This might be silly and/or off topic, but here it goes: given a sufficiently nice symmetric monoidal category C, I can (?) Left kan extend the monoidal product on C along the free monoid functor C -> CMon(C) to produce a new symmetric monoidal category. Now I can iterate. What happens? E.g. CMon(Set) is abelian semigroups, and CMon(CMon(Set)) is commutative semirings. Does the new monoidal operation on commutative semirings and/or the category CMon^3(Set) have a name?
@HarryGindi my statement is just Eckmann-Hilton, so I highly doubt something analogous is true here.... trying to think math on little sleep is dangerous
Analogous meaning an analogous statement proved analogously
@ReubenStern that’s a different procedure than what Tom described. In the stabilization story you use the ‘same’ monoidal structure each time. Tom is suggesting something weirder: in the case of commutative rings, the new tensor product of free things would be the free thing on the tensor product... but I guess I agree with Harry that this doesn’t seem like a monoidal structure any more?
That’s just notation I think and not really the issue- the monoidal structures he’s using aren’t Cartesian but he’s calling algebras monoids, which is fine
I am confused about Steenrod squaring operations. I want to ask two questions. The first is maybe rather stupid: we know that $\operatorname{Sq}^i$ are given by $H\mathbb F_2\to H\mathbb F_2[i]$, which is not $\mathbb F_2$ linear. However, I know that given a space $X$, consider a commutative algebra object $V=C(X,\mathbb F_2)$ in $D(\mathbb F_2)$ and we know that Steenrod squarings of a class represented by $\mathbb F_2[i]\to V$ could be recovered by applying $\operatorname{Sym}^2$ to it
which is perfectly done in $D(\mathbb F_2)$.
I wonder in the second interpretation, where the non-linearity appears?
The second question is that, we know that Stiefel-Whitney classes could be constructed from Steenrod squarings of the Thom class. Another way is to study the primary obstruction cocycles. I wonder whether we can describe this relation more intuitively in the modern language of spectra?
@FrankScience My intuition in this is that the SW classes measure the difference in the Steenrod action on $\tilde{H}^*(X)$ and on $\tilde{H}^*(X^V)$ (that remember, are two naturally isomorphic vector spaces over $\mathbb{F}_2$!)
It's not a particularly modern point of view, though.
@FrankScience Actually, thinking about this, I think you are confusing the two interpretations of the Steenrod squares
In one they are maps of spectra $H\mathbb{F}_2\to \Sigma^iH\mathbb{F}_2$, in the other they are elements of $\pi_*\mathrm{Sym}^2(H\mathbb{F}_2)$
How would you do the latter in $D(\mathbb{F}_2)$?
(here I assume you mean $\mathrm{Sym}^2(X)=(X⊗_\mathbb{S}X)_{hC_2}$)
So the problem is the following. You can, being entirely in $D(\mathbb{F}_2)$, construct $\mathbb{F}_2$-linear maps $C^*(X;\mathbb{F}_2)\to C^*(X;\mathbb{F}_2)[i]$. That is not a problem
But to get from this to maps $H\mathbb{F}_2\to H\mathbb{F}_2[i]$ you need to pass to spectra, and that's where the $\mathbb{F}_2$-linearity is lost
In order to apply Yoneda, you need to work in functors out of spaces, not out of $D(\mathbb{F}_2)$
@FrankScience if V in D(F_2) admits a map D_2(V)-->V then you can indeed define a squaring operation from H_(V) to H_*(V), but the definition does not specify this operation as a map V--->V[?] in D(F_2), instead the operation is defined via some procedure: start with a class, apply D_2(-), pick a class in H_*(D_2(-))... etc. This procedure provably does not arise from applying H_ to a map V--->V[?] in D(F_2). However, it does arise from applying \pi_* to a map V--->V[i] of underlying spectra
H_\* instead of H_*. The text between two stars will be italicized.
So essentially, it is due to the fact that $D_2(-)$ in Lurie's text, or $\operatorname{Sym}_{\mathbb F_2}^2(-)$ is not linear in $D(\mathbb F_2)$?
I mean, if I want to try to lift the operation on homologies to chain complexes, I would like to play things like $\DeclareMathOperator{\Map}{Map}\Map(\mathbb F_2,V)\xrightarrow{D_2}\Map(D_2(\mathbb F_2),D_2(V))\to\Map(\mathbb F_2[i],D_2(V))\to\Map(\mathbb F_2[i],V)$. Seemingly the other arrows are linear except the first one: this should be the obstruction to have a lift.
well it's a little misleading because D_2 is also not linear in spectra... however, it turns out that you can rewrite the formula for these power operations using a Tate construction computed in spectra- and the Tate construction is exact in spectra. (cf the later lecture in those same notes where Lurie relates power operations to a Goodwillie derivative)
About Stiefel-Whitney classes: In fact, I want to understand how the obstruction theoretic description has something to do with cohomology operations. The proof I see (on Milnor's Characteristic Classes) doesn't give me any info about this