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8:08 PM
Q: Identifying era of Family Bible posted on Facebook?

WilliamKFI was contacted about a family bible for an ancestor of my wife and which has been posted on FaceBook with some photos, including these two: From the posted pictures, is there enough information to gauge how old the printing is? (E.g., is this early 20th century or late 19th century bible?) ...

@WilliamKF This is what I can tell you about the Bible.
The listed deaths are all written in what appears to be the same person's handwriting, or at the very least, people who learned cursive in the same era. There are at least three different kinds of ink. The most modern of the three entries look to be ballpoint, while the other two look to be other kinds of ink.
I understand what you're asking, but consider too that companies sometimes make replicas or 'facsimile' editions of books which are made to look like the older style. I don't know enough about printing inks to tell you if the ink is too modern for the design.
The reason we want to know the pub date of a Bible is to guess whether the entries were made at the time of the events listed in these summary pages. As Harry says, photographs and entries can be added later.
My advice would be to find someone who is experienced at dating the photographs -- they might have the experience to date the photo surround also, or could put you in touch with someone else who could.
So as I understand it, someone took pictures and shared them on Facebook. If the person who shared the Bible is the store owner, it's reasonable to ask them what the pub date and edition of the Bible is. If it's someone who just took a picture surreptitiously in the store, then you're in the same boat as any of us who have to deal with those old genealogies with no sources in them. Use the info as clues, and verify.

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