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Q: Who is the Killer from the following suspect in this image?

Sayed Mohd Ali I did a lot of image search on google and found out the original source of the image is because there is a lot of debate I posted the answer myself and here are the different sources of the answer. These article with answers have an oldest posted date, the article...

This is a duplicate @Sayed already answered on another site
@DEEM does already answered on another site marked as duplicate here?
Existing puzzles lifted from another site aren't really what PSE is about... Ideally your puzzle should be an original or a request for discussion/help over puzzles found elsewhere rather than just duplicating them. If there's already a solution online where's the challenge in googling the answer?
@Stiv can you proove it is the right solution? I have asked cross question to the deep, let him justify the answer instead of googling. I added hint that will make harder for you to identify suspect.
I'm not sure why people are voting to close this as off-topic. @Stiv It's fine to use puzzles from elsewhere, with appropriate attribution - a significant proportion, and probably a majority in some tags/genres, of our questions are such.
@RandalThor Guess I just felt that since the question entirely replicates a puzzle from elsewhere without adding any additional info, discussion or a new angle there doesn't really seem a lot of point putting it up on PSE too. It's already on the web - why add it again? It just felt to me like an attempt to gain some easy rep without going to the effort of making a new puzzle. By all means link to other puzzles for help, clarification, education or putting a twist on it, but surely we don't just want PSE to become a repository for any old puzzle already on the internet?
@Stiv i have no issue with your views and even I don't care about down votes. what I need is correct and justified answer not the answer of 1 word copied form other site like DEEM did. I have added so many hint so that makes everyone suspect... If someone can figure out the whole scene from the hints then only the proper answer can be given...
If I had reputation I'd also give a -1 because I think any answer may be right here. Why not suspect 1? Or a 5th person has just get out the restaurant, or the waiter. Anybody can made up a story and that might be as right as "Suspect 4" answer. Worst answer I can think of is the answer of Gpuzzles.
@Koray you come up with good story clear all the other suspect and find the victim and I will accept your answer... this is all the part of the riddle. and yes about down votes I don't care I enjoy solving puzzle that's all :P you can give downvotes to all my questions and answer good luck
OK. The suspect 1 is her ex husband. He had a face surgery and changed his look and identity. She comes to this restaurant and use the toilet every day and he knows that. He made a plan to kill her and one day he managed it. How about that?
Well what I'm trying to say is, I don't have an answer; because anything you made up can be an answer for this question.
@Koray do you know what riddle means? there is clues and hint in the riddle to solve the question and riddle you need to use them. it is not story... and most of the downvotes are because of this is old riddle not because it is bad riddle...
@Sayed Mohd Ali, I thought about your words. Yes you are right. Its a riddle, alright. I just didn't like it, and didn't mean to offend you.
This was put on hold because it's clearly taken from elsewhere and not properly attributed. I see there are some reopen votes, so let me clarify: a link to the front page of what looks like a giant clickbait site, which may or may not have a copy of this puzzle somewhere on it, does not count as proper attribution. (The link in DEEM's answer would count as proper attribution, if Gpuzzles is where this originally comes from, which I think it is.)
The first of those is an improvement on what's in the question (though I wouldn't want to bet that it won't change in the future). The second is better because it's fairly clearly a link to one specific puzzle rather than a list that might change. I suspect (without actual evidence, I admit) that probably stole it from Gpuzzles, but adjudicating that isn't our affair. If you replace the link in the puzzle with the second one then your chances of getting the question reopened will be better.
Though if reopened it might well get closed again as "too broad"; I agree with all the other people who've said that the puzzle doesn't in fact have enough information in it to make there be a single correct answer. (The Gpuzzles answer is surely the creator's intended one, but it's a terrible answer.) Fundamentally, I'm afraid this is just a bad puzzle.
@GarethMcCaughan check the upvotes of the 1st answer here and also second answer...…
What am I supposed to learn from checking them out?
@GarethMcCaughan I think after adding lateral thinking tag the question should be reopened...
This is not how the lateral-thinking tag is supposed to be used. It isn't a "get out of jail free card" for close reasons. In fact the expanded wiki of lateral-thinking contains a paragraph specifically designed to combat this mindset "When writing a lateral thinking puzzle (this goes for all puzzles on the site, but especially for this genre), one must take care to compose it in such a way that there is a unique correct answer, otherwise the question is likely to be closed as 'too broad'."
@Adam yes, there is the unique correct answer and I have already mentioned and accepted the answer... It is also having the most upvotes on quora and StackOverflow. and who are you to response it is for Gareth
@SayedMohdAli that is not true. "unique correct answer" is without bias. There are provably many valid answers for this problem
@Adam, in that case, this problem clearly is also having many valid answers,…
@SayedMohdAli of course it is. However it is kept on the site because it escaped the open-ended purge. This site used to accept these types of questions however a recent consensus was reached that these questions are not puzzles. It is by the sites experience from these old puzzles that this was decided. The course of action which was taken in response to the consensus was to leave all old open-ended questions alone (especially Fortnightly challenge questions) purely for historic purposes
@Adam there is no open-ended tag on the question I have given a link. and both the question is having a proper answer. you are comparing this question with something else...
@SayedMohdAli you're nitpicking because an old question wasn't correctly tagged. By today's standards it would 100% be open-ended because literally open-ended=too-broad
okay adam I will give you another example of today question here it is ...…
Since this is getting tiresome I am going to say this and leave. It doesn't matter how many "loopholes" you think you may have discovered, the community decides what is too-broad and what isn't. Meta is used to steer the community in the right direction. It is the community's interpretation of the pre-established rules that drives this site. If you don't think it has been formally made clear what the community's stance on this issue is then make a meta post or request clarification on meta. Just because it might not be 100% written word doesn't mean that the 97% cannot be extrapolated upon
@Adam what you are fighting is nonsense because the question isn't closed for the reason too broad, it is closed because the puzzle is found from somewhere else, I already mentioned the link. so please vote for reopen... "This looks like a puzzle you found elsewhere. For content you did not create yourself, proper attribution is required. If you have permission to repost this, please edit to include (at minimum) where it came from, then vote to reopen. Posts which use someone else's content without attribution are generally deleted." – Deusovi
to quote @GarethMcCaughan "Though if reopened it might well get closed again as "too broad"; I agree with all the other people who've said that the puzzle doesn't in fact have enough information in it to make there be a single correct answer". We like to backlog close reasons so that close-able questions are put on hold asap
@Adam we will see will you vote for reopen because I added the link?
@SayedMohdAli this conversation is no longer productive. This is discursive which is better suited for chat or our other chatroom which we opened

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