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RELOAD! There are 4897 unanswered questions (90.2696% answered)
I'd suggest this question be brought up here: codereview.stackexchange.comQuietOran 46 secs ago
Considering your code already achieves the desired result, this question may be more suitable for StackExchange's CodeReview instead :) — Obsidian Age 6 secs ago
Q: Advent of Code 2017 Day 6 (part 1) in Functional Programming (FP)

thadeuszlayI wanted to practice functional programming (FP) without using any library but using vanilla JS only. So I took a problem from Advent of Code (the 1st part of Day 6): http://adventofcode.com/2017/day/6 A debugger program here is having an issue: it is trying to repair a memory reallocation...

Q: Async Test Client For Tcp Socket

EmitedocI've made some modifications to the async client example found on MSDN for the purpose of testing a server application. It works entirely as I expect and/or want, even running multiple clients, but as I intend to use this as the foundation of the actual client and not just for testing I figured ...

Q: Need Advice in improving my current Process Validation Algorithm

Niii'm currently working on and improving an existing system i've inherited from my predecessors (programmers before me) here on the company i'm working for. so basically, they have this system - an inventory/tracking system to be precise. the concept is to encode all barcodes to the system (which ...

This is question might be better suited to codereview.stackexchange.com — flen 43 secs ago
That is of course fine, since it is your program. Howe veer, if I were manager, and I was code reviewing your code, and there was a chance that the variable named letter could contain more than that, I would complain. — Stephen Rauch 10 secs ago
Wrong place to post try code review stack — Mike Tung 38 secs ago
Well for starts you can combine your nested if statements with the respective conditions, but considering your code already achieves the desired result, this question may be more suitable for StackExchange's CodeReview instead :) — Obsidian Age 37 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it should be asked on StackExchange's CodeReview instead. — Obsidian Age 39 secs ago
I posted it on codereview. — Mr Berry 45 secs ago
Q: How can I clean up this code?

JimmyHow can I go about refactoring this so that the duplicate code is eliminated? public executeOrdersHelper(order: Order){ var currentMarketPrice: number = this.marketData.get(order.symbol); var randomQuantity: number = getRandomInt(30); var fillAmount = Math.min(order.quantity - orde...

Perhaps Code Review? — MickyD 15 secs ago
@Зелёный okay I'll do that. For some reason I never heard of codereview. — lrosskamp 58 secs ago
"if i can do another way" is way too broad. Stack Overflow's model expects that you will seek help only for specific programming problems. There are other Stack Exchange sites (like Code Review or Software Engineering) to help with broader design/review questions. That said, see marked duplicate for one option. Variations on this include simply subscribing to the PropertyChanged event in the object itself, setting the flag there, or making the RaisePropertyChanged() method a virtual method, overriding it in classes like this one where you want to add behavior to the base implementation — Peter Duniho 36 secs ago
Q: Matrix naive multiplication

user8426627I have C# matrix multiplication with basic optimisations, including: row*row multiplication (means, a = b * cT) (big performance boost) Direct pointer addressing in the loop, instead of having many like *(a + offset) <- (small performance boost) All code is numerically fine now. I'm wondering...

Q: duplication in two methods that do very similar things

lrosskampHey does anyone have any ideas on how I can refactor these methods to get rid of the duplication. I'm using Ruby. The first, third and fourth lines of both methods do the same thing. I'm having trouble for some reason because the second argument of both methods are of different types (or rather t...

@skiwi Oh, that's not to bad.
> how does one specify what decimal / separators / units to use when entering things into an online form, as an example?
Stick with localisation, don't do things the user doesn't expect and don't re-invent the wheel.
Q: SQLite prepare error while it uses SELECT

Jorge Enrique Mesa MosqueraI am making some financial app for Win32 platform (specifically, XP). It is a bit outdated, ///Retrieve user-hash and user salt. const char sql_parametrized_query[] = "SELECT * FROm users WHERE username = ? ;"; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; if ( sqlite3_prepare( db, sql_parametrized_query, ...

codereview.stackexchange.com might be a better place for code reviews. — Corak 1 min ago
Q: 4 level deep of For loops for counting objects

NoobProgrammerI'm just going to ask about this 4 Level Deep For Loop of Mine though i put it inside of the StartCoroutine(); Here is my code : please don't judge me yet void Update() { if (tzPlayInfo.Instance.BLOCK_GAME_FLOW == false) { CameraScriptsAir_1 = this.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild...

