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RELOAD! There are 2708 unanswered questions (92.7617% answered)
@DanPantry It depends on which testing library you use.
Some use Assert.Throws (see xUnit). Others use an attribute on the test method (I think this is what MS's library does).
@N.Nihar: I was answering somewhat similar thing in codereview, but I described there more common solutions: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/140851/110284Ped7g 51 secs ago
Q: Updating access records

Doug CoatsI spent an hour or so this morning compiling this, and since I have started reading Clean Code and The Pragmatic Programmer I figured I would let you help me get slightly better at this. Due to some crappy limitations with the specifics I was forced to work in Excel VBA instead of Access (someon...

@CaptainObvious Private Sub thisbetheshitmane() - I guess somebody's not happy ^^
@Zak LOL
Q: Convert Integer to Roman Numeral

kamoroso94I've created a function that takes an integer greater than zero as an input and converts it into its corresponding Roman numeral. If you're not familiar with Roman numerals, you can read about it on Wikipedia. I've tested this code with some examples, so it should be working correctly. I'd be ...

I guess my battleship is good enough to post for now. I'll do the algorithm improvement later and maybe make another post.
Maybe I'll have it implemented in WPF by then too.
I won't post it just now, though; maybe Monday.
@pacmaninbw I'm with @Mast on this one. And besides, TTYL is quite commonly known, it is not CR specific. Just hang around in chat and you might create your own meme sooner or later.
@pacmaninbw and you deleted your answer too. Why?
2 hours later…

Twas the night before implementation and all through the house
not a program was working, not even a browse.
The programmers hung round their cubes in despair
with hopes that a miracle soon would be there.

The users were nestled all snug in their beds
while visions of inquiries danced in their heads.
When out of the cope there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter.

And what to my wandering eyes should appear
but a super contractor with a six pack of beer.
This one is fun: amphibian.com/155
You can absolutely machine-gun the frogs.
posted on September 11, 2016 by John Bucher

I am very new to LISP (so forgive me for any dumb mistakes) and the first lab of the year states: Define a function, STDEV that will compute the standard deviation of a list of numbers (look up formula) I wrote this code but I don't know why it refuses to work: (defun STDEV (x)(sqrt(/ (apply '+ (expt (- x (/ (apply '+ x) (length x))) 2)) (length x)))) (

2 hours later…
Q: Convert this code from Python to C#

OrbitAlright, this is a long shot. I made this program a long time ago in Processing, and I need it converted into C#. It is a bunch of particles that follow the cursor and use vectors to make a cool path. I am not sure it is possible, but I will take all the help I can get! class Mover(): def __init...

Q: c++ linked list not working

sldkfjslkjI am trying to make a linked list but am running into problems because I am deleting my nodes twice. The problem only arises when a node is passed into a function (if it is passed by reference everything is fine) which leads me to believe that the object being passed into the function is being co...

1 hour later…
Q: Custom Methods in Generic Repository, Unit of Work and IoC MVC

ykhI have a Generic Repository pattern with UnitOfWork and i am using IoC. Other than the base methods used by the repository, i have some custom methods. Instead of implementing the whole IRepository methods again, i have inherited from the GenericRepository class. Here is an example: public inter...

