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'I am new to mapping and currently I am trying to make a map showing coverage of a network provider here in my country. The map I am trying to achieve should look similiar to that at imore.com/best-us-iphone-carrier-2014. I already have the lat and long coordinates of the tower locations in csv format and have so far managed to plot the markers in tile mill(ideally want to show coverage as opposed to markers) .
7 hours later…
@PolyGeo I'm not to familiar with gis and I'd like to know , since recommendation questions are on topic here how useful are answers thought offering a link to a 7 day trial version for a software (5$/30$ per month) ... if those are ok, would not every spam offer be on topic too?
@bummi The only sites I know on the Stack Exchange network where recommendation questions are explicitly on topic are Software Recommendations and Hardware Recommendations. If I see recommendation questions being asked I usually refer their askers to these sites, and often I vote to close them for being too broad i.e. for soliciting multiple answers, and sometimes of a more "spam" flavour.
@PolyGeo, thanks for the answer, the answer gis.stackexchange.com/a/179498/41723 on the question is the reason for my question ... both are feeling bad for me
@bummi I have concerns about that question - it is now tagged with and closed as being too broad. I also have concerns about that answer and have queried whether its provider has any connection with the product they are recommending. I would have downvoted the answer but I have run out of daily votes.
Thanks a lot, I'd vote too, but I'm below 125 ...

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