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15:00 - 20:0020:00 - 21:00

Is this discussion also cancelled?
@Madscientist cancelled?
Yesterday's event was cancelled/postponed?
due to a personal event of @MarcoCeppi's
this session will continue as scheduled for 18:00UTC
as will the next session that immediately follows at 19:30UTC
Kool.Looking forward to it.
now i have to load a few other things on this new system...
but then i should be good to go
18:00UTC is about 2PM here (14:00) so if my time info is right, that's in about 2 hours
Isn't that in 40 mins?
12:21 here
Ah no it's 1hr 40 mins
The Basics of Packaging on Ubuntu export
Starts in 1 hour (in your timezone, that's 14:00 on Saturday), lasts 90 minutes.
oh that reminds me i need to give @Stefano god powers in here...
@TheEvilPhoenix no need
The Evil Phoenix has added Stefano Palazzo to the list of this room's owners.
@Stefano but i want ya to have it :P
okay then :)
(I have them anyway)
room topic changed to AskUbuntu Classroom Discussion - Packaging: Discussion channel for the Classroom Sessions regarding Packaging. Instructor: The Evil Phoenix Moderators: Stefano Pallazo.
true because of that diamond next to your name
so just to be clear everyone, the session starts in 1 hour and 36 minutes - whatever that is on your clocks
i just want to make sure the access tab lists who i want :P
@Rinzwind sure you don't want moderator? the offer's still on the table
for this class session :P
you still do not have someone? tsk
i have @Stefano i think
never hurts to have a second mod :p
now what was i doing... oh right
i was beating this system with a stick
heh did I agree to that? :D
oh good the packaging environment is all configured
Yes you did >:-D
of course BOTH of you can moderate the chat
well, I can moderate I s'pöse, don't know if I'm still breathing by the time the second session starts
and @StefanoPalazzo you're a darn mod anyways :P
well in that case if you die @Rinzwind can take over
make sure he has voice in classroom :P
finishes building the environment and begins uploading screenshots to the internet
yeah he has
write access that is :)
me? :X
*** Important Links For Class Session \*\*\*
The session on Packaging will begin in 25 minutes.
*** FILES YOU WILL NEED *** <--- Files we will use for packaging demonstrations created and owned by myself for this class session.
room topic changed to AskUbuntu Classroom Discussion - Packaging: Discussion channel for the Classroom Sessions regarding Packaging. Instructor: The Evil Phoenix. Moderators: Stefano Pallazo, Rinzwind.
room topic changed to AskUbuntu Classroom Discussion - Packaging: Discussion channel for the Classroom Sessions regarding Packaging. Instructor: The Evil Phoenix. Moderators: Stefano Pallazo, Rinzwind (backup moderator).
Hello all
@TheEvilPhoenix the Packaging files are there right?
@Amithkk i'll give you the tutorial of installation of required programs duringi the session
but for the class, i will be creating a package out of that ZIP
its just a lousy .sh script i wrote in 5 minutes :P
but it can be placed in a package xD
nope, 5 minutes
@all Please try to make your questions as concise as you can - I think this will be a very busy session ;)
5 more
Cue @MarcoCeppi
hey if a .sh works in 5 min... why waste a 6th on it?
@Rinzwind i spent 5 seconds writing the command. the other 4 minutes, 55 seconds was me writing the Terms of Use into the script :P
I bet sara will stop this session too :)
Can someone explain what is going on? has been out of the loop
nice cardboard box
@JamesGifford next classroom sessing starting in 3 min about packaging
The session will begin in 2 minutes
@TheEvilPhoenix @Rinzwind ah ok thanks. marks himself as attending
@TheEvilPhoenix reads
off we go!
please address questions to me or prepend them with QUESTION
thanks :-)
ok Stef!
Ooooohhh.... Command line. Dangerous ;)
1st command starts with rm >:D
@StefanoPalazzo QUESTION : Are we going to need to extract the ZIP?
yes amith
@Amithkk ANSWER: YES.
see >:D
don't star the headlines, guys :-)
they're irrelevant
@JamesGifford n00b ;-)
uses evil mod-powers to remove stars
@Rinzwind I know you starred them as well. ;)
ooohhh.... PGP keys. ;D
@StefanoPalazzo QUESTION : is seahorse avalable on oneric?
@StefanoPalazzo QUESTION: How to make a PGP key? Is there quick and dirty way to do that?
Annndd.... nevermind. He just answered my question. :P
he's prolly going to answer both q's now
@StefanoPalazzo i asked a different question
2 mins ago, by Amith kk
@StefanoPalazzo QUESTION : is seahorse avalable on oneric?
uhm, that's not really relevant, is it?
@Amithkk off-topic, Ubuntu+1 doesn't matter on askubuntu.
(the answer is almost certainly yes)
Im using oneric
(With Ubuntu+1 being the ubuntu development "release")
For the record: we will be building in stable environments only at this time, but you can check with apt-cache search seahorse
I know
Yeah its there :D
but im going to my natty
keep up the speed or you'll run out of time
@TheEvilPhoenix correction "the capital S will return a error"
that can't be right
hmm? what's wrong S?
I'm on classic, so I can't test it now, but I'm pretty sure the dash is case insensitive
@StefanoPalazzo alt+f2 and terminal require case sensitive :P
up to now it goes smoothly :=D
@TheEvilPhoenix never mind :-D don't watch this channel :P
@StefanoPalazzo Dash is Case-sensitive
@TheEvilPhoenix stay in your channel ;) Stef got this one
just keep up the pace
-generating key \o
still generating
Same here
its doing primegen
and it's added under 'personal keys'
all's well here
Speed up!
Im having a extra hkp://
@Amithkk I have that too, don't worry about it
Teh Internetz?!
cool :D key published \o/
James died
or he was bored
Im so gonna blog about this
@StefanoPalazzo QUESTION Can i close Seahorse?
yes you can amith :+D
you can even re-open it >:D
Cool XD
room topic changed to AskUbuntu Classroom Discussion - Packaging: Discussion channel for the Classroom Sessions regarding Packaging. Instructor: The Evil Phoenix. Moderators: Stefano Palazzo, Rinzwind (backup moderator).
btw: I think I already installed the packages
5 minutes to 30 minutes ??
sry there was a typo :O ocd'd
@StefanoPalazzo :D
finished installing :)
has everyone got the packagesa installed?
if not shout now ;)
nah im here
soap is some kind of web protocol
python developers like to put py on the ends of things
@Amithkk soap is a storage format for exchanging data in remote procedure calls
like json or xml
yeah same neurotic ppl as the KDE ones >:D
"i need to find a program in KDE"
"oh did you start looking at k*. It mostlikely starts with a k so that's the best place to start"
Kinzwind :D
Ktefano :D
i already have K in my name :D
command is running \o
othermirror "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main restricted universe multiverse"
W: /home/amith/.pbuilderrc does not exist
I: Distribution is oneiric.
I: Building the build environment
I: running debootstrap
I: Retrieving Release
I: Retrieving Release.gpg
I: Checking Release signature
I: Valid Release signature (key id 630239CC130E1A7FD81A27B140976EAF437D05B5)
I: Retrieving Packages
tum tum ti dum...
This failed for me
its midnight!
dv3500ea ran into problems?
do you need help @dv3500ea ?
It's my fault
I'm on Linux Mint :P
that's your fault indeed :P
AskMint Classroom Discussion - Packaging

