@uhoh the drive on Barry isn't an EmDrive, is it? It's a Quantum Inertia drive. Unless they've just renamed the same stupid thing
I agree that it doesn't sound like a terrifically scientific test. I'm presently too stupid to convert the TLEs you linked to into any kind of orbital parameters but my guess is it's pretty low
I seem to recall having misgivings generally with Universe Today for something or other but they've at least got a lengthy thing on the claims universetoday.com/160516/…
2 hours later…
@ErinAnne it's the same asymmetric microwave resonant cavity thingamabob, they just continue to refine and polish the name.
ehhhhhhhh. I think I disagree. They're both wrong, but Sonny White and McCulloch are wrong in different ways I think. I'd rather not heap everything at the door of Eagleworks / feet of White respectively, in part because I don't think he deserves the extra attention. Here's a debunking paper that talks about McCulloch's wrongness arxiv.org/pdf/1908.01589.pdf
16 hours later…
per youtu.be/dXEHWGi1WwM the next launch availability after Saturday is the 28th because of agreements about not closing the road around the Thanksgiving holiday
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