OK works now, looks like it was cache files corruption. Force deleted and that solved it. Strange, because I wasn't getting any parity errors so it must have been corrupted on the app stack.
@kalina Yeah but are the MS figures only for Microsoft devices like the surface? Or does that count OEMS? Also does it include people who build from scratch?
@DavidFreitag Interface miniaturisation and serialisation kinda ruined that anyway, there's not as much pleasure in repeatedly trying to jam in your cable into the socket nowadays.
where the last of your sanity is screaming at you that what you're seeing isn't possible but primal fear forces you to run out in front of moving traffic anyway
If you're going to profess your love to someone do it in person. Preferably over a nice bottle of wine after a meal that you painstakingly prepared and cooked.
@TerryChia Well considering as how I don't have a Nexus 7 and the Nexus 5 doesn't have USB host (or at least doesn't have the right connector) capabilities, I wouldn't know.
> It's a truth universally acknowledged that, for college-age boys, the two most important things in their hierarchy of needs are food and boobs. But science wants to explore this deeper -- namely, how does being hungry affect your love of boobs?