Type of package: single binary, indep binary, multiple binary, library, kernel module, kernel patch?
@StefanoPalazzo that's w/o sudo I presume?
must be :)
:1313161     Maintainer name : Amith
    Email-Address	: amith@unknown
    Date				: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 00:08:43 +0530
    Package Name	 : packaging-test
    Version			: 1.0
    License			: blank
    Type of Package : Single
what's up @Amith, do you have a question?
nah i showed my output :D
question: why do amith and me have @unkown at the email adress?
and me!
Could not find packaging-test_1.0.orig.tar.gz
Either specify an alternate file to use with -f,
or add --createorig to create one.
when I press enter
that will happen
Could not find packaging-test_1.0.orig.tar.gz
Either specify an alternate file to use with -f,
or add --createorig to create one.
in Classroom, 1 min ago, by The Evil Phoenix
Oh, whoops i believe i skipped a step, one moment.
Could not find packaging-test_1.0.orig.tar.gz
Either specify an alternate file to use with -f,
or add --createorig to create one.
@StefanoPalazzo How many more minutes
there are about 45 minutes left in the first part of this session @Amithkk
45 amithk
45! im exiting in 15
part 2 will start in 45 minutes, and run on for 60 minutes
a packaging marathon :)
@Stefano this may take a tad longer than 47 more minutes :P
@StefanoPalazzo where is .bashrc?
@Amithkk in your home directory. press Ctrl+H to see hidden files
if it's not there, you can create it
check! mail works
might be worth will to consider re-scheduling part 2 :X
I did mean to bring that up :|
check! msg appears
two and a half hours is quite a long time to do packaging
yeah but he included installing packages ;-)
lets see how it goes. I have all the time in the world ;)
we also need something for preparing the classroom: packs installing can be done ugfront
me too! holiday ends mondsay >:)
we'll save that for later >:D
he modified his ls >:D
see! rm! >:D
@StefanoPalazzo QUESTION: Do we need to remove the .EX files?
he said "may" ;-)
I saw that.
I removed them :X
@JamesGifford you can also just move them somewhere else if you want to look at them later
(However, I like asking stupid questions so that other people don't have to)
that's what I'd do
@StefanoPalazzo Currently there is no top level Makefile. This may require additional tuning.
Done. Please edit the files in the debian/ subdirectory now. You should also
check that the packaging-test Makefiles install into $DESTDIR and not in / .
@JamesGifford sure >:S
@Amithkk already answered in the chatroom ;)
The question I really had was "Can we leave them there?"
@JamesGifford I guess you should remove them - don't want to leave stray files lying around generally
finished building!
@StefanoPalazzo Alrighty.
packaging-test (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release (Closes: #nnnn)  <nnnn is the bug number of your ITP>