Q: Home rolled cache from BlockingCollection and cache value instances from File system resources

user3633222I am doing some work on a codebase which has a BlockingCollection acting as a cache. private readonly Dictionary<string, BlockingCollection<ProductModel>> _cache; The _cache is eventually instantiated and a number is set to indicate how many instances (BlockingCollection) we wish to add to the...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code ReviewJim Garrison 37 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Sometimes I wonder why questions like that get an upvote...
Q: buy Stainless Steel Hand Dryer Combination

lskd89vAIKE, which was founded in 1994, with 23 years’experience of High-speed Motor and High Speed Hand Dryers, now has a factory area of 36,000m² and a new factory located at Hangzhou Xiasha Economic Development Zone. AIKE has more than 150 skilled workers and 15 senior product engineers and with the ...

Q: PHP Search Query searching only last word

WhiteHoxI have a search query to search for statements that contains the most word in a statement a user types into the search box. But with my current query, only the last word is search for not giving the user the right result. For example, say i search What is Export and in the database have Export Se...

@CaptainObvious Wat, spam.
@CaptainObvious Is this on-topic?
@Peilonrayz No. Asks about explanation of code instead of a review.
However, one could make a case for .
But I'm not sure why we even support that tag...
@Mast You still need to be on-topic with both reviews however. Yeah, the questions are, why are these fast, can you write something faster than X... So they don't really want a code review
Q: Design pattern which could suit for startup initialisation of static variables before an engine starts serving its request

NatashaI should initialise the startup variables before serving the requests. Few of my variables could be initialised from local property file (say init.properties) and few would get initialised from an url say (/getProperties). i) I should be able to serve requests from my engine only when all my var...

@Mast did you flag as spam as well ? With I guess 3 flags the post will be deleted.
@Heslacher Naturally.
Does it only need 3? It's at -6, so I suspect it has 3 already.
Third flag. I guess?
I flagged and it went, maybe 5?
It's gone.
Q: Helper Function to load whole result set in memory?

Mangat Rai ModiVery frequently I have to load many small tables into memory. I was tired of writing a repetitive code, hence I have wrote following. TableData Class: To load the table into this object public static class TableData { List<String> headerNames; List<List<Object>> data; public final ...

Consider reformulating and posting this question to CodeReview, which I think is a better site for this kind of question. — catastrophic-failure 57 secs ago
Q: Convert ES6 yield recursive method to a loop

NatNgsFor one of my personal projects, I had to make an algo to generate set of combinations. I've finally succeed to get one. The problem is that this algorithm uses 2 recursives generators; that takes a lot of time to compute. I think there can be a way to convert this into a non-recursive algorithm...

Q: First post appeared on the review queue long time after being asked

Billal BEGUERADJThis question was asked 12 hours ago. But it just appeared a short moment ago on the review queue as a first post entry. How/why this delay happened?

Q: Optimizing my code for python

gal zakrajsekimport math n = int(input()) while n != 0: n = (n - 1960) / 10 + 2 m = pow(2,n) i = 1 while m > 0: m -= math.log(i,2) i += 1 print(i - 2) n = int(input()) Can someone please help me time optimize this code. Im doing ti for a site that checks my code but i...

codereview.stackexchange.com may be more appropriate for questions about improving working code. But please read their help pages before asking there, to ensure your question matches their rules. — AdrianHHH 5 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Terrible quality, but can be fixed into a proper [tag:programming-challenge question. Got to fly though, so I'll leave that for whoever's interested.
Q: Async MultiThreading in VBA

GreedoIntro Multithreading tools exist in Excel - often to run macros in multiple instances of Excel, or to convert macros to vbscripts that can run independently. However I've often come across projects where I'd like to delegate multiple tasks out to async processes, and creating multiple instance...

Q: Nested ordered lists (with elements that can be toggled hidden/visible via jquery)

Lucas SiqueiraDescription I have some nested ordered lists (<ol>) in html, and I want to have the children (everything below list level 1) to start hidden. When a parent (with at least one child) gets clicked, its children should be displayed. The same behavior should be reproduced for deeper levels. Everyth...

