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8:06 PM
A: titles without enumerate

Alan MunnImplementing Sean's suggestion. The following document uses the titlesec package to format the \paragraph command so that \documentclass{article} \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage{chngcntr} % for easy manipulation of counters \usepackage{kantlipsum} % for dummy text \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} ...

Thank you, I get an error when I use \usepackage{titlesec}, but I'm sure that's just an issue with my latex installtion.
@SoCal93 The titlesec package should be part of any installation, I think. Are you using TeX Live or MikTeX?
I'm using MikeTex. 'titlesec.sty' is missing, I tried installing it, but I get "undefined control sequence".
"undefined control sequence" is not the error you get when a package is missing. Are you trying to compile my sample document?
Your code compiles perfectly, but when I include it in my file, I get all kinds of errors.
8:06 PM
Ok. So this has nothing to do with your installation, but with your actual document. When you get an "undefined control sequence" it's usually from a typo or from a missing \usepackage command for the style file that defines that macro. The line immediately after the error should show which macro TeX didn't recognize, and give you a line number.
8:16 PM
My document compiles fine when without your code. I do get a warning "unsupported document or class"
Hi, how exactly did you add my code?
I actually don't see an error, other than the "undefined control sequence"
@SoCal93 Do you have a way of looking at the actual log file? It should be in there.
I just added it right after the couple of \usepackages I have in my document. I did comment out \usepackage{kantlipsum} though.
What documentclass are you using? Did you also load the chngcntr package?
8:21 PM
Do you know where the log file should be, is it under editor directory or the MikeTex directory?
@SoCal93 It should be in the same folder as your .tex document (with extension .log). Your editor may have a menu item to view it.
IEEEtran documentclass. How do I load chngcntr?
\usepackage{chngcntr} (the line right after \usepackage{titlesec} in my code.)
yes that's loaded.
Ok. IEEEtran is the problem. Let me take a look to see if I can find you a quick fix, otherwise, you may need to ask a separate question.
8:27 PM
Do you think titlesec is not compatible with IEEEtran
Ok. Here's a quick fix: Immediately after your documentclass command, add the following line (before loading any other packages: \newenvironment{subparagraph}{}{}
Worked like a charm. Thank you.
@SoCal93 Yes, IEEEtrans doesn't create a subparagraph environment, but titlesec assumes there should be one. The code I gave you creates a dummy environment which keeps titlesec happy.
You're welcome.

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