if the "flipped dict" is the only way of making a table in k7, i probably don't mind it; the '+' at the front of +[a: 1 2 3; b: 4 5 6] is suggestive of "t" ie table
also how does \u work? what do the cols represent?
but gitlab seems sensible given that's where shakti is
any thoughts?
It doesn’t really work for mobile
also wasn't sure what to call the group given shakti seems to be using k7 as the foundation but providing more familiar layers on top of it so you don't need to use k syntax (see eg groups.google.com/d/msg/shaktidb/etsXDI9J4o4/HmefTXyBAwAJ)
anyway - idea is that the docs are a clickable version of the k quickref
The docs look nice. What I want to do, is one line per verb/type, like: !n enum: !3 / 0 1 2 !l odometer: !2 3 / (0 0 0 1 1 1;0 1 2 0 1 2) !d keys: ! [a:1;b:2] / `a`b and so on... because the verbs are so heavily overloaded which is not clear from the overview
@ktye agree - maybe the docs can be anchor links on a main page instead of separate pages, which would reduce frictions for making lots of small examples like that
in ok, over and scan does not work with dicts: +/ [a:1;b:2] returns 3 in k4 and k7 +\ [a:1;b:2] returns 3 in k4 but [a:1;b:3] in k7 Again: ngn anticipated this!
@chrispsn yeah, for example if you want to do if(a){b;c;}else{d;e;} in k4, you could write it as $[a;[b;c];[d;e]] instead of resorting to hacks like $[a;if[1;b;c];if[1;d;e]]
@rcabaco imo HTML is better off being represented as OOP as it, well, is. idk about conga though, but from the little i've scrolled trough the docs it seems reasonable (though i haven't looked at the sources)
when i heard oop I expected a couple dozen files but no, and just 6 classes! the code may be using :if and other constructs a lot, but there's really no other non-hacky way to do ifs
@rcabaco i really hate the argument of "if X exists, you must abuse it" sure, you can use OOP for a lot of things, but imo it should be pretty easy to tell when oop is better and when dfns/pure APL is better
I agree with you. Again, i just commented on the context of learning APL by reading code. I am quite sure they know much better what is the right approach.
also answers on PPCG are sometimes well explained and may push the boundaries of ones knowledge of the built-ins, and the APL orchard is a great place to ask for help & ask questions