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Ukrainian programmer wrote that he has just returned to his location in Animal Crossing for the first time since February 23.
On the left, WWI, on the right, the ongoing battle of Bakhmut
The Battle of Bakhmut is a series of military engagements near the city of Bakhmut between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the battle for Donbas in 2022. == Prelude == During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, a key Russian goal was to capture the Donbas region, consisting of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. Following the battles of Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk in early July, Russia and separatist forces captured all of Luhansk oblast, and the battlefield shifted towards the cities of Sloviansk, Bakhmut, and Soledar. Prior to the battle in Bakhmut...
> Why can’t you breed an eel with an eagle?
Because that would be eeleagle.
Volunteers bought an SUV for evacuation of civilians from frontal areas, and it lasted 10 days before it was shelled. Luckily, all survived, including an old lady they were evacuating twitter.com/ItsBorys/status/1596628959743315968
2 hours later…
> We show that the major RNA innovation of soft-bodied cephalopods is an expansion of the microRNA (miRNA) gene repertoire. The only comparable miRNA expansions happened, notably, in vertebrates. Thus, we propose that miRNAs are intimately linked to the evolution of complex animal brains.
Grigory Zolotarev, author, describes the research on Twitter: twitter.com/zolotarg/status/1596595138456952833
Word of the day: kanunname (derived from "canon law")
> In the fifteenth-century Ottoman Empire, Tursun Bey wrote that the sultan could make positive law on his own initiative, independently of the sharia. This body of secular law became known as the kanunname (derived from the term “canon law” used in Europe), and was used in areas where traditional Islamic jurisprudence failed to establish adequate rules, such as public and administrative law.
2 hours later…
Woman's mugshot after she was arrested for stealing an automobile, in 1919.
@CowperKettle It's in CSTO.
In 1919 you could be lynched for that.
> Frederick Stephen Goddard of Harcourt Road was a scripture reader at St. Philip's Church where he died suddenly in February 1913. He was 27.
After his death, he had some quiet time in Club 27, but then there arrived Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin, and now he cannot read his Scripture in quiet for all the noise they are making.
In some Christian denominations, a reader or lector is the person responsible for reading aloud excerpts of scripture at a liturgy. In early Christian times the reader was of particular value due to the rarity of literacy. == Catholic Church == In the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church, the term lector or reader" means someone who in a particular liturgy is assigned to read a Biblical text other than the Gospel (reading the Gospel at Mass is reserved specifically to the deacon or, in his absence, to the priest). But it also has the more specific meaning of a person who has been "instituted" as...
Ludvig Munthe (11 March 1841 – 30 March 1896) was a Norwegian-born, German landscape painter. == Biography == Ludvig Munthe was born at Årøy, near Sogndal in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. He came to Bergen in 1858 where he was first instructed by Franz Wilhelm Schiertz, a German painter and architect residing in Norway. Munthe later moved to Düsseldorf where he became a pupil of Albert Flamm at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. He subsequently selected Düsseldorf for his permanent residence.Munthe is associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting. A thoroughly realistic treatment characterizes his...
Beautiful paintings
Word of the noon: sloe
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
Wordle 526 3/6

> Few Januaries have been preceded by such a week as Christmas, 1891.
Daily Quordle 307
Daily Octordle #307
Score: 75
#Worldle #310 1/6 (100%)
🌎 Nov 27, 2022 🌍
🔥 88 | Avg. Guesses: 5.5
⬜🟨🟥🟩 = 4

Wordle 526 6/6

Thought I was a goner.
> Lady's ticket Two Guineas. Lady and Gentleman's, ditto, three guineas.
Daily Quordle 307
@CowperKettle A ticket for women is two guineas, for a man and a woman is three guineas. "Ditto" there means "likewise." A guinea was a coin worth a pound and a shilling.
A single ticket of 3 guineas will cover both man and the woman, so only 1.5 for each?
That's discrimination of single women
> Disdainful indication that something is obvious.
