@JonBeardsley yes: the set (or really space) of ways that it can commute is precisely the set of 2-cells extending the boundary!
i would say that "a diagram $\partial \Delta^2 \to C$" (for $C$ a quasicategory) is the data of two composable arrows $[f;g]$ along with another arrow $h$ from the first source to the second target. you can ask for the data of an equivalence between $h$ and "the" composite of $g$ after $f$, and that's the data of an extension over $\partial \Delta^2 \hookrightarrow \Delta^2$
@QiaochuYuan @ZhenLin okay right, thanks for clarifying (in re "total" categories). i thought this sounded a little fishy
@BenLim yes, i was there this past summer! send me an email and we can correspond about it privately
@JonBeardsley for an easy conceptual example, consider a composite $S^1 \to pt \to S^2$ and some arbitrary map $S^1 \to S^2$: certainly these are going to be homotopic (since $\pi_1(S^2) = 0$), but the space of homotopies is disconnected -- this comes from the fact that $\pi_2(S^2) \not= 0$