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@kalina You should see if they do delivery
OK works now, looks like it was cache files corruption. Force deleted and that solved it. Strange, because I wasn't getting any parity errors so it must have been corrupted on the app stack.
@DavidFreitag what do you mean
prolly some Chrome crash that caused it ...
@TildalWave you say a lot of words that seemingly have no meaning
@JourneymanGeek oh no, I'm not driving to get drugs, I'm driving so I can smoke them in peace
@DavidFreitag hehehe cute
I don't get munchies
@kalina You just understand them. Doesn't mean they have no meaning.
I'm sorry I heard some background noise
can anybody else hear that?
@kalina Your music? No.
@kalina What I meant was that the corruption wasn't likely on the hardware or file system level. Parity is what RAID 5 use to check file integrity.
sounds like... a PHP developer trying to have a conversation with a member of civilised society
@kalina Yeah, they keep telling me to kill the neighbors.
@kalina Tsk!
@TerryChia you just ruined my PHP dig
@TildalWave I know what you said, I was derailing the conversation
@kalina Oh. I was expecting a shady deal on the edge of a basketball court.
@kalina how cute of you ...
@DavidFreitag no I have several... well, actually about 0.9 of an ounce with me
but I'm not smoking it in a house across the road from a police station
because seriously
@kalina So, in your case that's, what, half a joint?
@kalina No balls.
@DavidFreitag you're right, I was born without any
@FEichinger no, that's still the best part of a weeks worth
@kalina Wait.... Girls don't have balls? I mean.. uh.. er... Riiiiight. Girls don't have balls.
I'm not responsible for your sex ed
go speak to your sister or your mother about it
@kalina I tried that, but every time I asked them, "Tell me about your balls" they just laughed hysterically.
And the internet definitely doesn't help. For the longest time I thought asians had tentacles.
@DavidFreitag I cannot confirm or deny that fact.
Also, that's racist.
@TerryChia It's okay, you'll get some eventually.
@TerryChia I am only going based on evidence collected.
hey guys, Apple has more devices running its operating system than Microsoft does
I showed you a graph so it must be true
@kalina That's only because everyone and their mother has an iFon. Specifically the white one with all teh GBs
still, pretty impressive figures
I'm sure Steve Jobs will come out of hiding to make a statement soon
@kalina I don't that interpretation is right, even if you weren't joking.
That'd be because it only takes a single copy of Windows to give you the same entertainment value of trying to unfuck it than many OS X / iOS ones do.
@kalina Yeah but are the MS figures only for Microsoft devices like the surface? Or does that count OEMS? Also does it include people who build from scratch?
@TerryChia of course I'm joking, the graph title is quarterly sales, doesn't take into account the market
@DavidFreitag copies of Windows sold
who knows
who cares
not I
there is a park 13 miles from my current location
@TildalWave ... you're not supposed to have sex with your devices.
I will be driving on the wrong side of the road
@DavidFreitag Or are you?
in the wrong side of the car
@kalina A park will give you peace? Think of the screaming children...
but I think I can do it
@DavidFreitag nothing a little M99 can't solve
@kalina Yeah but that's such a waste!
@TerryChia Why don't you give it a try and write up a paper on it. We'll be sure to give it a read.
@DavidFreitag Eh, just give it a Google. I'm sure there are existing material on it.
@TerryChia Yes but I want my research done by those who I can trust personally.
@DavidFreitag depends on the kind of device
the most important thing to consider is that devices are covered in the bacteria of the person who owns them
@kalina I knooooooooow. 'dat headphone port.
so sharing devices can in some cases lead to aids
@DavidFreitag I have never met you so I don't know how you can trust me. Go conduct the research yourself.
@TerryChia I'm incredibly naive.
Have you ever seen the movie '40 year old virigin'?
It has @DavidFreitag in it
Yup ^
@DavidFreitag: so... 3.5mm?
@DavidFreitag Actually, @kalina sounds like she has ample experience in this arena so ask her.
I don't give advice
I have no experience
you're all mistaken and will have to fend for yourself
@JourneymanGeek Nah there's a bit of tolerance there. Closer to like 2mm
ding Levelled up wisdom
@DavidFreitag Interface miniaturisation and serialisation kinda ruined that anyway, there's not as much pleasure in repeatedly trying to jam in your cable into the socket nowadays.
@TerryChia Nope, I'd rather experience it for myself.
(looks at his desk, and realises nearly everything is 1/4 inch)
@TildalWave I know, USB micro just doesn't have the feel of a nice well-fitting USB B.