It's hot in the desert. - Well, duh!
Punch was a humor magazine (maybe still is?) ...
Everything in there is meant to be satiric, and bitingly so.
Wordle 526 5/6

Me too LOL
@CowperKettle Note that a guinea was an enormous sum in that period, when a workingman earned maybe £50 a year?
#Worldle #310 1/6 (100%)
Starting from 1 December, it will be much less possible to publish something related to the Special Operation in the Russian media. A new law comes into force that makes discussion of a lot of things prohibited.
I think editors will just be very careful, to avoid the banning of their media.
It will be prohibitied to prognosticate on the possible future developments, to mention the names and numbers of military detachments, to discuss the conditions of mobilization etc.
A guy was recently fined 30 thousand rubles for saying the word "frontline" on a radio.
Because since it's not a war, there is no frontline, but a "line of contact".
Daily Octordle #307
Score: 57
@CowperKettle Cf. "Newspeak" ...
1984, buddy, you're living it.
And you can be damn sure Big Brother is watching you.
@CowperKettle Is Moscow Times headquarters in Russia?
> accelerate perissodactylate phenylate salicylate stipulate
stridulate schedulate cucullate testiculate matriculate
pediculate apostolate disconsolate decollate distillate
acceptilate scintillate ventilate cantillate titillate
tressilate fibrillate pupillate oppilate horripilate depilate
annihilate invigilate sigillate strigilate siffilate fendillate
oscillate vacillate pixelate scutellate constellate castellate
tessellate correlate parellate cupellate appellate stipellate
flagellate morcellate ocellate roccellate cribellate labellate
@tchrist mocha llate
Adjective: scutellate (comparative more scutellate, superlative most scutellate)
  1. (botany) saucer-shaped
  2. (zoology) Having the tarsi covered with broad transverse scales, or scutella, as in certain birds.
  3. scutellāte
  4. vocative masculine singular of scutellātus
@Vikas Hm.. I dunno
I'm so tired at all times with this venlafaxine. I think I'll up the doze to the max, to make sure it does not start acting. And then I'll slowly discontinue it.
I'm tired the same with escitalopram, but it makes for a better mood. Or at least thus I recall.
@Mitch Munches llingües tienen arguyu de los sos pergaminos antiguos, de la lliteratura escrita hai cientos d’años y d’escritores enforma famosos, güei banderes d’eses llingües. Pero hai otres que nun pueden tener arguyu de nada d’eso, como ye’l casu de la llingua mirandesa.
@CowperKettle They use phrases like "brutal attacks/invasion". If they were in Russia they would have been banned already.
@CowperKettle Oh... tosspot words are not common (as @Robusto noted), but they do exist. I was just remarking on their existence and form. There are lots of other ways of forming new words (beyond affixes) and ways that are a lot more common. 'blackboard' 'woodwork' 'windshield'. It's not like German though... we'd say 'vacuum cleaner bag' as three distinct words but German would moosh those all together to get Staubsaugerbeutel. I'm sure there's a page probably on wikipedia that describes it all.
@tchrist guau!
@tchrist Nice, I only miss güei.
wait...how do you get the upside down '!'?
@jlliagre Yeah, once you see it it makes sense but not so much before that. In Mexico, güey is common slang either for tío, tipo, hombre or despectively tonto, cabrón. I don't know where they get that one from, though.
@jlliagre The one that puzzles me is how the Mirandeses turned proof, prove, probe, test into pride here: Muitas lhénguas ténen proua de ls sous pergaminos antigos, de la lhiteratura screbida hai cientos d'anhos i de scritores hai muito afamados, hoije bandeiras dessas lhénguas. Mas outras hai que nun puoden tener proua de nada desso, cumo ye l causo de la lhéngua miradesa.
@Mitch In my Nokia C1-01 phone, there was a character to type upside down '!'.
A proba isn't pride anywhere else I've ever seen.
