2 hours later…
If you think about it, when you take a realization of a simplicial set S, you can think of it as attaching dimension by dimension new simplices, possibly along degenerate boundaries
actually going the other way around is a way to build a very very big Kan complex for any simplicial set S (so you get a fibrant replacement haha)
You can think of this filtration by dimension idea more generally in reedy categories (they are defined to have the desired latching and matching objects, modeled on the simplex category)
2 hours later…
quick question about tensors... say I have R-->A a morphism of commutative ring spectra. denote by $\otimes_R$ the tensor of the category of commutative R-algebras over unbased spaces, and similarly for A. What can I say about $Y\otimes_A (A\otimes_R X)$ for X, Y spaces? the fact that the forgetful functor from A-CAlg to R-CAlg does not take tensors to tensors is not helping
2 hours later…
7 hours later…
Where are fibrations "needed" in descent theory? The nlab entry on pseudofunctors says Grothendieck and Gabriel "replaced pseudofunctors in the treatment of descent by more invariant fibered categories" in SGA1, but I don't understand anything in SGA. On the other hand, the category of descent data of an arrow w.r.t a pseudofunctor is given by pseudo-limit and I don't understand what is lacking about this approach.
Assuming the "reasons" are the usual for preferring fibrations (as mentioned in Bénabou's 1985 paper), how to define the category of descent data of an arrow w.r.t a fibration using a universal construction? It's no longer possible to take the "image" of the Čech nerve, and without a cleavage, I don't see how to "lift" the Čech nerve either...
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