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@OrigamiRobot It's only got three, last I checked.
@OrigamiRobot Don't worry. The Mario/Luigi one is nearing 20.
@OrigamiRobot To be honest it's about as detailed as the question it.
@StrixVaria what.
@GnomeSlice I'm not even sure what point you're making here.
@OrigamiRobot It is. He's lying when he says it's Frank.
@Fluttershy It's actually at 22. facedesk
@Wipqozn I KNEW IT
@Wipqozn adds you to the list of people to kill
@StrixVaria I don't get it.
@fbueckert Just take satisfaction in the fact you're right when almost everyone else is wrong.
@OrigamiRobot It's that the question is vague and shitty so the answer is probably going to be vague and shitty.
@Wipqozn Story of my life.
Does that make sense?
@GnomeSlice Nope.
I don't know how else to explain it. Uh...
It's like the scope of the answer is similar to the scope of the question.
A really broad question will probably get a really broad answer.
@fbueckert Do you get cats?
@StrixVaria Yes.
A: What is the highest possible profile level?

Niesel ClementineThere has been no mention of a limit from valve.

A crappy question will often get a crappy answer but that doesn't mean the answer is good.
@Wipqozn I didn't say it was good.
CC @BenBrocka @RedRiderX
@Wipqozn Crappy questions are not justification for crappy answers. Crappy questions should get no answers until it gets fixed.
@OrigamiRobot Yup. More crappy answers.
@GnomeSlice I am talking about it getting upvoted which would imply the voter thinks it's good.
Apparently people from Canada couldn't use Kickstarter before?
From surprise, surprise.
@GnomeSlice Not to start a kickstarter, no. Fundraising probably has all sorts of fun international laws
indiegogo is still better
Well I dunno. I like that IGG supports paypal
By replying, you are implying that you are offering an explanation to that.
@OrigamiRobot Which post, again?
I can't find it
I'm not going to scroll up for you.
@OrigamiRobot What about for me? Would you scroll up for me?
You should be like every good Bridge member and open every link in 5 tabs.
I'll need at least one more RAthian Mantle.
I know I need one for my Rathian bowgun, but I might wind up needing more for other equipment.
@fbueckert If you believe that your name being attached to a downvote is causing "prove him wrong" upvotes, I recommend you just stop leaving comments. Even if you think you're in the right, it's clearly having the opposite effect of what you desire.
14 mins ago, by fbueckert
New rule! No more comments! All my votes are now completely anonymous!
@fbueckert Redundancy is what happens when I try to catch up on 2 hours of chat at once!
I, for one, didn't any problem with @fbueckert comment.
Also, never ever say this:
I'm pointing out why your answer is not useful. That's the very definition of constructive. You are free to expand it if you like, and, I'd like to point out, I'm much more conversant with Arqade's mores and standards than you are. This answer does not meet those standards. — fbueckert 38 mins ago
@Sterno That's your fault. You should be here every waking hour.
"I know this place better than you do" is never going to win an argument.
He clearly explained what he thought was wrong with the question, and why he downvoted it.
@Sterno I agree with this though.
@Sterno I'm not trying to win the argument. I'm refuting his comment about what Arqade's about.
Arqade is about whatever the people with close votes say its about.
@Sterno Yes it is. You obviously don't know The Bridge as well as I do.
Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that a comment like that is specifically going to trigger "let's prove him wrong" retaliation votes
Voters be dumb, yo.
Moderators always be closing.
@Sterno Hey, I've just been trying to be nice. But if people actually vote counter to me specifically because it's me, then I got it easy.
The Bridge is for closers.
Downvote often, downvote early, and walk away.
I really want his comment gone, too, if for no other reason than his horrible misspelling of my username, deliberate or not. One of the few times I've actually flagged comments as offensive.
The first thing I do every morning is downvote a random question.
Guys, if @fbueckert finds out people are counter-voting him, he's just gonna comment on everything with "+1 great question!" Then everything will get downvoted.
@OrigamiRobot Same here.
@Fluttershy That's similiar to how I downvote anything @GnomeSlice upvotes!
That said, if the community doesn't agree with me, I'm not going to throw a hissy fit if you guys don't agree.
@Wipqozn Right! Exactly like that!
@fbueckert You should. Just make sure @Sterno isn't around to enjoy the drama.
@Wipqozn I'm giving you the finger as hard as I can.