@DavidFreitag I was thinking more SCSI and VGA
what are we even talking about at the moment?
@TildalWave Ungh. SCSI. Dear lord.
so in 1993 PCs were crap
and then I was born, and shortly after I could walk PCs started getting good
I am responsible for the rise of the PC
*more evidence may be required
@kalina Wait - you were born post 1993? I'm older than you are? Seriously?
@DavidFreitag I was born in 1993
@kalina That's.... surprising.
be surprised
And depressing.
it must be saddening for you
I personally find it funny
conversation blocked due to potential future legal issues
conversation blocked due to daily quota of personal details reached
conversation blocked because monospace fonts are awesome
damned kids, get off mah lawn.
who are you again?
why are you here?
how are you related to information security?
How are you related to information security?
I have more reputation than @JourneymanGeek has on information security
thus I have the right to ask that question
@kalina: I actually almost have a degree in managing it, if I could pass my last management module on my other major.
Ah - right. You have more internet points.
and I've gained more reputation this year than you have, @DavidFreitag
so why are you even here?
Because that took more than four days.
I don't care, my paranoia is causing me to identify @JourneymanGeek as a stalker
and fun fact. I have a sockpuppet on the site
consider yourself reported
to the internetcops
doesn't quite work as well as mIRCops
but it will have to do
oh, and this isn't aibobot
Oh sheet, not the internetcops.
who's retired anyway
the only important choice for me at the moment
is what movie/tv show I copy to my tablet to watch in the park while getting high
I've spent 20 minutes so far reviewing the list
and haven't even started copying them yet
my GETHIGH process is being deadlocked by DECISION MAKING
The choices are...
@kalina Maybe you should get a little high to help the decision making process along a bit.
Just a little bit. No one will even notice.
Burn Notice
actually it could be just those three
I've seen everything else too many times
Burn Notice is a great show.
it is but there are seven seasons and some of them are poor
Have you seen White Collar?
also I've seen it so many times that I can pretty much recite most of it
also burn notice isn't even all that good
the solution!
I've found it!
I am going to fill my tablet with cartoons instead
You should pick up some acid on your way to the park. Really make those cartoons pop
I don't do all-arounders
@kalina You know my vote.
@FEichinger I know you totally want me to watch Dr Who
and you're not getting your wish
it's more likely that I will be the catalyst that starts world war 3 than me ever watching Dr Who
@kalina No, I would never actually force someone else to watch Who.
yes you would
@kalina I'm sorry, you keep mistaking me for someone who knows anything about drugs besides a vague understanding of the side effects.
@FEichinger I'm watching that now as a matter of fact.
@DavidFreitag uppers = cocaine, mdma, ecstasy, etc etc
drugs that give you an "up"
downers = alcohol, marijuana, etc etc
drugs that give you a "down"
all-arounders = acid, lsd, mushrooms, etc
drugs that distort your perception of reality
I don't like it when fields full of trees chase me onto a highway
You may not be my sex ed, but you surely are my drug ed.
so I don't take all-arounders
when your sensible mind knows a room is empty but your eyes can see people
yeah, just don't bother with those things
which means I am going to go and watch fear and loathing in las vegas
I wasn't planning on it, but now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind a field full of trees chase me onto a highway.
@DavidFreitag no you wouldn't
such an occurrence causes a horrible loop to occur in otherwise sane people
I guess I'll just have to find out.
where the last of your sanity is screaming at you that what you're seeing isn't possible but primal fear forces you to run out in front of moving traffic anyway
@kalina talking about sanity.
That's one thing I didn't expect to read.
sanity is nice
I like sanity
@kalina How would you know?
because I have lots of sanity
No. You lack sanity. A lot.
my sanity may be merely a passenger but it's all still there
my sanity is the close friend that knows you're crazy that points out the obvious just on the off chance that you might listen this time
"hey you know that's hot, right?" touches hot pot "told you"
^ my sanity
Sanity doesn't count if you just ignore it.
I really ought to go to sleep.
I don't ignore it
I take the advice given on board and it influences my actions
@kalina You just want a second opinion?
unfortunately my sanity speaks in a soft well spoken voice
and it's quite difficult to hear over my rage's screams
This is sounding quite a lot like the exact opposite of sanity.
@kalina It influences your actions because you always do the opposite?
@FEichinger no, I frequently act directly as my sanity requires
@kalina I doubt that.
I have made my choice
Well, I mean, you are about to get high in a park somewhere.
