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2:56 PM
Hey Richard. what do u do to focus?
@Nofel frequent breaks help quite a bit
I will get up, and go to the bathroom, or get coffee, or whatever I need
If my time isn't being productive, I literally walk away.
That way, I'm not distracted by internet or other things.
The key is to make your distractions less distracting ;)
I feel like crying sometime coz I cant stop think of doing X or checking Y
2 min of focus become hell.
3:13 PM
@Nofel. Lock your phone in your drawer. Don't have browser windows up unless you are using them
If you want to check something, get up, and walk away instead
@Nofel set specified times for WHEN you will check things.
@RichardU I work in browsers. I am a dev
@Nofel so when you feel checking something else, get up and walk away.
have a specific time of day when you do.
check things
You have bad habits, and you need to change your behavior. Substitute an action for an action.
Instead of checking things, you'll get up, get coffee, or tea, or go to the bathroom
you will not check things online
except at designated times.
it will work if you do this.
one way I overcame my email checking addiction was having a 50 character long password and save it only on my desktop at home
my email check went 98% down
3:45 PM
@Nofel Exactly. You want to break your bad habits by making them impractical, or by substituting other behaviors
@RichardU I donno, I can study 5X more if I can kill distraction
and when I m studying, my mind fights with me that "U saw this, u reasd this" message "it is boring"
@Nofel so make a game out of it.
even 5 times after seeing a video I cannot practice it.
Many study materials are quite dry. You're probably an autodidact, as I am
I had to google that, yes I am
4:03 PM
@Nofel try to find tutorials that are rich with examples. w3 schools is very hands on, for example
@RichardU I do, mostly videoes. it is how I exceled in this job, when I hired I had no idea about Vue, the guy gave me tutorial and now I am on my 4th project
I still have to learn a lot coz it is JS and I am weak in JS but I found many wasted my time, but I found one good but due to lack of time and lack on knowledge on something that need to be implemented. I find it hard to juggle
achieving nothing.
@RichardU yes, I found good as well. the problem is my focus.
@Nofel I'm almost certain that you either have AS, or ADHD. You might want to seek out support groups and see if anything seems familiar to you
@RichardU doctor will ask why u think u got ADHD
@Nofel well, you certainly have all the signs. High intelligence, lack of focus, an autodidact, can't sit still for lessons...
also.... check this out and see if this looks familiar
4:42 PM
coolio. Oh the english in it
Thank u for being a friend @RichardU . Talking to u make me really comfortable. I hope somewhere in life I can as helpful as ur to me.
@Nofel any time. :D always glad I can help.
5:29 PM
@RichardU have a good day/evening
@Nofel you too

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