I suggest posting one variant to codereview.stackexchange.comC-Otto 52 secs ago
Q: Does async/await tasks executed sequentially or in parallel

RegforHere is the code that make 3 HTTP requests in underlying methods to get information either input PIN ID is existing in one of 3 products, which offer REST API for it. It creates and awaits 3 tasks. I would like to double check either these tasks are executed in parallel or sequentially public a...

@Mast don't VTC spam... it's not really warranted, nor the correct tool. Flagging it will generally be enough...
@Vogel612 Spam is an atrocity. It should be flagged, voted down, closed, nuked and flung into the nearest black hole.
flagging does all of that already...
@Mast I just flag. Voting down takes it off front page, which makes less people see it. Anything else is just feeding a troll
@Peilonrayz Funny, I see closing a question as making a statement instead of feeding trolls. It's shutting them up.
It's us not having any of it.
trolls and spammers are two separate kinds of people anyways
spammer don't care about their post, they care about being indexed by google
Trolls stick around to make a mess, spammers leave after posting.
and nuking something as spam gets it off the google-indexed pages faster
@Vogel612 Which still happened, no?
Voting to close doesn't harm the system. Yes, some may say it's not necessary. But it doesn't hurt anything either.
hmm ...
well I won't stop you from VTCing spam with the extra effort of writing a custom close-reason, but... I don't understand why you'd do it ;)
That's ok, I do a lot of things people don't understand.
Heck, half of the time I don't understand what I do myself.
Q: Is this Java class for a Graph Node correct?

Bugs BuggyI'm using ArrayList<Nodes> to store adjacent nodes, and ArrayList<Integer> to store the corresponding weights of the vertices. Is this efficient if I only use it for small inputs? Is it efficient for large inputs as well? class Node { public ArrayList<Node> adjacent = new ArrayList<Node>(); ...

Q: Finding nth Prime using Python and Seive of Eratosthenes

Aswin MohanI'm currently working through the Project Euler Problems using HackerRank to evaluate the code and I'm stuck on the 7th Problem. """ By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13. What is the 10 001st prime number? """ import pytest...

Q: Primality predicate in Haskell

totallyhumanI wrote a primality test for UniHaskell1 however, it seems complicated in terms of conditionals. Here it is, rewritten to not use Unicode and other functions in the code: -- Primality predicate isPrime :: Int -> Bool isPrime 2 = True isPrime 3 = True isPrime n | n `mod` 2 == 0 = False ...

Does you code work and you just want a review of the code to get tips on shortening it? Then post on codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — Some programmer dude 59 secs ago
Code is working. I need tips, not the answer. And no replacing the array with dedicated variables will juste lenghtened the code even more. Thank you, I will post on codereview then. — teva 7 secs ago
Nice... github shows images in diffs as side-by-side...
@Vogel612 Just like side-by-side edit diffs on SE?
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Jordan Jelinek: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164736/revisions
They didn't do that already?
I don't usually have pictures in my diffs.
If they did, I didn't notice...
but I don't remember them doing it, even though I saw some PRs on Rubberduck to change the favicons and stuff...
Well, if it's new, it's a good move.
@Mast Trolls want a reaction, -10 and the question being closed shows the troll that they've waisted a lot of time. If it disappeared at 0, then they've not provoke a reaction, and so don't do it again. I'm also lazy, and flagging is the thing that actually does stuff. But to each their own, :)
Q: Generating the Collatz sequence in F#

JacksonBelow is my code for building the collatz sequence so a given number. I'm trying to make the function tail recursive and I believe that this impelemtation is tail recursive but I'm not yet so comfortable with F# that I can convince myself 100%. let collatzSeq n = let collatz m = mat...

