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3:49 PM
in The h Bar, 20 hours ago, by Mathphile
this makes me wonder if there is some relation between length contraction in relativity and wavelength reduction when we speed up sound
@Mathphile hi saw your msg on Physics chat. have drawn a similar analogy myself in the past. there is some analogy of light travel vs sound travel in a gas. have found relativistic like formulas in thermodynamics. few have remarked on this analogy. think its more important than widely realized.
@vzn well i would love to read about any work done on this
though i do not know much about relativity to comment much
@Mathphile looking for refs myself. my suggestion is to start with "sound travel in a gas" and then look at the formulas. its a complicated topic that requires deep/ dedicated study. can pass on some other refs over time.
@vzn great :)
3:57 PM
it involves building new bridges between interdisciplinary fields, ie genuinely new science, a task which very few are up to...
@vzn i think i may not be up to it myself with my limited knowledge or relativity
@Mathphile whether someone is up to it is not exactly predictable, but its coming... its on the horizon... its a wave approaching... are you a math undergraduate student? "beginners mind" can be an asset :) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoshin
@vzn actually i am about to start my undergrad in CS in about a month
@Mathphile cool. anyway youve asked a unintentionally deep question, do encourage you to pursue it to the end, can assist in that endeavor, however it is not to be taken lightly... have spent years investigating it... up to you...
@vzn okay
4:03 PM
ofc you realize that relativity is a very deep/ complex topic, and looking at its deeper connections even more ambitious, but do believe it is within reach of anyone seriously dedicated... for me it is also rewarding...
i just wish there was someone i knew who is an expert in relativity and has a broad overall knowledge in physics
@Mathphile Physics has several relativity experts but theyre all trained in the edifice which can sometimes approach dogma.
@vzn i find many of them very unapproachable
@Mathphile (lol!) the regulars all have a prickly side but if they answer you at all, you have some attn, its better than nothing.
@vzn i suppose so
4:08 PM
@Mathphile so new regulars are a bit rare, but do encourage you to stick with it, think you will find it engaging... welcome to the chat... :)
seems you are a CS student too?
@Mathphile had some Computer Science classes in college, my degree is software engr, which is mostly engr with some upper level software focus...
@vzn thank you :)
@vzn nice
@Mathphile yw, SE can be a rather unfriendly place in many cases, try to counteract that myself as much as possible...
@vzn that's nice
4:11 PM
yes, SEs official chat motto is be nice but regulars routinely violate it...
btw @vzn if you like number theory or conjectures 'the simpllifire's room' chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/82585/thesimplifires-chatroom is a good place for discussion.
most of the users there are quite friendly and open to new ideas
@Mathphile cool thx for tip yes am a big fan of have been banging on collatz conjecture a long time. theres another number theory room that have chatted in over the yrs.
@vzn nice
over the few months i have made a few conjectures myself if you like to check them out
@Mathphile ok am scanning the room history/ transcript now
@vzn you can find them on my profile math.stackexchange.com/users/662622/mathphile
4:21 PM
@Mathphile ok. are you in US? do you know where youre going to college?
@vzn currently live in India
@Mathphile are you planning on college in india?
i'll be studying at University of Texas, USA
@Mathphile cool, austin? here is a semi famous person from there, writes great blogs, expert in quantum computing etc en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Aaronson
@vzn unfortunately no
i'll be going to arlington for better scholarships
4:32 PM
huh ok.

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