@XKCD That is quite clever. As a colour blind person, however, I find this a painful reminder of my disability. Mockery even. :) Conversely I solve this by not picking up snakes to read their colour banding. Nor resistors, but for different reasons.
yeah, but it's interesting. green is plants, i have lots of strong associations with it, it's relaxing and refreshing. red jumps out, and also has its associations, blood for instance. if the two colors seemed the same to me, that would change a lot of stuff
I see differences, just not as many as you would I think. I.e. I see many reds and greens. But some look the same. How many? Dunno. I am not too bad. My friends dad cannot see raspberries or roses as petals/fruit are the same colour as the leaves. I do see the difference.
Picking tomatoes from a bush is a mistake to assign to me, since I end up with many green ones, I am told.
NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren took this photograph on Nov. 11, 2015 from the International Space Station. Lindgren wrote, "The delicate fingerprints of water imprinted on the sand. The #StoryOfWater."
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