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7:27 AM
@chrispsn i removed the loop command in the js frontend. the windows console version still works. if you have a windows machine, i can give you instructions.
7:52 AM
I do!
@chrispsn did you ever compile w? (with a go compiler)
8:08 AM
@ktye no, but i can give it a try
ok, install go first (golang.org/dl) get the .zip file open it and drag the go/ folder to c:/
in a console (cmd.exe) test with c:/go/bin/go version
this should print the go version (e.g. go version go1.14.4 windows/amd64)
clone my repository (github.com/ktye/i) and open a console within i/_/w
run: c:/go/bin/go build w.go
you should have w.exe (the compiler for the w language), we'll use it to transpile to c.
w.exe -c < ../../k.w > k_h
the file k_c is the main program which includes k_h (the k core)
on pure windows, i only have tcc as a c compiler. others should work too, but may need flags. get tcc (if you havn't): download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/tinycc/… and unpack it somewhere (i call that directory $tcc)
The header of k_c tells you to add the line "GetConsoleWindow" to $tcc/lib/kernel.def. It's missing in the tcc distribution. We need it to draw an image over the console.
compile k with: tcc -o kw.exe -DDRW k_c -luser32 -lgdi32
That's it. type kw and you have k, command line history is supported automatically by cmd.
Start k with: kw ../k/fire.k and your screen should burn.
Btw, the original is from doom, but a little different: fabiensanglard.net/doom_fire_psx
how far did you get, any problems?
9:11 AM
@ktye haven't tackled yet, but will after dinner
2 hours later…
10:44 AM
@ktye oh wow, that's a sick intro
ok, trying now
@chrispsn i found 1 error. we'll fix when you get there.
hang on, let me switch to email
11:18 AM
@ktye stuck here
does it take a while to compile?
where are you, what do you compile (go/tcc)?
the step of transpiling to c
if you have a w.exe it should be very fast. did you use < and > ? otherwise it waits for input.
./w.exe -c ../../k.w k_h
ah i thought the < and > were placeholders
now you should be able to read k_h which is c code.
11:22 AM
panic: 1:96: parse function name
running w.exe -c < ../../k.w > k_h
panic: 1:96: parse function name

goroutine 1 [running]:
        C:/Users/Chris/Google Drive/Code/i/_/w/w.go:74
main.run(0x53ece0, 0xc0000ca000, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9, 0xc0000c7f78, 0x405d16, 0xc000086058, ...)
        C:/Users/Chris/Google Drive/Code/i/_/w/w.go:117 +0x1742
        C:/Users/Chris/Google Drive/Code/i/_/w/w.go:59 +0x181
impossible! are you in the directory i/_/w and the file ../../k.w exists?
@chrispsn can you run: go test (or c:/go/bin/go test)?
sent the log to your email - fwiw i have a higher version: go version go1.14.7 windows/amd64
11:51 AM
for the records: the error were wrong line endings. and the file h_h is missing. it is generated by "go test"
@ktye got there in the end - my screen is burning. thanks for the help!

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