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@Josh Hey Josh,wanted to thank you again for your help with the regexps in The Roach Motel
I've published a blog post on the same,for future reference
@Sathya You're very welcome! Was happy to help. I'll check out the blog post later... thanks!
12 hours later…
:14108 So, i've joined root access
:14111 welcome. here we bitch about anything and everything with elevated priviliges ;P
Posted this to Unix.SE, but it might belong on SU instead
Q: Why are the fonts all screwy for remote X11 apps on one Mac client?

JoshI have two Mac OS X clients, both running XQuartz 2.1.6 (xorg-server 1.4.2-apple33). When I SSH into a remote linux system enabling X11 forwarding and launch gnome-terminal, on one Mac the terminal looks correct while on the other, the fonts are all screwy! [jnet@Stan ~]$ ssh -X [email protected] ...

Any SU linux experts looking for rep on unix.SE, attack it!
I see grey boxes instead of images XD
btw what's "Tuunderbird" :P @Josh
LOL thanks
:14129 You don't see the images?
:14133 webfilter @ work blocks them
1 hour later…
:14135 yeah, ohhhhhhh :p
Is there a third place for stackoverflow?
:14139 not yet
use chat.meta.stackoverflow.com for the timebeing
gotcha thanks
anyone knows how/where do you get a pfa/pfb file ?
:14145 What is a pfa/pfb file?
(in other words: No, I don't know :-) )
:14147 it's type 1 Post script font apparently
Oh DUH, I should have known that :-)
I think my system generates those, ROFLMAO
:14151 o_0
That part was built so long ago I forgot. I think we take TrueType fonts and generate... some adobe crap from them ;-)
I'm hit with a bug with Oracle reports
I misspoke. Our system generates afm files from TTF files
hmm, seems like pdf generated by Oracle reports engine suffers font substitution when copied to a printer, anybody faced this ? @oraclenerd
@Sathya do you have a font file you want to convert?
Confirmed that fonts are not embedded by default on Oracle Reports, doc on how to do so http://j.mp/97kPoC @oraclenerd
I have the ttf version :(
Tried FontForge?
(one) of them is Tahoma @Josh
FontForge (formerly known as PfaEdit) is a typeface (font) editor program developed by George Williams. FontForge is free software and is distributed under the BSD license. FontForge is available for several operating systems and is localized in several languages. Features Fontforge supports many font formats, including TrueType, PostScript, OpenType, and SVG. It can convert fonts from one format to another, or can store fonts in its native "spline font database" format (.sfd file name extension), which has the advantage of being text-based. This format facilitates designer collaboratio...
I have had great success with FontForge
lemme check
runs under cygwin ?
It should
Or Ubuntu
Can't easily run it @Sathya?
:14170 it's a....drag
:14171 Sec, lemme see if it can generate those files
so you don't waste time trying to get a program working which won't help you anyway, LOL
> this application has failed to start because cygX11-6.dll was not found
/me bangs head on keyboard
How many fonts @Sathya?
FontForge can convert
If it's a small handful, I can do it for you. If it's more than a few, can you run an Ubuntu VM?
:14176 for the time being its just 1
:14179 zip up and email to [email protected]
:14180 on it.. thanks, again :)
Sure thing :-)
One of these days I'll send you a monster SQL query or something and say "HEEELLLLLPPPP MMMMEEEEE!!!!" :-)
:14183 anytime ;)
ok, sec, I just launched a giant nautilius desktop window I can't close or see behind, LOL
:14185 LOL
I upgraded my powerbook to the latest OS, and now NoMachine works better. No more lost emails!
but clearly other weirdness now exists, LOL
:14188 such as ?
No more Thunderbird screw ups ?
such as giant nautilus desktop windows covering the whole screen :-)
or terminal with screwy fonts
Converting font 1/2...
:14191 bwahaaha
