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3:21 AM
Q: A player has asked the DM to ignore the lore to enable his character concept. What are the pros and cons if the DM does so?

MissMisinformationContext I'm posting this on behalf of a friend. She wants more than just our group's opinion. I don't know the other guy at all, but I was given screenshots of their conversations in order to get this as factual as possible. I know my friend will take all advice under consideration as she tries...

If the consensus is that this question belongs in a different forum, let me know and I can pull it.
I've put this on hold. Its current form of "What did you do?" is a discussion starter or a survey with no best or correct answers: "I kicked them out", "We changed the lore", "They changed their character", etc all will be valid answers with no actual differentiation. See What types of questions should I avoid asking? in our help center. The question needs to ask us to solve a problem. What outcome do you want? Ask us how to achieve it.
Note that while this site isn't a forum, we do have an active chat room for opinions and extended discussions.
Should the GM change vital elements of the campaign setting to accommodate the players' visions for their PCs? is a question the site can handle, though. (I'm almost certain, at some point, it has, but a quick search didn't turn up anything.)
edited, hopefully this is better. Thanks @Hey I Can Chan for the question suggestion; I tweaked it a bit because I wanted to distinguish between the GM going "hey this concept is cool, I can tweak things so you can do it" and a player pushing for the GM to bend things in their favor when the GM is resistant.
3:21 AM
The bolded questions are pointedly asking for opinion, and "what are some ways..." is still a survey. We can help you achieve a specific outcome you want, but our Q&A system doesn't lend itself to surveys and discussions — instead you may want to ask these questions on a forum, we've curated a list of recommendations here.
@doppelgreener is correct. I recommend deleting everything after at the request of the player? Although this may seem abrupt, good answers will likely on their own address the other issues you want addressed naturally by simply answering that question. Further, good answers will already back up opinions with actual experiences—that's how the site handles expert opinions.
Thanks for the help once again. I was kind of staring bleakly at it trying to figure out where to cut things back.
I feel like this question is opinion based as tend to bend the setting to accommodate my players but I also met dungeon masters who found it to be a a terrible thing to do so the answer will depend on the person rather than facts. As such I am voting to close it down as it is.
@MaikoChikyu This question is very technical and deals directly with managing a group. The answer is nuanced, and there are more factors at play than simple opinion. I have years of experience that can be brought to bear, and presumably others at this site similarly have experienced perspectives. As far as I'm aware, there isn't a requirement that questions here have "one right answer."
Sorry, “should I” is an opinion based question. Experienced people may have an opinion, but this question doesn’t leverage that. ‘Pros and cons’ or “can this be done avoiding problem X” would be formulations that aren’t just catnip for opinions.
3:21 AM
I added a summary of that to your question, and I tried to slightly organize it, but please edit the question in light of @mxyzplk's point so that we can get this into answerable/stackable form.
@mxyzplk Since even I—an experienced user—can't seem to get this question to satisfy the moderators or other users, I'm worried that newer users with less site experience won't be able to get their fairly straightforward questions like this—about the nuances of gamemastering—answered by the site without going through this intense and possibly alienating workshop process. Could a moderator compose a Meta post that new users could read about asking questions like this so users can point new users to that instead of us all playing linguistic whack-a-mole to get rid of should Is and stuff?
I am not sure it’s more complicated than “don’t ask for a bare-faced opinion.” There’s a lot of ways to ask for an opinion and a lot of ways to ask for information to inform your own decision, I’m not sure I can enumerate a meaningful subset of them.
@mxyzplk Over 500 open questions use should in their titles, of those, over 200 use should I in their titles. With that in mind, saying that Should I invalidates a question seems to send a mixed signal. I would not expect an enumerated meaningful subset of different ways to ask for an experienced opinion, but saying that should is a bad way doesn't accurately reflect precedent.
I'm more interested in how long the campaign has progressed? Is this still early in the campaign?
@HeyICanChan I have offered such help as I can on this question. Workshopping is a thing we do here as a matter of course. I feel your frustration, but we do have limits and bounds based on the format. I know what my answer to this question is, but I held off from answering this due to its "asking for a friend" nature. IMO, that makes this even harder to fit into the SE box.
3:21 AM
Honestly, at this point I'm seriously considering deleting it, and to heck with what happens to my rep score. It's useless on hold, nobody can come up with an acceptable way to word it, and it's fast approaching the point where it's no longer worth the anxiety it's causing me. I researched existing questions and risked it here anyway since I didn't want to wade through a sea of one-line flippancy for a well-reasoned answer, but I clearly don't have a good handle on the format here.
@Vylix, they're 6 sessions in.
@MissMisinformation If this has hit your frustration threshold, please consider asking your friend to ask the question herself here. "I have a problem I need to solve, and this is it." That format works. (PS: I think that Master_Yogurt's answer is pretty good)
@KorvinStarmast To follow mxyzplk, I don't see the evidence that a "should" question is necessarily inappropriate. I think my answer demonstrates that the users here have requisite expertise to answer this question in a way that exceeds "random opinions." This question certainly meets the threshold outlined in asking subjective questions. I don't see how it is appropriate to kick a user' question back and forth when the community cannot come to a consensus.
@KorvinStarmast The origin of the question (for a friend) is irrelevant. The question should be judged on its own merits. If someone shows up to the CodeReview SE with code a friend developed, it wouldn't be inappropriate to answer.
I've gone ahead and opened a meta on this question's state; please discuss further there, not here, so that we keep it all going in one place. Thanks.

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