Q: DRYing Up SQL Methods

Chris P. BaconSo in my Server class, I have a few methods that handle different queries to be sent to the database. Everything works fine, but I really want to DRY up this class, because I feel like it could be much better written than it is now. Other than handling the MySqlConenction instance, I'm a little...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Dijkstra's Algorithm in Haskell
1 hour later…
urk ... I don't even have the slightest clue how to implement that in haskell ...
If your code runs and you just need to optimize it you should post your code on Code Review. I recommend adding screenshots of before and after and possibly a link to download the workbook. — Thomas Inzina 11 secs ago
@Vogel612 Implement what?
tallying the votes in STV
Oh, that.
Me neither.
I sure know how I'd do it in java, but that's easy
assuming I have Candidates and their status (which for elected candidates includes a ratio) and a list of votes
now I want to find out how many votes each candidate has ....
and I don't even know where to start ....
Write the Java code for it first and then convert it to Haskell somehow?
for loops and a map are downright trivial in java. unfortunately haskell doesn't really have for-loops
Recursion! Always use recursion in Haskell.
hmm ... sure but how do I aggregate my recursion results into a list of tuples?
especially when that list of tuples is actually a map
That I am not sure about
In Java language, what would your recursion results be? And what would your map be?
Map<Candidate, Double> scores
calculated from Map<Candidate, CandidateState>, List<Vote> with Vote containing preferences and count
I really should use maps, that would probably make it easier. ...
You should probably include Map<Candidate, Double> scores in your recursion. Initialize it to empty and continuously add to it.
yup. that seems to be the only useful approach
now I just need to lookup candidates by index... or I could use a list. ...
but that's all making assumptions ..
I don't like assumptions
Map Candidate CandidateState -> [Vote] -> Map Candidate Float
^^ this looks cleaner to me than:
List (Candidate, CandidateState) -> Vote -> Map Candidate Float
yeah, makes sense. Order doesn't matter for the Candidate/CandidateState, right? So no need to be a list.
unfortunately votes don't have prefernces that contain candidates, but preferences that are just integers
but haskell lists don't have access by index ...
Oh, right.
or maybe ... ...
because they are all LinkedLists
actually it seems they do have access by index ...
sounds ineffective if they are LinkedLists
(!!) list idx
@SimonForsberg sure does, but I daresay there's not going to be all that many candidates
then again that means I can pass in a list of candidates, and I'll still be fine
C++ conference will start next week, but I'm staying in Kazakhstan cause the country has bad economics :(
this year they are giving away T-shirts, and they even made a contest for a design of them
@Vogel612 yeah that's true
Code Review is more suitable for this question. — Guy 29 secs ago
okay wonderful now I just maybe need to get it to compile ...
I read what you were talking about then realised that I had nothing to contribute because Haskell. Take my energy @Vogel612
it looks quite nice by now...
the only problem is that it throws type-errors everywhere
Q: Does this unit test cover all edge cases?

Fabian LurzI want to test a simple controller and I want to know if this unit test covers all cases: Controller: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public List<Tags> getAllTags(@RequestParam(value = "query", required = false) String query, @RequestParam(value = "limit", required =...

@CaptainObvious You have 5 possible outcomes in that code (excluding exceptions) and only two test cases. No.
Does Java not have default parameters?
@DanPantry No.
I've been spoiled by C#
@SimonForsberg Won't that turn into bloody ugly code?
I don't even have a clue whether it works ...
but it might
@SimonForsberg I deleted my answer due to peer pressure, mostly here in The 2nd Monitor but it did get down votes.
do anyone has 482 gold badges other than Jon Skeet?
@Mast Well, bloody ugly code is better than no code at all.
@pacmaninbw Any transcript from the chat I should read?
Is this about this answer?
19 hours ago, by Vogel612
@pacmaninbw why are you answering in C++ to an assembly question?
@Mast That's the one.
But you also suggested that I remove my answer.
@Vogel612 FYI: The answer was in C, not C++.
@SimonForsberg I understood the concerns of the others here and removed it.
@Zak I'm not surprised.
The Answer that I was concerned about has been removed due to a number of people agreeing with my comment.
@pacmaninbw Doesn't invalidate the point.
@Mast Not sure I understand your comment.
@Mast @SimonForsberg The answer provided by Illcommenttomorrow was correct for the sum of 1 to N + 1, it wasn't directly valid for 1 to 2N + 1, and it certainly wasn't valid for summing only odd numbers between 1 and 2N + 1. In any case I felt the peer pressure was justified and removed my answer. It would still be there otherwise.
@pacmaninbw I think I understand @Mast's comment. You wrote some code in C in your answer to the Assembly question. This is quite unusual and your C code was highly irrelevant to the question. Sure it did the job, but what was it doing in your answer?
@SimonForsberg I understood that yesterday. I had no problems removing the answer. I was responding to your question about why I removed my answer. I felt removing it was justified. As far as I'm concerned everything is OK. If I did something wrong, if someone explains what I did was wrong I accept that and correct it.
@pacmaninbw No no, everything is alright. Didn't mean to worry you :)
The time is 1:44 PM and all is well.
It's 4:44 AM here in Los Angeles and I just finished my first cup of coffee.
Get some sleep, man
I should know sometime next week when I will be in LA, BTW
I just woke up. I'm a morning person.
Should we meet in person?
Depends if I have time for it, I think I'll be expected to be in the office all day - could be interesting, though
That reminds me, I still need to visit london to meet the great @JeroenVannevel
@DanPantry Do you have any Security Certifications?
@DanPantry Preferably before you flee the island I imagine.
This question should be moved to codereview.stackexchange.comiDevlop 43 secs ago
@iDevlop I guess it could work there, yes. More information about the tables would be required for an in-depth review, but as it currently stands it would be welcome on Code Review. — Mast 20 secs ago
@pacmaninbw No, this would be my first exploit in security. I was hired based on my background and thought process, not existing qualifications.
@Mast that won't be possible, unfortunately, I fly out on Friday.
Q: how to define normal javascript function inside the controller in angularjs

