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11:32 AM
Samuel Liew has undeleted this room.
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
3 hours later…
2:50 PM
@ElectionBot alive
how to vote
You cannot vote yet. In the meantime you can read and comment on the candidates' nominations, as well as read the candidates' answers to your questions to find out more. Don't forget to come back in 5 hours to also vote in the actual election phase!
I'm alive on se-electionbot.herokuapp.com, started on 2020-07-13 14:49:58Z with an uptime of 111 seconds.
@ElectionBot help
Examples of election FAQs I can help with:
- how does the election work
- who are the candidates
- how to nominate
- how to vote
- how to decide who to vote for
- who are the current mods
- are moderators paid
- what is the election status
- when is the election starting
- when is the election ending
- how is candidate score calculated
- what is my candidate score
- what are moderation badges
- what are participation badges
- what are editing badges
who are the current moderators
The current 21 moderators are: Martijn Pieters, BoltClock, deceze, Bohemian, Aaron Hall, Cody Gray, meagar, Ry-, Michael Myers, Brad Larson, ChrisF, Jean-François Fabre, Jon Clements, Flexo, Samuel Liew, Baum mit Augen, josliber, Andy, Bhargav Rao, Undo, Rob
2:52 PM
what is my candidate score?
@SamuelLiew very funny, you already have a diamond!
room topic changed to ElectionBot development: Testing of ElectionBot. Feedback and suggestions go here chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/190503 (no tags)
room mode changed to Private: only approved users may enter this room (this should only be used for moderation purposes)

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