Beaucoup de langues sont fières de leurs antiques parchemins, de la littérature écrite il y a des centaines d'années et de leurs écrivains célèbres, qui portent haut le drapeau de ces langues. Mais d'autres ne peuvent s'enorgueillir de tout cela, comme la langue mirandaise.
Muchos idiomas se enorgullecen de sus antiguos pergaminos, de la literatura escrita hace cientos de años y de escritores celebérrimos, hoy banderas de estos idiomas. Pero hay otros que no pueden enorgullecerse de nada de esto, como es el caso del idioma mirandés.
In a literary context, you can of course also use mas hay otros instead of pero hay otros in Spanish.
Doing ago in Romance always works out differently than in English.
@jlliagre Does car in French ever sound more "formal" or "literary" when it's used like parce que gets used in spoken French?
Muitas línguas têm orgulho dos seus pergaminhos antigos, da literatura escrita há centenas de anos e de escritores muito famosos, hoje bandeiras dessas línguas. Mas há outras que não podem ter orgulho de nada disso, como é o caso da língua mirandesa.
Muitas llinguas tien arguyu de los sous pergaminos antiguos, de la lliteratura escrita van cientos d’annos y d’escritores bien famosos; guei bandeiras d’eisas llinguas. Peru hai outras que nun pueden tener arguyu de nada d’eisu, cumu ye’l casu de la llingua mirandesa.
That's Leonese using van for the ago construct there.
@Vikas ¡lo tengo!
on my mac laptop it was Option-1
Molts idiomes s’enorgulleixen dels antics pergamins, de la literatura escrita fa centenars d’anys i d’escriptors celebèrrims, avui banderes d’aquests idiomes. Però n’hi ha d’altres que no es poden enorgullir de res d’això, com és el cas de l’idioma mirandès.
You know how I found that?
@Mitch It was a bit different. Like subscripted i
1) I googled for it
2) followed instructions
3) Totally weird stuff happened, none of them following what the instructions said would happen
4) I tried something random
5) WTS that worked!
But the problem is, now I have to remember that.
@tchrist Wait...what is 'mirandesa' in all these?
@Mitch Mirandese.
Molte lingue sono orgogliose delle loro antiche pergamene, della letteratura scritta centinaia di anni fa e degli scrittori più famosi, oggi bandiere di queste lingue. Ma ci sono altre che non possono essere orgogliose di tutto ciò, come nel caso della lingua Mirandés.
@Mitch Many languages are proud of their ancient scrolls, of the literature written hundreds of years ago and of famous writers, today flags of those languages. But others can’t be proud of that, as is the case of the Mirandese language.
I would say ancient manuscripts, but ok.
Most of our Old English stuff was found in codices not scrolls.
That word can just be "parchment" in the general sense, though. I think scrolls might always be made of parchment. Not sure.
@tchrist OK (I couldn't tell if it meant something like 'wonderful' or was a proper noun. Ao what then is Mirandese? Where is it spoken?
Na Terra da Miranda.
The Mirandese language (Mirandese: mirandés or lhéngua mirandesa; Portuguese: mirandês or língua mirandesa) is an Astur-Leonese language or language variety that is sparsely spoken in a small area of northeastern Portugal in Terra de Miranda (made up of the municipalities of Miranda do Douro, Mogadouro and Vimioso). The Assembly of the Republic granted it official recognition alongside Portuguese for local matters on 17 September 1998 with the law 7/99 of 29 January 1999. In 2001, Mirandese was officially recognised by the European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages, which aims to promote the survival...
@Mitch It's actually from the branch that holds Castilian and Leonese and Asturian, not the branch that holds Portuguese and Galician. But the contact with Portuguese has infused its lexis.
@Mitch Doesn't white mean death?
All these national languages make it look like everything is so cut and dry, you're either this language or this other totally distinct and mutually unintelligible one. But before ... well... public literacy became popular (~200 y ago), it was all language continua all the time. and pidgins.
At some level, it still is.