UI_DevI have a code snippet below. sample.js (function() { /*global angular */ 'use strict'; angular.module('myapp', ['spinner']) .controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', function ($scope, $window ) { $scope.methodname = function() { if(something){ ...

This question is a prime example of why indentation matters.. if the indentation was sane, you would have immediately seen that callme is hoisted to the wrong scope
Q: Helper class for accessing blobs and mmap memory

NickThis class was inspired from Microsoft's array_view. It intended to use with mmap-ed memory for easily check bounds and so on. I probably will need to throw exceptions, but this is not my usual way of working. Any comments are welcome. #include <cstring> class BlobRef{ public: BlobRef(co...

@DanPantry Is @JeroenVannevel in London?
Speaking of visiting people, I wonder where in Germany @Vogel612 lives
@SimonForsberg As far as I know, he's mentioned it a few times.
@ShadowWizard No, you're actually wrong here. You need an instance of scope itself, not a JavaScript object, for this to work. If you let OP do this now, any changes he makes to the $scope object will not be picked up by Angular. Scope may be an object, but you can't just pass a random object in place of a scope and hope it works. It needs to be a child of $rootScope via $rootScope.$new(), and you aren't going to get that outside of the angular framework. — Dan Pantry 1 min ago
It feels awkward disagreeing with a 48k user
@DanPantry @JeroenVannevel mentions a lot of stuff. I can't keep up with it.
@Mast, could you checkout the last C++ question? It contains UB
@OlzhasZhumabek Who's UB and what do I have to do with it?
@Mast, undefined behavior. I mean I think the code is broken. Not really sure about it, so I've asked you
@DanPantry I disagree with some of the high-rep users on the main meta quite regularly. It's one of the reasons I'm not active there.
@OlzhasZhumabek Is it one of those cases where it depends on the compiler whether it works or not?
@Mast, no. It is when using strlen when the passed pointer is not string, but memory chunk
@Mast, OP is using strlen on some memory, and wants to have a view at it
I'd be surprised if a compiler accepts that. Won't that throw something like a type exception?
@OlzhasZhumabek This one?
@Mast, exactly. He accepted that it is wrong.
Thanks all of you for your answers!I'am sorry about the "code review". I just wanted to both search and change the input given by the user in the for loop but I wasn't able to figure out how.Thanks @n1c9 I usually use functions but I am still in the habbit of while loops.You are right! — Disguise 36 secs ago
OK, he said it is for "test purposes". Sorry for bothering you
Left a comment.
@Mast, thanks
Regardless of whether it's for 'test purposes', stuff should work.
Not working => OT.
@OlzhasZhumabek No problem, a second pair of eyes can clear things up.
It's one of the reasons we have this room.
@SimonForsberg He works there now.
Please explain why you need to call this function inside of an anonymous function and not inside of the Angular framework? I'm struggling to see a reason for it. — Dan Pantry 6 mins ago
May 29 at 14:49, by Vogel612
@skiwi southwest. Near Stuttgart
Is there any reason you can't do this in .run() or inside of a component at the top of your component tree in Angular? — Dan Pantry 1 min ago
can I use this anonymous function inside run? and can i call callme function too? — UI_Dev 25 secs ago
I'm done
@DanPantry It's SO.
"why do you need an anonymous function? why not put it in the controller?" "can I call the anon function inside the controller" T_T
I even gave a working code sample of how it would work
i'm going to get a coffee
Hey, I think codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/140998/… is a nice question (which now has a nice answer :) - is it possible to ensure it won't be closed? only two votes left...
it won't be closed if it isn't off topic
@Mast Any clue what he's working with there?
the way to ensure it isn't closed is if it is on topic
"anyway and i don't want to test that". If you don't want to test it, why do you ask us whether you've covered everything? — Mast 25 secs ago
not really anything to say..
@SimonForsberg he's working at viagogo
@SimonForsberg Web thingies.
on... yeah, web thingies. a/b testing. etc
@Mast wow how did you find that so quickly?
@Vogel612 he's a magician with search, honestly
@DanPantry I'm arguing it's on topic, but others seem to think the opposite
@DanPantry "web thingies" tells me more than "viagogo"
If this is about revising and making better already working code, have you tried Code Review13aal 1 min ago
@DanPantry @QuentinPradet it has three "unclear what you are asking" votes, likely from before it was edited to include the description. I find it highly unlikely that it will be closed now.
@QuentinPradet It's likely when it was originally posted it got those CVs
ok, thanks everyone.
Q: Linq query:Get id that contains in array of ids

