@Deon So, it is not true that ΩBU = BU. In fact ΩBU=BU×Z. To expand a little, we are looking for an (k-1)-connected pointed space X such that Ω^k X=BU×Z. Let us assume k is even. We know Ω^k U = BU×Z by Bott periodicity. The only problem is that U might not be (k-1)-connected. But that's not a big deal, the space we are looking for is the (k-1)-connected cover of U (since taking (k-1)-connected covers does not change Ω^k). Similarly if k is odd you take the (k-1)-connected cover of BU×Z.
I said Postnikov tower, but really the thing you want to understand is the Whitehead tower of U, which is the "dual" to the Postnikov tower (so knowing one is more or less the same thing as knowing the other)
And when I wrote ΩBU=BU×Z of course I meant Ω²BU = BU×Z. Beware of typos!