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Q: Are IQ tests reliable?

Monkey TuesdaySome of the more common types of IQ tests are: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition (SBIS-V) (Ages 2–90+)An update of the SB-IV. In addition to providing a Full Scale score, it assesses Fluid Reasoning, Knowledge, Quantitative Reasoning, Visual-Spatial Processing, and Working M...…, a recent article summarising a study on what IQ measures.
IQ tests are 100% indicative of your ability to do well in IQ tests.
@Shadur, but only when n > 30...
@Shadur X test is 100% indicative of your ability to do well in X test? What a revelation.
@user76284 That was the joke, yes.
@Shadur So what does this have to do with the question?
@user76284 The implied statement being that that's all most IQ tests reliably determine, and that they're flat out useless for anything actually relevant.
@Shadur But that's a lie, so why do you say it?
Because it's not a lie.
@Shadur It is a lie. IQ is predictive of school performance, job performance, income, crime, and mortality.
No, it really isn't.
Not really, given that i don't subscribe to the University of Columbia's article database. If you have actual, readable, scientific evidence that IQ tests aren't poorly administered, inherently biased and flat out useless, then by all means post an answer. That's what this site is for, after all.
Can you tell the difference between "IQ" and "Intelligence" ? Apparently not, because that distinction is the entire basis of this question.
@Shadur Here is an updated link for you to enjoy: Hope you don't suffer too much cognitive dissonance.
A study that says that kids who went to better math schools scored higher in IQ tests that used a lot of math. Well done. Groundbreaking revolutionary research, there.
@Shadur Can you read? The articles I gave specifically reference the standardized intelligence tests. How do you think people measure this stuff?
Badly. That's what I've been saying -- and what the answer below demonstrates -- all along.
@Shadur So IQ is predictive of mathematical achievement, like the study itself says. Glad we agree :-) That seems to contradict what you were saying earlier about IQ not being predictive of anything else. Would you like to amend your claim?
@Shadur Badly what?
@Shadur Here's another one for you: Large epidemiological studies of almost an entire population in Scotland have found that intelligence (as measured by an IQ-type test) in childhood predicts substantial differences in adult morbidity and mortality, including deaths from cancers and cardiovascular diseases. These relations remain significant after controlling for socioeconomic variables.
@Shadur Here's another one about IQ and educational achievement.
@Shadur Here's another one: An impressive body of research has revealed that individual-level IQ scores are negatively associated with criminal and delinquent involvement... Analysis of data drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health revealed statistically significant and negative associations between county-level IQ and the property crime rate, the burglary rate, the larceny rate, the motor vehicle theft rate, the violent crime rate, the robbery rate, and the aggravated assault rate.
@user76284 Negativey associated with criminal involvement, or negatively associated with getting caught?

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