my new Envy will arrive today. will be moving to a completely virtual Linux setup on my personal laptop
That's what I did before, then I moved that virtual machine to our new VMware server, which is why I now use NoMachine
drools in anticipation
I remotely access what used to be my laptop VM
imgur.com acting up for anyone else?
:14199 what browsers do you guys target
imgur is blocked here :P
:14202 All images or just imgur?
:14203 most image sharing /download sites
wth does that mean
@Sathya I said "yes"... Not sure, never seen that before! :-/
I think it means unicode will be broken
guess so
it's MSFT font.. so no surprise i guess
Sending zip back now, if it's not working a SuperUser question may be in order :-)
yeah, I need to figure out how get that pdf embed thing working :/
^^ didn't know you're on last.fm
:14217 I am
:14201 We target FireFox 3.5 / 3.6, IE 7 / 8, Safari 4 / 5
And probably soon Chrome latest 2 versions
:14217 Are you on last.fm?
> From around 2000 until mid-2002, Microsoft distributed a set of Web-optimized fonts, for free use. They have stopped allowing downloads
wow. this includes Tahoma.
Fonts sent back. I hope they work @Sathya!
> Your musical compatibility with sathyabhat is SUPER
Awesome :-)
:14229 :D
:14225 yup, downloading them will let you know how it goes :)
fingers crossed...
Fonts are a major PITA
yeah. sigh
We deal with them a lot because we have an online proofing system, displays fonts not installed on the user's system in the browser
:14235 how does that work ?
Ah nvmm got ya.
:14236 To answer "how does that work": Via the blood, sweat and tears of my employees and myself ;-)
:14240 :D
ok wth is a pfm file now :/
does font forge have the capability to generate pfm ? @Josh
:14243 Lemme see. afm or .**p**fm ?
p fm
LOL, sorry, just realized that beeped like crazy :-)
:14246 hehhe ;)
I did that to @balpha once and pissed him off :-)
in Chat feedback on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Sep 29 at 20:37, by The Unhandled Exception
Feature request: Don't notify me if a message containing @MyName is edited, unless @MyName was added
:14248 LOL
btw found a converter
:14252 Oh sweet
because I can't tell yet how to make one from FontForge
oh, yes I can
in save options
:14255 :-)
the pfm file is a 4kb file
now to figure out where the heck REPORTS_PATH points to :/
:14259 So did you create the pfm, or do you need me to?
:14260 Created it :-)
:14248 don't you be lying
also, I should post in Chat Feedback that having chat @-replies in the global inbox is awesome :)
:14263 Looking for the message from you, it was something like:
> @TheUnhandledException STOP IT!!!!!
to be precise, I was mocking your marquee effect with that message
IDK where it got to :-)
:14267 LOL, I thought you were saying that each edit played the alert sound :-)
Yes, there we go
How'd you find that? :-)
BYW, major props on the cross site quote oneboxes
:14273 I am a total moron. I have been overlooking the search box, lol
sometimes you have to remind yourself that search actually works pretty well
It's right there. It clearly says "search". My brain just decided it was pointless noise for some reason
I had to get used to it, too
@Sathya, FINALLY, I am about to tets that email xfer
About time, right? The client's been breathing down my neck
How do you view/configure/enable/disable your Chrome Addons?
click the wrench -> tools -> extensions
:14282 Thanks!
I got QoS working on dd-wrt finally, thanks to Super User!
:14287 Yey!
How's the new router @Jeff? I heard @Sathya got the old hotness :-)
A: dd-wrt router firmware QoS troubleshooting

Christopher GalpinThough it only shapes outgoing traffic, you may find this excellent QoS script on Alex Rice's blog useful. It's been through several authors and incarnations. Be certain to set UPLINK as well as DEV correctly. For me the default value for DEV was incorrect, use the commented $(nvram get wan_ifnam...