@fbueckert So it's okay for you to flag it when people are rude to you, but not the other way around?
@Wipqozn I will schedule any tantrum I throw around @Sterno's availability.
Or lack thereof.
@GnomeSlice Did you see how he spelled his name?
@GnomeSlice Why do you keep asking questions of someone who has you on ignore?
@Sterno Is it against the rules?
That looks like someone just trying to avoid a sensor.
@GnomeSlice No, it just seems pointless.
Fluckbert, fuckbert, et cetera.
Now I don't have to hear his counter whining
@GnomeSlice What are you even talking about?
I mean, when you guys change it, it's all in fun.
Time to change your name to HappyPonies1983 or something
Who's whining?
CC @Lesspop_Morefizz
But that misspelling is rather offensive, and the overall tone of the comment is rather aggressive.
So it sounds pretty offensive to me.
@fbueckert I, for one, change it since I have no idea how to pronounce your last name.
@gnomeslice it just seems like a waste of everyone's time and energy when the person you want to gripe at isn't even paying attention t
@fbueckert Deal with it. I flag rude chat messages all the time and nothing happens.
@Wipqozn I pronounce it, "Bick-ert". For the most part, I don't really care, though.
I didn't even notice the misspelling because the way I pronounce your name in my head does not match the spelling.
@AshleyNunn On the other hand, I do enjoy griping for the sake of griping.
What @AshleyNunn said!
@AshleyNunn I can waste my energy however I like.
As long as some effort goes into pronouncing it properly.
@gnomeslice seriously this is not helping anything.
@fbueckert I thought it was "bwekert". TIL
@OrigamiRobot I'll take it.
Crazy Canucks!
@AshleyNunn It's not making anything worse.
You wouldn't be the first to pronounce it like that.
@fbueckert I knew how to say it because you apparently share a last name with people I am tangentially related to, so says my mom
@OrigamiRobot So did I
@AshleyNunn Heh.
@fbueckert Is it "bewkert" "bwekert" or "baykert"?
@gnome tbh it is annoying the shit out of me
@AshleyNunn Please feel free to ignore me, that's what everyone else does.
All I do is annoy the shit out of people right
@Fluttershy The last one is new. Heard the others before.
@GnomeSlice They do?
I wasn't told this.
@gnome not true and you know it.
@fbueckert I didn't know if it was an available option, so I tried it. =P
@Wipqozn We better do it too. Gotta keep up with the trends.
@OrigamiRobot Conformist!
2 mins ago, by fbueckert
As long as some effort goes into pronouncing it properly.
@Fluttershy But I hear it comes with a free t-shirt!
Properly being rather subjective.
@OrigamiRobot I love free T-Shirts
I am having a really romantically mushy brain day and the ONE love song I wanna like listen to over and over isn't on my iPod. I am suffering.
@GnomeSlice I'm happy to argue with you, even if you hold the same opinion I do. I'll take the contrary one just to argue! The main reason I said something though is because someone seems to like starring everything you say addressed to @fbueckert so that he sees it anyway, which is a weirdly passive-aggressive thing to do.
A friend of mine sent me a text last night. She spends a lot of time on tumblr, so she told me, "If you're bored at work, check out a podcast called Welcome to Night Vale! It's hilarious!" I went full-hipster on her in reply. >_>
(cc: @LessPop_MoreFizz)
@Sterno do stars actually work like that?
Hahaha @fluttershy I love you.
@Sterno I should write a script that enforces the ignore list for stars .
@Fluttershy Did you adjust your thick rimmed glasses first?
@murgatroid99 Yes
@OrigamiRobot And my fedora.
@AshleyNunn Can you find it in youTube?
Yeah, ignoring only hides messages in active chat.
IT doesn't even hide them in the transcript I believe
It does not.
@AshleyNunn Caught Up In You by .38 Special?
@gracenote I can but it is a) super quiet on my phone and b) stops playing if I lock my phone while I am walking.
That's unfortunate.
@origami When you say nothing at all by Alison Krauss.
@AshleyNunn Never heard of him.
@gracenote I am mostly just confused as to why I never put the song on my iPod ever at all. That is kinda weird.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, that's a pretty romantic song.
@fbueckert yes it is and I love it and want to listen to it and just be all quietly mushy but it is missing. Like I have every other song of hers I like but that one. It's odd. I suspect my iPod is secretly conspiring against me.
I think Akira is so over-rated.
@Jin This
@GraceNote Taking a look.
@AshleyNunn Kelly Clarkson is pretty good.
@fbueckert for both romantic stuff and like kick ass empowerment songs yes.
Q: Are questions about champions used in competitive play allowed

