@Lobo I want to clear something up about my own attitude. When I watched each installment of the "Prequel Trilogy," I -- like you -- was NOT wildly impressed by what we saw of how the Old Republic Jedi appeared to have been handling things in that era, shortly before Palpatine proclaimed himself Emperor and had most of the Jedi purged. Some criticisms of the Jedi of that era have been ably expressed in some Star Wars novels by Karen Traviss.
She gives us detailed looks at the viewpoints of some of those sincere young clone troopers who suddenly got told to go fight to the death to crush the "evil" Separatists, and were willing to do it, JUST because the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Knights said this was a "good" thing to do. Later, they were told to execute the Jedi (some did and some didn't), but Traviss helped us see why many were willing to follow that order.
In my original comment on your post, all I was trying to get you to do was to define your terms by giving us a heck of a lot more detail on just what you meant by "brainwash" in this concept, as opposed to the "indoctrination of young people in certain values" which tends to go in any family or culture that has ever existed (real-world or fictional).
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Sep '197
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