@LordStryker def2-SV(P) is a double zeta basis set - the abbreviation actually stands for split valence and not single valence. They were pretty much messing around with everyone on that ....
@LordStryker This is not quite true, usually the default basis set is def2-SV(P), which is not the best basis set around, but the cheapest of the family. I would never ever recommend using Pople basis sets anymore. They need too much time and are not very well balanced...
@tschoppi A nice basis set is the before mentioned triple-zeta family. Starting with the ordinary def2-TZVP, adding diffuse functions def2-TZVPD, or polarisation functions def2-TZVPP , or adding both def2-TZVPPD.
@LordStryker Okay, I misread that statement and apologise. The thin line between an "a" and a "the" ... In this case I fully support your statement ;)
@tschoppi In any case when you are doing calculations, you should switch from the default def2-SV(P) to the little bit larger def2-SVP basis set.