Your code is rather confusing and could definitely be improved. Consider posting it on codereview.stackexchange.com once you get it working. (They only accept working code) — osdavison 32 secs ago
Julia Silge & Nick Larsen on January 15, 2018

Yesterday, Jon Skeet’s reputation on Stack Overflow passed 1,000,000. ONE MILLION. Those of you who are highly engaged with the Stack Overflow community probably have a general idea of a) who Jon Skeet is and b) exactly how amazing and ridiculous this statement is, but just to make sure we are all on the same page, let’s dig a little deeper. For starters, how many answers has Jon Skeet posted on Stack Overflow? Let’s look at Jon, together with the other 100 folks who have the highest reputation on our site. …

plays the Millionaire theme song
Had he reach a million just a month earlier, he'd have gotten a hat.
Maybe a Regis Philbin hat. :)
That thread gets incredibly meta quite fast.
> Where in the world are Jon Skeet's answers? The countries that ask questions that Jon Skeet answers
Q: Strip objects that do not have a URLImage from swift function iOs

Ben ShawBelow is a function that returns an object destined for a UICollectionView. Only problem is some of the images never showup or are not present. How would I filter out any articles without an image? Or is it a problem with my downloadImage Extension (below the function) @objc func fetchArticl...

Kids created a game, where they have to use RPS, and I convinced them they needed to use RPSLS...lol printing out the diagram right now...lol
Q: Digital clock with many functions

Sebastiaan SpeckI made a digital clock with the use of an RTC (DS3231) and an LCD (16x2). Current functions: Display time Display date (different formats) Display temperature (Celsius and Fahrenheit) Display day of the week (English and Dutch) Display week number Display number of day in the year Future functi...

@Malachi What are your kids doing with a reactor protective system?
Oh, that RPS.
Q: State and Borg design patterns used in a Telegram wizard bot

madtynI'm making sort of an user interface for a telegram bot and my idea was to use State design pattern for making sort of a wizard for all the process, with user inputting data in each step or pressing /skip for skipping a single step or /cancel for ending everything. It's working pretty well. I pu...

possible answer invalidation by Brett Warren on question by Brett Warren: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/185145/revisions
@Mast lol
For working code I think code review may be a better place to ask this. — Jesper Juhl 55 secs ago
Q: Design patterns used in REST API for stackexchange

digiI was looking at the REST API of StacMan and was wondering which design patterns have been used on this particular project. Also, I was wondering if the use of nested classes is good in such projects or its not a good approach? here is the link of code https://github.com/emmettnicholas/StacMan

possible answer invalidation by Sam Onela on question by semih ezen: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/185150/revisions
@Mast remember this answer from yesterday? The question was "Is there a more elegant solution - i.e. both readable and efficient?" so most all answers are very brief, and mostly just offer alternative solutions... does that make this answer acceptable? Does the fact that it uses a different js library change things?
@SamOnela No.
i.e. "No" to the first question?
By the way, you could have removed the entire last sentence from that answer without problem. Standard reason: "removed SE non-compliant fluff".
@SamOnela No, to whether the answer is acceptable.
I'd already flagged it and the flag is marked helpful, but no action was taken.
perhaps because my review action was to edit it....
I've already commented, so I might just downvote and move on.
@SamOnela No, the flag was handled before your edit.
Back in 50, dinnertime.
@Mast enjoy!
Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean \o
Q: Name of a method without params in C#

BobrovskyIn my code I have Document class. The document has pages. Now I want to add the ability to check if there are any empty pages in the document. Since the check can be time / resource consuming, I feel like Document.HasEmptyPages or Document.ContainsEmptyPages property is not a good path to choos...

@Mast That looks like a special sign language for deaf wizards.
1. This should be in codereview.stackexchange.com. 2. Why don't you use iterator.hasNext() to decide if an .or() needs to be added to the query or not? — W.K.S 13 secs ago
I can't figure out online, what's the proper practice for storing a huge list in python?
it's not that big memory-wise but it's definitely longer than PEP's 80 char line limit (it's like 750 or something)
do I store it in a file and read that?
@Riker Do you think it should go in a database?
@Peilonrayz this is recreational code and it doesn't really belong in a databse
@Riker I would read the list in from a file, if necessary.
it's just a list of strings
OR, you can separate it across lines without issue
as long as you keep visual indent matched up
@ThomasWard that looks ugly though imo
then you have one remaining option: read it in from a file at runtime.
I'll probably just read from a file, should I separate items with linefeeds or commas?
or it doesn't really matter
@Riker your call, I use line feeds...
You could put it in a new Python file, and import it... But then it just comes down to useing json.load
hm, okay, thanks
@Peilonrayz or I can just use file.read() and import nothing :D
@Riker As just read a file? Yeah it comes down to preferance at this point.
If you don't want it in the code, then import it however you want...
@SamOnela Thanks. If you ever have questions, don't hesitate to ask. I read everything pinged to me, always.
Q: Performance - Should we assign local object references to null in a finally block?

