@ngn @chrispsn But is there anything syntactically preventing this? IIRC, there is a hacky way to do so in K4 by adding your function to .q which is how Q's infix functions are made.
so it parses like "hello" ((^:,) "world"). the part on the right evaluates to a projection and then "hello" is indexed with that projection, so the result consists of char nulls, i.e. spaces
@Adám the problem is when you name a dyad f:{y} and use it later 1 f 2 - the parser can't know that f is a dyad (without doing some sort of analysis of the whole program or using runtime information like in apl), so it's better just to assume that all names and all lambdas are nouns
@chrispsn interesting. . is used to create a composition. it was ' before
and that k7 output formatter really sucks...
@Adám what i used to point out to you as a big advantage of k5/k6 is now gone in k7 - the ability to copy the output, feed it back into the interpreter and get the exact same result :(