Sounds perfectly sane to me.
I am going to take with my Alice in Wonderland, the Social Network, Stranger than Fiction, and Paul
and then I'm going to find a nice tree to hide under
/me is trying to make sense of what @kalina just said
/me me?
@Nick don't, that way madness lies
/me me!
@kalina typo, sush
oh look, a @Rory appeared
@Nick It made a lot of sense, actually.
and all he has to say is the continuation of the spread of LIES
Which is impressive, because it's @kalina who said it.
out of all of the people in this room I am the most normal
that isn't to say that I am normal
it's to say that you are more weird than I am.
That is, sadly, very possible.
Actually if I had to say someone is normal it would have to be @Terry
@Terry is hardly normal
@DavidFreitag That's flattering.
not only is he into information security but he's also a developer
@TerryChia Either you're normal or you are very good at not sharing personal details.
you do know that being a developer provides a -100 bonus to your social compatibility rating, right?
Calling @Terry "normal" is like calling an elephant "small".
@kalina almost everyone here is into infosec... and most are developers
@Nick and that is EXACTLY my point
I am neither a developer or into info sec
thus, I am normal
@FEichinger ahem PHP.
@kalina you are in the wrong room tho
Then why are you here? ;p
@TerryChia Hey, I never said I was normal.
@kalina <waves>
(clearly you preemptively stalked me)
@JourneymanGeek ... No, this is all on you.
@JourneymanGeek one day somebody flag spammed in hehre
back in the days when this channel had 10 people in it
@kalina: actually... no
all of which were nicer than you.
so I came in here, and mocked them, and they were all like "ZOMG A GURL"
I just randomly decided to pop in here.
nicer than me? unpossible
@kalina It's true. It happened.
@JourneymanGeek you became a moderator
all moderators get a -2147483647 modifier to nice
@kalina: I use my awesome powers for good, not evil. Smoteing spammers and all that.
@kalina ... Oh.... oh? ... Oh. ... Huh.
@JourneymanGeek yeah I've heard that before
I think we can all agree that @kalina is not normal, she clearly should spend more time learning about PHP and infosec
first of all
you don't know that I don't know
secondly, I wouldn't admit it if I did know
but if I didn't know that you don't know, how do you know I don't know you don't know?
3 mins ago, by kalina
I am neither a developer or into info sec
51 secs ago, by kalina
secondly, I wouldn't admit it if I did know
@Nick Because nobody in an internet chat never lied
meh, I don't lie. I misdirect - LOOK A SQUIRREL!
@DavidFreitag ehhhh, you have a point :p
@JourneymanGeek I REFUSE TO LOOK
squirrels are only interesting when high
the rest of the time they're vermin
@Nick Actually, I might not. There may be a sneaky double negative in there somewhere, but I'm too tired to care.
and you set fire to them
@kalina At least they taste good.
or, like my friend does, build squirrel catapults
@kalina ... Wasn't animal cruelty part of the homicidal triad?
@FEichinger squirrels are actually classified as vermin
it's legal to kill them
shame we can't classify unemployed people as vermin
@kalina "kill" does not need to mean "set fire to"
they fit the criteria
@FEichinger I'm sorry you must have me mistaken for somebody else
@FEichinger Aww that's so sweet.
god keep your icky love in a box
I don't want your infatuation
or a jar
@kalina He was doing so well keeping it in the bottom of a whiskey bottle
if it's easier to store that way
@kalina I'm tempted to touch java just for a cheap joke now.
oh look, @FEichinger with a cheap joke, like we haven't seen that before
@FEichinger Sounds like this Java might need an adult.
@kalina Hey, that's how I preserve my sanity.
@FEichinger How old is Java?
somebody explain to me why android tablet's network connectivity is so shite
@kalina $tablet was built down to a price?
@FEichinger let me tell you something, just in case you didn't know it already
it might save you in the future
@TerryChia January 23, 1996
if you write me an application that in any way portrays your feelings I will hurt you
@kalina I was not intending that.
not saying that you would
but this one guy made me one of those sliding puzzle games
@kalina System.exit(-1);
where you slide tiles around until you get the original picture
(yes, its Java)
@kalina That's pathetic.
and my feelings towards that particular experience was I was thoroughly creeped out
@DavidFreitag Sounds just like @FEichinger. ;)
@TerryChia Hey, now!
sets fire to @TerryChia
I said I was tempted. Not that I would actually do anything.
If you're going to profess your love to someone do it in person. Preferably over a nice bottle of wine after a meal that you painstakingly prepared and cooked.