Stanislav Chankovpublic ActionResult Index(int[] Ids) { LogisticsViewModel model = new LogisticsViewModel() { //working Stores = Ids.Select(id => Data.Stores.All().FirstOrDefault(x =>x.Id == id)).ToList(), //Routes = Data.Routes.All()....

@CaptainObvious UWYA, probably broken.
wow, never knew that Bjarne Stroustrup answers questions at stackoverflow
@QuentinPradet About your answer: you state the complexity goes down while OP argues it doesn't. Could you improve your answer to remove any ambiguity in that regard?
Ty all of u for your answers!I'am sorry about the "code review".I just wanted to both search and change the input given by the user in the for loop but I wasn't able to figure out how.Thanks@n1c9 I usually use functions but I am still in the habbit of while loops.Is now correct? for i in range(len(Namelist)): if (Avail_name==Namelist[i]): print('Name found!',Namelist[i]) Foundname=Namelist[i] print('Modifyied to:',Foundname[:2]) — Disguise 50 secs ago
Ty all of you for your answers!I'am sorry about the "code review".I just wanted to both search and change the input given by the user in the for loop but I wasn't able to figure out how.Thanks@n1c9 I usually use functions but I am still in the habbit of while loops. — Disguise 41 secs ago
Q: Dependency Inversion Principle and Dependency Injection in C#

MohitI am a newbie in C#. I was doing some sample example which were perfectly fine. But, when I read about SOLID design principle , I had to change my Code. Below is my old code and modified code. I have implemented DIP and DI (Constructor Injection) in my code. Please let me know whether I have imp...

Q: Any way(s) to optimize this solution (LeetCode #2 - Add Two Numbers)?

ɐuıɥɔɐɯFilename: add_two_numbers.erl %%%------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% @doc https://leetcode.com/problems/add-two-numbers/ %%% %%% @end %%%------------------------------------------------------------------ -module(add_two_numbers). -define(BASE, 10). -export([m...

