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6:47 PM
@Qmechanic Very kind and correct moderator, bye. When will I still have to suffer free offenses from other fellow moderators who should set an example of fairness and integrity? I do not give up because I am in truth and out of kindness.
Q: Advice for block my account for bad questions (in the opinion of some users)

Sebastiano''Not only will we have to repent for the sins of bad people; but we also will have to repent for the appalling silence of good people.'' MARTIN LUTHER KING “Alla base di ogni scrittura c’è un paziente, scrupoloso, estenuante lavoro di rifinitura, di correzione, di messa a fuoco, di puntualizzaz...

1. Implying that people who downvote you or say that they don't understand you are "evil" or "shameful" is inappropriate and rude, much more rude than you seem to think downvotes are. Stop that. 2. Machine translation is far from perfect, even if it has come a long way. We do not expect all users to speak perfect English, but we do expect them to speak comprehensible English. Pasting the output of translators is unlikely to meet that goal in all cases.
If we only get to read a machine's translation of what you actually said, don't be surprised if we don't understand what you actually said! ACuriousMind♦
Flags raised by Sebastiano
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-6 Advice for block my account for bad questions (in the opinion of some users) [on hold] asked 22 hours ago by Sebastiano
Every time I write there's always a downvote for me. Culture is universal. – Sebastiano 21 hours ago declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their
7:36 PM
Hi @Sebastiano, If I should give some advice, it would be the following:
1. Phys.SE is not a social site. 2. Try to search before asking questions on meta. 3. Concentrate on physics. 4. Also since you are close to a question ban, be very very careful with your next questions. Make sure the questions are good, and guaranteed to be well-received, in good English, do not use unfamiliar notations (such as, e.g. $\overleftrightarrow F$) or archaic notions (such as imaginary time in special relativity). 5. If in doubt how the question will be received, don't post, wait: there is in practice no se

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