@Laure I live in Saarbrooklyn, just a mile short of the French border. I am a natifve speaker of Russian and German. French is but my fourth language (Russian, German, English, French, Spanish, some Portuguese/Japanese/Marketese/YouNameItEse). So much for by way of full disclosure.
Also, I should add, I am completely wasted right now.
You might wish to ping me at a later date for a conversation that makes more sense. Or any sense, really.
That being said, I am quite surprised at the results this Hat Mess is getting me so far. Not just FLU, other sites as well, are gaining me quite some insight as we speak.
I blame the Bunny hat and the Hello-World hat in particular.
Whoever came up with these knows what he's doing.
@balpha, was that you? Mad props and all.
I'll be posting a more thorough thank-you note on the 2013 Winter-Bash roundup post. So much be promised.
And yeah, Gilles is a regular to the Incomprehensible Room these days. Secret hats must be unsecreted. Desecrated. Had.