@W5VO Many "What's this component on the photo?" aren't labeled with the identification tag. (Case in point.) I would put the estimate between 2% and 5%.
@NickAlexeev If you want to pick a time window, I'm willing to go through all the questions and look for identification questions that haven't been tagged. No more than a week just so it's not too much. I'm skeptical that it is as high as 5%.
The early results look like the majority of users are in favor of ID questions, and in more concrete guidelines. I was thinking of leaving it open for a few more days unless you have some feelings otherwise.
@W5VO 15 votes against outlawing identification questions outright. Against 4 votes for outlawing it. 5 and 2 if we count only those who left comments.
I don't have feelings against leaving it to run for a few days. In the meantime, we can think about "rules of engagement" for identification questions. Several folks who voted "yes" pointed out that we should have stricter rules for identification questions.