@kalina Ooooh, @FEichinger you still updating that list?
@DavidFreitag it's a Nexus 7
Hinting at the joke was already sufficient to make the joke.
@TerryChia Haven't been for a while. She told me to stop.
it was a pointless expenditure of time
@kalina It's not like writing PHP is a better use of his time.
he had more than enough time to automate it and chose not to
@kalina Yes, severely built down to a price.
I have no patience for developers who try to make themselves indispensable with such tactics
@kalina Well, sorry that I have to keep my income flow.
@DavidFreitag it won't transfer faster than 1MB/s
@FEichinger Now you just sound like a prostitute.
@kalina WiFis or 3G?
@kalina Have you tried turning it off and back on?
otherwise I'd be less bothered
Get a USB WiFi adapter.
@DavidFreitag I am using PHP. That is the programming equivalent.
continues burning
@TerryChia are you fucking kidding me?
@kalina Yes, yes I am.
first of all, I never turn anything off, it either reboots due to power issues or hardware failure or it stays powered for its entire existence
@kalina Speaking of future - I still need to know about September.
@FEichinger resists urge to comment
@kalina This is the one they ship the PwnPad with: newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833704045
@TerryChia You do not have enough information to comment on that.
september is the 9th month of the calendar year. september in the northern hemisphehre is the equivalent of march in the southern hemisphere.
september 19th is international talk like a pirate day
@DavidFreitag Does Android actually the have drivers to allow you to use that?
September marks the beginning of the ecclesiastical year in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
@TerryChia That's a good question.
September is the sixth month of the astrological calendar, which begins at the end of March/Mars/Aries.
@kalina sigh
@DavidFreitag I was under the impression that the pwnpad had shipped extra drivers with the custom ROM.
September had 29 days until the Julian reform, which added a day.
@TerryChia Since the PwnPad has a custom rom it would be hard to tell. But getting a ROM that has the drivers would be trivial
In 1752, the British Empire adopted the Gregorian calendar. In the British Empire that year, September 2 was immediately followed by September 14.
@kalina You know exactly why I was asking. >.>
September also begins in approximately 22 days.
And what I was asking.
@DavidFreitag Aye. Not difficult if you want to put in the effort but I was wondering about stock Android. :)
@FEichinger you actually expected a straight answer from @kalina in here, LOL. She's got a rep. to protect you know :op
@FEichinger it's still possible I will be out of the country
@RоryMcCune I didn't expect it in here. I just wanted to remind her.
@TerryChia Well considering as how I don't have a Nexus 7 and the Nexus 5 doesn't have USB host (or at least doesn't have the right connector) capabilities, I wouldn't know.
@FEichinger then why the sigh :op
I've had an excellent idea thoughhhhh
if you want me that desperately you could book me, for my usual booking fee
@DavidFreitag Go dig into the source code. ;)
@kalina ಠ_ಠ
@TerryChia You mistake me for someone who isn't already nipple deep in source code.
@DavidFreitag twice as deep than if you were using your penis!
That TP-link card uses the ath9k-htc driver which is in the main kernel tree. I'm not sure how much the Android version of the kernel differs.
@kalina More than that - at least three times.
well I was trying to be as kind as possible
right! To the highmobile!
@kalina Seriously, though ... I'd need to know when ... And preferably by the end of the month.
@kalina Have fun! Don't let any fields chase you onto the highway.
Also: Don't run any schoolchildren off the sidewalk.
That's it. I'm going to have to mainline caffeine.
Let me guess
I leave... Chat becomes boring
That's how it works, yes.
@kalina Our entertainment left.
2 hours later…
> Because scientists are just the academically qualified version of trolls
Cracked is wise as usual.
@AviD This article may interest you: cracked.com/…
> It's a truth universally acknowledged that, for college-age boys, the two most important things in their hierarchy of needs are food and boobs. But science wants to explore this deeper -- namely, how does being hungry affect your love of boobs?
heh, seen that.
so why cant I get into the chat with Chrome, only IE?
@AviD Because computers are broken and no one knows how they work?
@AviD What are the symptoms?
@AviD 'cause Stack Exchange is subliminally trying to get you to use a decent browser (e.g. Firefox ) :op
@RоryMcCune Firefox has lost the "decent" label a long time ago.
@FEichinger I like the newer versions
It's impressive, really. How bad does a browser need to become to make me voluntarily switch to Chrome?
it was ropey for a while but now back to being my primary browser...

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