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1:20 AM
@Jarek feel youre overthinking this. you have a physics phd right? its useful but also interferes with "beginners mind". have you done any cellular automata research? heard of wolfram? how about conways life? there is a concept called "gliders". particles are likely 3d "gliders" and suspect different "sizes" are persistent/ possible. its more a matter of experimenting with simple 3d CA rules which will locally look somewhat like E/M or wave propagation eqns.
@Ilya_Gazman hi whats new
Periodically I been attacked by the need to play with numbers. Now it's one of those times
@vzn What interesting have you been doing lately?
@Ilya_Gazman number theory, physics, etc. vzn1.wordpress.com
Google page ranks. Nice
12 hours later…
1:07 PM
@vzn, from the other side, beginners often underestimate difficulty ...
I'm read original Shor's article ( arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/9508027.pdf ) and see lots of agreement with my view, e.g. page 8:
"This is a reflection of the fact that, despite the macroscopic arrow of
time, the laws of physics appear to be completely reversible"
3 hours later…
4:22 PM
However, to "uncompute" the auxiliary qubits, he starts with " duplicate the input bits ", what seems forbidden by no-cloning thm, there is no gate which takes one qubit and produces its two copies ... ?

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