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@MarcHoyois sure: i just mean that they give a "naive" description of the $\infty$-category of cyclotomic spectra whose underlying spectra are bounded-below, and we extend this to give a similarly "naive" description of the $\infty$-category of all cyclotomic spectra. it turns out to be quite a nontrivial task. the short version is that there's a lax action on $Fun(BT,Sp)$ that becomes strict when you restrict to the bounded-below spectra, and this accounts for the relative simplicity.
2 hours later…
@AaronMazel-Gee This sounds amazing, can't wait to read about it.
7 hours later…
An elliptic cohomology theory only knows about the formal group of its elliptic curve, in the sense that the sheaf of cohomology theories on $\mathcal M_{ell}$ is pulled back from $\mathcal M_{fg}$. Does the $E_\infty$ structure on an elliptic spectrum use the full structure of the elliptic curve (or at least more than just the formal group)?
@YuriSulyma It must at least know about the p-divisible group of the elliptic curve, probably for all p. and about interactions between those things at different primes.
I'm not entirely sure how to make that precise, or where a statement like that might be in the literature (I'm no expert on elliptic cohomology). Probably the names/papers to mention are Ando-Hopkins-Strickland, general works of Ganter, maybe some things by Rezk, maybe the thesis of Zhen Huan ("Quasi-Elliptic Cohomology")
The idea I guess is that the power operation structure you see from the E_\infty structure should also be coming from isogenies of your curve.
I suppose some manifestation of this shows up in section 3 here: arxiv.org/pdf/math/0204053.pdf
if you manage to find that paper legible
2 hours later…
6 hours later…
@JonathanBeardsley That seems much better than playing with it to keep his hands busy while the students lectured.

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