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Team PPCG has been created. You can join it by going to Edit Profile (after signing up) and entering this code under Join Team: 145@87f95b73c70bb6d2a9352da9a3272c7f
wow, ninja'd
Well, I've got to go. I'll probably join on Monday so I have something to do over Christmas break
sounds good
Yeah as I said, I'll be getting on this when I get home later today
So after reading through the forums a bit, here are a few useful pointers I've found:
1) Drop naive_navigate early. It's a basic pathfinding function that is a part of the game's API, give it 2 positions, and it gives you the next valid move to get from A to B, however as the name suggests, it's naive. Replace it with something better (perhaps an A* implementation?)
2) Turtle swapping is a thing. Collisions are only calculated at the end of the turn, so if 2 adjacent turtles (ships) both move into the other's spot, they will merely swap positions
3) Shipyard blocking is also a thing. I don't think you can place your turtle on the enemy shipyard, but you can certainly surround it with your own turtles, then their only recourse is to sacrifice their own turtles to kill yours.
4) Near the end of the game, rather than having your turtles carefully drop off their remaining halite one by one, simply collide them all on the shipyard. When 2 turtles collide, they drop all their halite. If they collide at a dropoff or shipyard, that halite is automatically collected, so colliding all of your turtles at the end is faster than having them one by one drop off
Update: A* is overkill, but naive_navigate should still be replaced ASAP
Also important to note: Your bot has only 2 seconds to process each turn
You do however get unlimited startup time, after initializing the game, but before stating that your bot is ready, you have access to all map data, but aren't limited to the 2 second turn limit, so you could do heavy map pre-processing there
correction: You get 30 seconds of startup time
2 hours later…
I'm in a team with friends, good luck to the PPCG team ^.^ although you'll all definitely do better than me, lol
1 hour later…
@Quintec @Skidsdev @J.Sallé The final code, will it be golfed
It should be (of course, purely syntax wise with no performance changes)

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