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Q: Grid Analysis from samples data

MyraI'm trying to analyze set of samples into vector grids in order to generate average data in corresponding grid.I'm working with 50m separated grids but the size of grid may change over time.That's why we need to generate grids on the fly.There is a snapshot of data distribution below. There ar...

Q: How to add offset to layer in OpenLayers?

MyraAs the title suggests,I have GeoJSON vectors on OpenLayers map where user should add X/Y offset (i.e 5 meters north,5 meters east).I plan to add some control for it. Since vectors are drawn map with OpenLayers.Rule object,as I searched for some offset option,then all I found was graphicXOffset &...

@whuber Do you also know how to make hexagons just like grids ?
hi everybody
plz i need to ask a question about WebMapping applications
am very new to web-mapping, so this question may be a little misguided.

I want to develop a simple web mapping application using OpenLayers which can display Cadastral information that are currently in PostGIS(2 tables: property and bornes).

I want this to be as simple (and as low maintainence) as possible:

The user can search a parcel by 4 fields (name, indice complement and nature) existing in table : "titre"
and then the user can generate the an A4 sheet for print that contains the title/property plan and also a table containing the name, X and Y of boundaries of title/property
7 hours later…
@whuber Excellent, thanks for the info! Still relatively new (4 years) to GIS; this site has been invaluable. Reading that Mapperz was digitizing back in the day with a tablet, masking tape, and tic marks really highlights the things I take for granted. ;)

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