Colin DRelated to this thread: Are questions of champion viability allowed? How should we treat questions specifically related to champions usage in competitive play? To me, these types of questions seem much more localized and speculative (from my knowledge of the game) than general questions about ...

A: Are questions about champions used in competitive play allowed

StrixVariaQuestions about champion viability are clearly on topic. Patches may change the answers to them over time, but we have coped with sweeping changes to Minecraft in the past, and we can similarly cope with this. To me, questions asking about why certain champions are used in the competitive scene ...

@GraceNote How's that?
Q: On minecraft demo cant pick any block

oliviaI've already tried clicking and holding the Left side of my mouse and it just wont work!!

@StrixVaria Seems fair. Thanks~
Is anyone actually going to buy an nVidia Shield?
@fbueckert What is that, new GPU?
@fbueckert Nah. Already have a nexus 7
@fbueckert Is it a riot shield, or just a regular everyday shield?
@Retrosaur A console from nVidia.
@fbueckert Handheld
@Wipqozn Neither! That answers my question, I guess!
not console.
@fbueckert Oh. Not a big fan of Nvidies, more a big fan of AMD
They call it a console, I'm just using their terminology. Take it up with them.
I can't wait for the GameStick
@Retrosaur I choose nVidia specifically because they're the only dedicated GPU manufacturer now.
my 6yr old is having a My Little Pony themed bday party tonight.. because he told me he's a Brony...
Given all the hoohah I keep hearing in here about the console generation dying off it amazes me to hear that so many folks are trying to break in even more consoles.
@Jin I'm sorry.
@Jin my condolence
@GraceNote I have to pick up a Vita soonish.
Gust is releasing an Atelier exclusive for it.
i have no words. now I know how those dads feel when they find out their daughters are strippers.
Still backlogged in that department. Dragon's Crown ain't gonna help the situation, nor is my new 3DS.
@Jin Am I invited?
@GraceNote And with the new Tales game, my gaming time just got overrun.
@Wipqozn NO!
I approve of your voluminous rejection.
@GnomeSlice I've always been a fan of this
@Jin Does he like bacon?
@OrigamiRobot I see where you are going.
@OrigamiRobot I love the smell of downvotes in the morning
@saintwacko because I am apparently a loser, can you remind me later tonight to go on my main machine and send you books?
@AshleyNunn Heh, sure, if I remember :P
Hahaha okay. :p
Q: On minecraft demo cant pick any block

oliviaI've already tried clicking and holding the Left side of my mouse and it just wont work!!

Q: minecraft button 1 takes me to menu every time

kyleEvery time I hold button 1 to break a block it sends me to the menu screen. I can't figure it out so its impossible to play classic. I've tried re installing Java 7 but that didn't change a thing, and changing game quality didn't do anything either. I want to play minecraft but can't unless th...

But the latter was closed since he wouldn't clarify.
@AshleyNunn You should also pick up your song and put it on your iPod when you do this.
@gracenote that is a brilliant plan.
Also everyone also waiting for prescriptions here wants to make small talk it's super weird
Really? Small talk at prescription pick up? Talking is like the one thing I never see happen when it comes to handling prescriptions, be it at the pharmacy or the doctor's office.
It's super weird. I don't know why they want to talk it's strange and they are asking so many questions
Like I guess it helps pass the time but really all I wanna do is wait for my birth control in peace you know.

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