it's good, the only gotcha is the weird kinda-broken state of QoS in DD-WRT
fortunately, it's "just linux" so it can be fixed, but I don't know why they haven't fixed the dd-wrt QoS web UI to make it work better
:14291 That's why we were using pfsense before. QoS over here is a must
The Cisco RVS4000 handles it OK, but nothing beat pfsense
yeah it's pretty crippling if you have a lot of network traffic
:14295 And VoIP!
Clients saying they can't understand us is not good for business!
Unless we're discussing prices ;-)
I like too that I was able to accept the 4 vote answer and promote it above the 9 vote "just use tomato" answer
tomato is great, but doesn't work on MY router (atheros vs. broadcom -- fight!)
I always like accepting an underrated, better answer
especially when the higher rated answer specifically doesn't address what you asked, lol
well, it wasn't wrong per se.. it just was of the type "do something else!"
I didn't downvote it or anything. it could have been helpful, if I had a broadcom based router
Well, yeah, I guess that's what I meant. Kinda like, "How do I do x?" / "Don't! Do y instead!!"
:14305 I downvote very sparingly... unless I'm at your house
:14307 AH HA, a new meme idea :-)
Q: What is the XY problem?

What is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

/ I staill say cowsay would be a great SF \
\ meme                                    /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
one line easter eggs are best.. something that scrolls the page so much.. meh
You post a 12,000 pixel tall blinkenlights image and then complain my cowsay idea is too tall! LOL
I was thinking more like
lights [x] [o] [x]
us mortals find time to photoshop / ms paint freehand circles on everything we post to meta, I'm sure you could have cropped that giant thing! ;-)
But joking aside, I did like the blinkenlights idea
@Sathya your suggested IMAP migration script is being more trouble than it's worth =b
@Josh why can't you read my mind and understand what I mean... man?
:14322 LOL. Because your mind uses a different endianness than mine ;-)
Anyone else in here have any experience moving a TON if IMAP emails between accounts? My customer wanted this done last week :-(
Q: Transferring lots of messages between IMAP accounts

JoshI have to move many, many emails (over a thousand) from an old IMAP hosting provider to a new IMAP hosting provider. I know I can just set up the old and new accounts in Thunderbird and drag and drop, but it's very slow and keeps timing out. Is there a better, more automated way to copy all messa...

"do it yourself" seems most pragmatic
I'm about to just bite the bullet and do it in groups of 100
Why these people can't configure an email client themselves is beyond me...
LOL, one site suggests using "imapcp, the IMAP Copy Tool."
> The downsides: The single biggest downside to this, and I need to stress this for all the Googlers who are coming here searching for mbcp.py: THIS SCRIPT DOES NOT WORK!
Why even suggest it? LOL
@Josh - if they are nice/small providers, you may have luck begging the IT team! I had a client who were hosting with a very small company who were ceasing trading, and they provided the mailbox via FTP, the new place was also small and as they were using the same mail server, they imported it for him
other than that... get on with it is the best solution! possibly look in options to see if you can increase time out/limits as that shouldn't really be happening
:14336 I'm one provider, GoDaddy is the other... so begging the IT team is their solution ;-)
are they leaving or joining you?
Godaddy most likely won't budge/do anything to help - don't think they really care about their customers unless you have a VPS or dedicated server
:14340 They're leaving me, and yes, GoDaddy is of no help
I'm sure you'll ask why I'm obligated to help. It's a long story :-)
well - I hope you are charging them for this help then! Seems like you are going to a lot of effort
I'm going to just move the email in chunks, we'll see how that goes
:14343 You bet I am! :-)
ahh, no problem - I know things get complicated! feel free to explain if you want!
Working for free SUCKS
:14353 Reading now
:14353 Will read in a few minutes and provide feedback
LOVE that cartoon... saving and printing for my wall! :) very true!
:14352 Want the feedback here or on the blog?
ahh, ok, il write there
:14299 tbh I'm surprised it got 9 votes. I downvoted it. It doesn't answer the question in anyway
it's OK @Sathya I took no offense.. it was an OK, if sideways, answer
:14335 LOL

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