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8:55 PM
Monica Cellio has unfrozen this room.
Hello again (she says to the empty room). :-)
We were talking about doing a one-sheet Purim publication, which is technically a smaller project but also involves formatting questions and stuff. Without intending to interfere with that at all, I was wondering if there's also any interest in a Purim book along the lines of last year's haggadah (using the same template), with a mix of regular and Purim-Torah questions?
If there is, I'm willing to do a lot of the editing (want help with Q identification), but would want somebody else to go from the collection on meta to the final Word doc. (Word and I have a hate-hate relationship, and anyway I don't have a copy on my Mac. I could edit in something else and export Word, but where templares are involved that's asking for trouble.)
9:10 PM
@MonicaCellio LibreOffice?
@HodofHod heard of it; don't have it. (I'm not very big on WYSIWIG systems, actually. I have and can use at a basic level Pages and NeoOffice (OpenOffice), but when I'm doing something for myself I reach for a markup language.)
Anyway, I think I can make my best contribution by editing content, and just as that comes naturally to me, I'm hoping that formatting comes naturally to someone else.
(Isaac did it last year, but I have no idea how much he was snarling versus shrugging by the end. :-) )
Fair enough. I have no experience to speak of with Word. My main editor is notepad++
9:28 PM
Mine's emacs.
Hi @Isaac! I was just talking about you. :-)
9:43 PM
@Monica happy to do the Word wrangling again. I was remarkably snarl-free once I got into my groove. Need someone to advise on bette Hebrew handling or help with that.
@IsaacMoses cool, thanks! You did a great job with it last year. What I couldn't tell was whether you'd ever do it again. :-) (That is, I had no sense of the ease vs. frustration involved.)
Could you remind us what the Hebrew problem was? Fonts, RtL, something else about Word, something about the Markdown source?
@Monica I don't recall precisely, but it had to do with bad things happening, probably wrt RTL, when I pasted Hebrew from the HTML-rendered site into Word.
there's probably a record in the chat logs from the time
(would look into it myself now, but on a mobile device and parenting snowed-in stir-crazy kids) ;)
10:03 PM
@IsaacMoses you've got your hands full. :-) We don't need an answer right this minute anyway.

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