@tchrist possibly but I don't think that is the intention at all. IT is more someting like 'saying nothing but you know what I mean'
@tchrist National governments tend to move things away from continua.
@Mitch The idea of a "standard" language, let alone a "national" one, is something of a political "power" construct.
@tchrist Car is not completely synonymous with parce que. There are some use cases where it wouldn't work, at least at the beginning of a sentence. It is also more formal in Canadian French than in French French but still rarely used orally here. In addition, there is also Puisque.
@jlliagre I didn't mean to imply that I thought it was.
Ah, puisque. Yes, sounds fancy.
Like France has all these crazy different historical subcultures (Basque, Bretagne, Provençal, Alsace (etc etc) but hardly anyone learns those as first languages, or barely has an an accent.
@Mitch Have to distinguish L1 from L2 there, and that's not always so clear cut as one might imagine.
I don't think there are many "at home / native" speakers of languages like Breton or Occitan who don't speak French, nor of Catalan or Galician who don't speak Castilian Spanish. There are only something like 6,000 monoglot Basque speakers.
Meaning, those who speak nothing else.
Probably very old people without Internet access?
What is it about our times that portrays all differences as some eternal struggle of Good versus Evil? Has it always been this way, or is today more extreme?
A: Reason for removal of a comment?

jsw29This is yet another manifestation of the ongoing tension about the role of commenting on this site, which in turn stems from the difference between what one might call prescriptivists and descriptivists about the site's norms. The prescriptivists say 'Comments are meant to be ephemeral, so there ...

"prescriptivist" = Evil
"descriptivist" = Good
So exhausting to think about. Best not.
@tchrist I think we're just seeing more of everything people actually think.
Sauron. It's always about Sauron.
oh...also...more people who aren't thinking deeply have access to disseminating their thoughts. Which formerly they were unable.
Why is Chaotic Good better than Lawful Evil?
Need more buy in.
I have to create a username. The options are: vk.drawings and vk.drawing
Does use of S changes the meaning or perception?
how about vkd?
(VK is my name initials)
@Mitch Then my friends will have no clue what is it.
@Vikas are you making more than one drawing?
Is it about drawings or about drawing things?
@tchrist that's exactly what a prescriptivist would say
@M.A.R. You Manichean, you!
@M.A.R. Dirty descriptivist
VKD sounds like an opioid
@M.A.R. A really good one?
Vicky Dee married Mickey Dee and they lived hamburger ever after.
Like imagine doctors rushing in hospitals to and fro about "VKD overdose"
Something about the letter combination is sorta ominous
I only just learned that Narcan comes as a nasal spray mostly.
It could be a dangerous respiratory pathogen
This is example of Adobe. If they would write AdobeDrawings, this would change meaning?
@Mitch Yes and share them online.
But I'm not a company or brand.
@Vikas Yeah, sure, very slight semantic difference, may imply how one would backfill a sentence for it.
@Vikas so you're overthinking it, I think
@tchrist I'm quite not sure. All I would do is draw sketches and post online weekly for example. It would be drawing things?
The plural, for an online artist, gives you this sense of frequency.
@M.A.R. 😂
Like VKDrawings, if I open a social media page with that title, I'm expecting to be able to scroll through several pages of drawings
@M.A.R. Someone might read it as wicked
How so?
@M.A.R. Several pages? Or several posts (drawings)?
@Mitch non-native speakers of English tend to look for the path of least resistance in pronouncing an abbreviation
Whether the path makes any sense is secondary
@M.A.R. You mean VK is creating content more often?
@Mitch Suppose I have a friend who likes to troll me, I'm sure one day he might read it as wicked
@Vikas Drawings is an artist that posts a lot, and frequently. Like every other day.
@Vikas "wicked" is "cool" in some slang
@M.A.R. OK. And if I use singular?
I think that if I write VKDrawing it would be more about my name or a brand name rather than what I am posting (drawings will still be main content) and how frequently I am posting.
