals. I wasn't sure what the goals were nor the motivations nor even all the factions.
ahh, i had a story plan about dragon slaying that ended up like that. too large to handle and i just stopped trying to tie it together
Now, the more I think of it, the more I realize that my premise was pretty naive. It was way too oversimplified.
how so?
Well, the scope was too large. Like, when one country is taking covert action to some effect in a foreign country, there are usually competing factions within that country trying to aid or hinder that action, or at least would be, if they knew of it.
Like, some US resource company might be trying to establish a mine in some foreign country.
But the US government is simultaneously trying to help them and trying to stop them, through disparate agencies such as the CIA.
sounds complex
Meanwhile the local country's citizens will be both for and against the US company's involvement
But almost always completely opposed to the US's spy agency involvement, even if it furthers their local goals
Now scale up to interplanetary groups
We don't even really have a realistic model of human behaviour in such groups.
The best examples would be the UN or the Catholic church or the EU.
so basically, never at agreement even within themselves
Yeah, it's basically impossible for unanimity.
So I could either simplify, and just hand-wave that and claim that they operate with consensus, or I could incorporate the discord into the story.
But either way, I needed to plot out the various actors and figure out why they were doing what they were doing.
I wanted the actions of the protagonist to be morally ambiguous. She would believe she was doing the right thing, and there would be justifications to back her up, but the reader should be able to see through it and question it.
Anyway I may come back to the story eventually. But probably not for Nano.
sounds like your story was trying to give each end every single person a story and influence
well, not exactly.
but I wanted each faction to be represented by a few people, somehow.
And those people would need to have a story
and varying degrees of influence and effectiveness.
gotta run. bye!
Q: Resources for writers: websites for posting stories and poetry

DalI was asked if I could suggest a website (in English) where one can create a profile and post short-stories, poetry, or other pieces of literary work in an "informal" way. Additionally, such website should allow the writer to: edit the work (without the edits being visible) and eventually delet...

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