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This week's high-answer question has been added. Please take a look when you have time:
A: Cleaning Up Bad Answers on Popular Questions

jmacHow can I encourage a culture of punctuality in a software company? Created: Apr 12 '12 at 17:34 Score: +72 Views: 19,143 Answers: 23 Initial Score: 5 Initial Score: 43 Initial Score: 110 Initial Score: 90 Initial Score: 21 Initial Score: 19 Initial Score: 9 Initial Score: 13 Initial Score...

For reference, something like 80% of the answers there do not answer the question which is, "How can I make team members punctual?". Saying "You shouldn't make them punctual!" is not an answer. Please vote accordingly regardless of whether you think punctuality is important or not. We need to make sure that our answers address the question.
9 hours later…
trying to imagine how "new reality" feels like for lemming answerers. As usual, they click the sidebar. As usual, they drop their zero effort "meh" answers into the hot question. As usual, they expect a warm wave of similar answers and sympathy upvotes... Oops! Instead, they meet a hard cold surface. "Hello, we've got quality norms here, your post doesn't fit. No, there are no more lemmings around to help you ignore this..." What a disappointment
1 hour later…
Good morning! I am back! :D
3 hours later…
No attention. Sad jmac.
Q: Apply Similar Questions Algorithm to Potential Duplicate Answers

jmacWhen questions get popular, they often get a whole bunch of duplicate answers. See this English.se question: What is newspaper paper called? Answer A: It is often referred to as "stock", "pulp" or just plain "newsprint" at different stages of the business, anywhere from the mill to press a...

2 hours later…
@AlexM. hot questions have a fairly large impact on this site, because everyone feels like they have an opinion and people love to post them as answers
this causes a huge quality problem here
1 hour later…
I see that i left in a strange week
i'll be sure to help with some cleaning and polishing at home
I need to secure my finantial situation as soon as possible. - How much money do you need? Do you have a large family? Do you have large debts? — Jim G. 42 secs ago
Q: How can I explain to my boss that I am not able to complete a task?

yvadI always had a knack for computers. I started programming a few years back and was passionate enthusiastic at first. In time, programming became less and less interesting to me so I decided to quit. I decided that I still love computers and want to work in IT industry, so I enrolled in an Info...

I did a little rewrite on this question... if you voted to close I hope you will reconsider
Its a new user that has a problem we can help with and the core of what the OP was lookingfor is on the good subjective side
Phone the hotel and ask them? — Jan Doggen Jan 31 at 18:17
1 hour later…
@Chad the most urgent help we can offer now is to delete this crappy offensive brainless answer asap: workplace.stackexchange.com/a/18922/168 - after that, salvaging the question can go its usual way
@gnat Already on it
@Chad while we're at it, your edit at that question looks pretty good. :) I think I'll vote reopen if someone else will jump the bandwagon and add fifth CV there
@gnat We could also do that proactively, assuming someone has a vote on it left
its yoyoed where it was at 4 then down to 2 and back to 4 now
I'm happy to help re-open it
Is it wrong that I want to get some rep on The Applefanboy SE just so I can down vote everything :p
I would share mine with you but you're only going to vote me down :D
I actually have no desire to go there but I like clicking the hot questions and one happened to be an apple question... not sure how it got there there
It's likely this very much depends on local laws and regulations, maybe also on what's stated in your contract. — CMW 49 secs ago
can someone confirm that?
@CMW yeah mechanics is pretty simple, :) but I prefer to abstain of tricks like that... it somehow doesn't feel fair
@gnat I see. We'll just keep an eye on it then
They can ask you anything you want. They can not force you to answer, but may be able to force you to take a physicial to prove you are fit for duty. They also get to know more if it is a workplace injury
How can i see how many questions we have?
workplace.stackexchange.com <- stats box on the right
says 2902
Time to petition for graduation... by the time they get ready for it will be over 2k
err 3k
oh my, time to hike up on rep :)

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