@Vikas I prefer plural. Singular implies, but not necessarily, that VK is being drawn
@M.A.R. And Adobe is being drawn in AdobeDrawing? I think I got your point.
What is this?
The singular proximal deictic determiner.
I understand only "the" in above sentence 😂
Better? :)
Yes. Two words now. I think I read word determiner in English grammar.
@tchrist If it would be about drawing things, you would use singular right?
This is the singular proximal deictic determiner.
These is the plural proximal deictic determiner.
That is the singular distal deictic determiner.
Those is the plural distal deictic determiner.
Is it a reply to me?
But :%d is just something that happens when you're typing in your text editor.
Something like this was used in C language IIRC
It was pain.
No, it's an editor command in vi or vim or ex etc.
It's just a way to enter text into a file.
It doesn't matter what that text is.
I used to use vi editor in Ubuntu terminal to edit some code files quickly.
Now I forgot all.
It was quicker to edit using this method on server terminal directly instead of downloading particular file, edit in editor and upload again.
> I got copies of two provincial newspapers. It was the Bicester times and the Worcester times.
@Vikas It takes longer to edit using anything else.
@M.A.R. Also V/W switching
@Vikas Got it. Literally.
@Mitch Hmmm
@Mitch 👍🏽
I'm old school.
1dG too
I think it's that I got so excited when they finally added % as an alias for 1,$ that I latched onto it. I think it was when Bill Joy was working on ex / vi in the late 70s. But I didn't get there till the early 80s, and for whatever reason they had us using ed, which wasn't so smart.
So when I found out I could use ex which had % instead of ed which did not even when I was on a dialup 110 baud modem or over a line-printer connection without screen support, I was overjoyed.
I worked with ed on V7 for a couple of years, too long for my fingers to get used to % when ex/vi came up.
That would certainly do it.
@tchrist oh no, I thought I was rid of proximal/distal after the anatomy course
@Mitch w/v concentrations are a nightmare for a German chemist
@M.A.R. Also Indian
@Vikas the English letter 'w' is often pronounced as a voiced bilabial or labiodental fricative ('v') by Indians when speaking English.
1 hour later…
@CowperKettle That's called Chaude-pisse in French.
> From Old French chaut, chalt, from Latin caldus, from calidus (“warm, hot”).
In a large multi-storey building in Russia, someone named his WiFi router "Long Live Ukraine", and the police was called to investigate. I wonder whether there's a quick way to find out the location of a router
@CowperKettle You can triangulate the signal pretty easily.
I've done it before and it took about 10 minutes, although that was not in a large building.
I thought so. It's quite risky then.
Yep. A router broadcasts beacon frames which contain the ESSID (name of the router) approximately 100 times per second. You can turn it off at any time though, in which case anyone trying to triangulate it would be out of luck.
Back in 2014 or 2015, a large Russian civilian airliner was flying over Ukraine or close to it, and a crew member said "Long live Ukraine" over the radio to a Ukrainian air traffic controller. The pilot was dismissed, and further, it turned out that he had never received a proper pilot diploma. He had been an avid fan of flying and only flew small planes at a specialized club.
He had self-taught himself and managed to fly a large plane perfectly, but made this one mistake.
> Taras Shelest, 44, is from the town of Yakhroma in western Russia's Moscow Oblast region and has worked as a pilot on around 800 passenger flights, despite receiving no official training.
> An investigation by Russian authorities in 2015 uncovered that Shelest had never attended the St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation as his license stated, he had fabricated the 290 hours of flying experience and bought his diploma.
Maybe with modern PC air simulators it's indeed possible, at least to some extent.
I once met a translator who was a fan of airplanes. He knew all sorts of terminology in English related to flying and to aircraft.
I imagine autopilot makes a lot of flying easy if you can memorize what buttons do what.
Perhaps being good enough to fly the plane is not too difficult, if you have practised in simulators and know what all the buttons do, with the automatic pilot doing most of the work; but perhaps the risk of an accident is 1000% higher, which you'll only find out when it happens.

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