Vinay PrajapatiShould we reference Objects to null in finally block while Objects are in local scope of method? What are the performance issues resolved by doing so? code: Map<String, Map<String, String>> getData(Map<String, String> params) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); // Construct query ...

Q: Drawing a table for data from file

VoytI wrote a function for drawing a table for data that comes from a file: import data_manager import os table = data_manager.get_table_from_file('games.csv') len_of_longest_name = 0 i = 0 while i < len(table): if len_of_longest_name < len(table[i][1]): len_of_longest_name = len(table...

posted on January 16, 2018 by CommitStrip

@CommitStrip hehe
@Mast cool beans
Q: Creating String with in method?

scott milesI have seen most of times developer declares the string in below fashion public void method1(){ String str1 ="Test"; } Better Approach public void method1(){ String str1 = new String("Test"); str1.concat("new"); } Better Approach if requires concatenation public void method2(){ StringBu...

Q: portfolio suggestions

chaitanyaAre there any algorithms in python to suggest a portfolio of stock with sum percentages allocated to them. Example: User will give amount of invest he wants to do, our algorithm should be able to suggest some interesting portfolios based on risk factor and with some amount of profit.

@CaptainObvious Jamalized now can mean put on hold in addition to edited...
@Mast I just realised, it's the 16th... Has the t-shirt arrived?
Q: Finding and deleting duplicate files in a folder

OzRamsayThe following code aims to identify and delete duplicate files in a folder. At first, files are compared by size, and then (if needed) by hash. The helper function sort_duplicates determines which file of the group of duplicates to keep. As a self-learner of Python, I would very appreciate an...

Q: Selecting data from a table based on value in another table (SQL server)

karraI am using the northwind example database to brush up my SQL server skills. I want to select all the products ordered by the customer with the customer id 'Folko'. My idea is to join the Orders table with the OrderDetails table on OrderID and then join the Products table with the OrderDetails...

@Jamal he should help more people in Greenland...
@Peilonrayz It was shipped yesterday, so I expected it to arrive today. But with the post in NLD, a day late isn't unheard of.
Starting count: 1189
What's the best way to transfer 300GB of data that's located in very small files to another PC?
I tried direct network transfer but it seems hopeless, now I try packing it and even with the fastest option it's likely going to take 3 hours to only pack it
@skiwi How many files? Chances are it's going to take quite some time regardless of method.
NTFS is not the greatest when it comes to transferring many thousands (or millions) of teeny, tiny files.
@202_accepted We're talking maybe even a million
@skiwi rsync?
@skiwi Yeah that'll take some time regardless.
Q: Game map renderer

kenI would like which Map Renderer is the best in the organization, clean to use? Between the two. I give an example class MapRenderer { constructor(mapID, cells){ this.mapID = mapID; this.cells = cells; } draw(){ void(0) // ... context.drawImage... } } OR exports.ma...

@skiwi Try Robocopy.
Seems like there's no good way out to be honest
The best way is to move the hard drive from one PC to another. :P
It was actually just 415K files, but still
@Zeta I guess it would be best :P
Well, depending on the system either Robocopy (Windows) or rsync.
Oh wait there's also a setting to only pack files and do no compression at all (with WinRAR), seems to take 2 hours now
Cool, finding articles (hacks.mozilla.org/2016/07/shipping-rust-in-firefox) from July 2016 in your tabs
@skiwi Why did the direct network transfer fail?
@Zeta Seems to take longer to move every individual file
At least I would be thinking that moving one big file should be a lot faster
First rule of benchmarks: don't assume, measure.
That being said, how did you transfer the files originally?
By making copies of my Dropbox folder :P
why can't you transfer via network directly?
Well, I kinda assumed it would be faster to pack and transfer one file, plus I'd like to do some gaming meanwhile so rather don't have anything on the net
Sounds like you want a rate limiting network transfer.
limiting factor there will be the write I/O, which is usually good enough to keep your network clean enough
esp. since you're not going to use INet bandwith, which is usually the limiting factor for gaming anyways
Scratfch the packing idea, I just realized I will never have enough disk space for that
Guess my only option is network transfer
As I said, I'd use rsync -a --progress, robocopy, or if you want a wrapper around rsync deltacopy or similar.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is more a code review question. — Joey 13 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by lrosskamp on question by lrosskamp: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/185193/revisions
Down to 779 tabs already
@skiwi Copying will screw your harddiskspeed, so better make that a light game.
Network won't be your problem unless you play something rapid action perhaps.
in general, a list of some output results from each step is enlarged at each step. while inside a loop, the result from a given step depends on the content in this list from the previous steps. therefore, the order in which steps are taken after the "i" variable is important. and I have doubts whether multiprocessing can be used with such a construction. my question is also related to the entry for codereview: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/185129/157474. I have already lost some hope that I will solve this problem. — Tomasz Przemski 9 secs ago
Q: Chat program with C++ and SFML