 -- Amith <[email protected]>  Sun, 10 Jul 2011 00:22:25 +0530
QUESTION: is it possible to specify for multiple versions (like maverick and natty)
if you don't mind @Amith, it'd be helpful if you only posted relevant messages here - I have to read them all to make sure there isn't a problem :)
@dv3500ea sorry for putting "david", I can never remember that mess of letters off hand :-D
@StefanoPalazzo QUESTION can you put an '*' to include all versions
it's ok :)
@Amithkk that latest message answers this question, right?
Umm i dont think so
as in "you can't specify multiple version"
that was for specifiying more than 1
yeah it does
from which, I suppose, you can infer that you also can't specify "every" version
@Amithkk no you can not ;)
yawn Bye guys ill check the Transcription
Its 00:30
suddenly it is quiet here ;)
still no q's from me >:D
QUESTION: what are '${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}' - they don't look like package names?
variables that point to packages I guess
see man dh_makeshlibs >:D
ok that answers my question :)
I think there's a mistake in exec/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
8 minutes to go \o
lets put a five minute break before the start of the second session ;)
Depends: coffee (>= 2cups)
Depends: Coca cola :=D
^^^^^ Actually it's ok
@TheEvilPhoenix how close are you to finishing? where should we set the break-point for the transcript?
(sry for the interruption)
3 minutes? :P
the second session isnt very long :p
fantastic :-)
i can theoretically run into it and still complete it with 15 mins ::
@TheEvilPhoenix let's make a clean cut, then we'll have some time for Q&A
dpkg-source: error: syntax error in packaging-test-1.0/debian/control at line 8: line with unknown format (not field-colon-value)
@Rinzwind source code please
I didn't get that error
bah, i'll need to recreate my keys
Source: packaging-test
Section: misc
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Rinzwind <[email protected]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~)
Standards-Version: 3.9.1

Package: packaging-test
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, bash
Description: testtt
did i remove wrongly? >:D
@Rinz remove the Homepage: and line after it
I just installed the .deb I created ok :)!
seems to work now \o
oops no... problem with key signing too
Aw, so I don't get a break after all :P
Any questions @everyone?
anyone questions?
@Rinzwind what was the issue?
oh, and make sure you matched the info from your PGP key EXACTLY
otherwise it fails to sign
QUESTION: is the file debian/install specific to using the dh_make method? When I've made packages before I've written out the debian/rules file with lots of cps!
@TheEvilPhoenix i probably made an errorr there and shall find that out myself \o
cps == multiple 'cp' command
I'm burnt up :X
Well probably have a few minutes at the end of the second session
So I gather :)
hmmm offtopic q! semi that is
building a deb for LP. Is that based of the DEB made in THIS session?
a fantastic session @TheEvilPhoenix
very easy to follow, very helpful
easy to follow indeed but....... >:D
thanks @StefanoPalazzo
slaps @Rinzwind
in the beginning it went too slow I think
@Rinzwind shrugs dependencies needed to be dealt with :P
now for me to fix this damned PGP key issue
it might also be better to put up a pre-req. notice: download these packages... would save you 10/15 minutes
hey just trying to help ;)
In general it went very well ;)
ten seconds :-)
bah my PGP key is still screwy
i'll just not build today :P
here we go \o
did someone save this session?
als long as we're finishing on time, by the way, @TheEvil take all the time you need before starting the second part
or will this be 1 block?
@Rinzwind we'll use bookmarks I guess
dput... that was the fastest install if I every saw one :-X it got me wondering if it did install >:D
question: passphrase is a random text or the one used when creating the key in seahorse?
15:00 - 20:0020:00 - 21:00

last day (2 days later) »