Lightsail 2 certainly took quite a nosedive! And it didn't even circularize first. From planetary.org/mission-control
I wonder - did they use the sail as a giant aerobrake to bring it down quickly? At what point was there a crossover from primarily "photobraking" to primarily aerobraking forces?
What got me thinking about LightSail 2 was Gizmodo's Watch Live as NASA Launches Solar Sail to Test Sunlight-Propelled Space Travel The mission will ride on board Rocket Lab's Electron, reusing one of the rocket's boosters for the first time.
3 hours later…
4 hours later…
@uhoh apparently this guy is claiming to have already reached 1G / TRW > 1 interestingengineering.com/innovation/…
5 hours later…
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