alienCYThis is my client code: (My server is very similar at the moment but I will upload it below this one just in case somebody wants to run it) #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <SFML/Network.hpp> #include <thread> int main() { sf::RenderWindow main_win(sf::VideoMode(800, 800), "Chatcy!");...

Q: Using multithreading and share pointers

chrissI'm trying to find data racing in this code. I don't know why. Please, review it and let me know what can I change. class Engine { public: Engine(const unsigned int &fuel_amount, const unsigned int &time_interval) :fuel_amount(fuel_amount), time_interval(time_interval), disconnect(fal...

1 hour later…
Q: "dynamic-way-to-use-string-array-as-index-of-object-in-javascript" has been improved since being closed - reopen?

Anthony HaffeyI see that my first attempt at the question dynamic-way-to-use-string-array-as-index-of-object-in-javascript was outside the scope of what I should ask at Code Review, as the solution I was offered was not working for purpose, and not clearly explained. I have edited the question a lot, now inclu...

Is a new PC supposed to smell like something? Smells closest to some dust or something
Might also be the fact that there's two PC's running in a small room though
Final count: 554 tabs, closed today: 635
This should be for code review web site. But 1) using namespace std; is bad - google that 2) char title -.> How does a title fit in one character? 3) Read up about const 5) Read up about buffer overrun 6) Read up about flushing coutEd Heal 36 secs ago
@EdHeal No, it shouldn't be on Code Review: they only accept the code that compiles, but this question is about compilation errors. — Algirdas Preidžius 49 secs ago
Q: Page Object Selenium Testing Pattern

fralewsmiI'm trying to nail down on some best practices for automation testing with a large test suite. What I have is a set of page objects (e.g. LoginPage.java, HomePage.java), which all inherit from AbstractPage.java (used for common functionality). All the page objects are initialized in PageInitia...

Q: difficulties with displaying succes message after form is sent

JoeI'm still learning the code languages that I used to create my form with. So I can't seem to figure out what seems to be the problem. Here's my code: HTML: <form action="" method="POST"> <ul class="form-style-1"> <li> <input type="text" id...

Q: PHP Exception/Error Handling code advice

LeDocI’ve been reading a lot recently on how to write clean PHP code. Specifically I’ve been reading the Design Patterns (Gang of Four) and Clean Code by Robert Martin – both excellent books. What I’m wondering about though is how to use Exceptions properly. This is where I start to get confused. ...

You probably want to do this on codereview.SE... — jcaron 45 secs ago
Q: Algorithm to find connected tiles (percolation)

EquiphractI wrote a little program in JavaFX which displays a path of neighbouring open tiles going from top to bottom. It should simulate a percolation. The algorithm iterates through the whole grid (every tile) populating a list with tiles that have a continuous connection to the top. It all works somew...

Perhaps you could submit some parts of your code for code review to codereview.stackexchange.com. But they won't provide feedback for the application itself there. — DPM 30 secs ago
What issue you are facing with this code? If you want your code to be reviewed post it at codereview.stackexchange.comChetan Ranpariya 39 secs ago
Q: Major edits made to my question about using a string or array to index object in JavaScript

Anthony HaffeyI have a question about my post: Dynamic way to use string/array as index of object in javascript I see that my first attempt at this question was outside the scope of what I should ask at Code Review, as the solution I offered was not working for purpose, and what the code needed to do was not ...

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