hmmm I think it may be time for a stackoverflow question....
Ran into trouble?
okay I found the problem ...
spot the problem in the following declaration:
data Candidate = Candidate {
    name :: String,
    number :: Int
} | Lost deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Ord Candidate where
    compare c1 c2 = compare (number c1) (number c2)
want the error message?
go for it
> Exception: No match in record selector number
I guess the problem is on the last line?
that's correct
think it out loud, I think you got the right idea
Does it think number is a collection of sorts?
Uh, are you using compare recursively with too many arguments on the right side?
number c1 is what youd write as c1.number in OOP languages
Ah, ok.
Now keep in mind that compare is defined over all Candidates
It has no clue which candidates to compare?
As long as we only compare Candidate instances, that's just fine
I'm out of ideas.
The problem comes when we compare Lost Candidate "foo" 1
c1 is Lost the and calling number Lost blows up for a rather obvious reason
It's not defined
the fix is kinda obvious once you know it:
instance Ord Candidate where
    compare Lost Lost = 0
    compare c1 Lost = compare (number c1) 0
    compare Lost c1 = compare 0 (number c1)
    compare c1 c2 = compare (number c1) (number c2)
and oh wonder: it works:
> trickleAllPreferences states votes scores
fromList [(Lost,0.0),(Candidate {name = "foo", number = 1},105.0),(Candidate {name = "bar", number = 2},90.0),(Candidate {name = "baz", number = 3},120.0)]
Right. You got to cover those cases with additional handling thingies.
Or whatever it's called.
now I just need to test it
@Vogel612 Test data
Or were you talking HUnit tests instead?
HUnit tests
I haven't started parsing file formats yet
also I should clean up design cruft
Weak typing https://t.co/DwrHmB18dy
@Nemexia It's important to note, however, that here on SO the primary purpose of posting source-code in such manner is for other people with similar problems to be able to understand how to resolve the issues they are having, and not for review/feedback. --- When you need code-review without having any specific problem (or when the problem has already been asked about by someone else), there is another aptly named StackExchange website for that: CodeReviewAlmightyR 13 secs ago
@Vogel612 Hmm... why do I feel like it should be possible to solve differently? Can't you make number Lost to be 0 somehow, and then compare?
sure I could try to, but then I'd have to restrict the module exports
because then I mustn't export the data constructor for Lost.
instead I'd need some "special constructor" and then I could completely ignore Lost in the first place
basically a factory method
"smart" constructors are not really a thing in haskell
the best is if you don't even think of it as a constructor
Yes I'm in London
Well right now I'm at the beach in Brighton
Still waiting for you btw @DanPantry
cc @SimonForsberg
There is a separate code review section, codereview.stackexchange.com. — chris85 41 secs ago
wohoo... it works!
now I need to grab some complicated test-cases
@Vogel612 Like the CR election last year? See if you can determine which one of me or @Mat'sMug that won over the other.
no. like not all candidates Hopeful
currently I'm just tallying first preference votes
hmm.. I don't buy it
@Nakilon Hi :-)
I wanted to talk with you about tag edits like this.
I vaguely remember seeing you make similar edits before.
Did you read the tag descriptions of both and ?
Q: Correct locking of a table

Ivan-Mark DebonoIs the following the correct way to lock a table within a transaction and return the id of the inserted row. Note: I know I could simply use SCOPE_IDENTITY instead. CREATE PROCEDURE sp_getnextnumber @myColumn int AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @test table(id int); BEGIN TRAN; BEG...

Q: Am I using classes 'properly' and 'effectively'?

CynosureEPRI've been a developer for many years, but have always put together files of lists of functions to do everything that needed to be done (instead of using classes/objects like I should be). I've recently started forcing myself to try to get into more object-oriented programming. I'm manipulating ...

@Mast @Nakilon you were even topic of a meta-post:
Q: Editing out the Ruby tag from a Ruby-on-Rails question

Marc-AndreSomeone suggested an edit to remove the ruby tag with the reason: ruby != RoR I was tempted to reject the edit, since ruby is a valid tag in my opinion for ruby-on-rails. The user is a good contributor in the ruby tag on SO so I was doubtful what would be the best option here. Do we reject...

If you read the tag descriptions, you can see it's explicitly stated both tags should be applied in case of questions.
Do you have any questions about that @Nakilon?
Interesting rejection reason you have here @Mast ;) codereview.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/63376
I agree that such an edit should be rejected though.
@SimonForsberg spam / vandalism ..
@Nakilon please let us know what you think :)
@Vogel612 oh, I read "promote a product or service" mostly.
@Nakilon please give us an indication that you are still alive
@SimonForsberg Of-course the last part was the most relevant part :-)
It may have been a bit harsh, but it's not untrue.
Good first post by a new user, give the man some love.
Q: Parallel quicksort algorithm taking way too long

Joel ChristophelBelow is my implementation of the quicksort algorithm using parallelism. It takes about 1 second per 10 items in the list, which is hilariously unacceptable. Why is it so bad? def quicksort3(lyst, connection=None): if len(lyst) > 1: pivot = lyst.pop(len(lyst)-1) wall = 0 ...

Q: RESTful Backend API For User Account

sate_rebusi have made a RESTful API built with node.js, express, basic-auth and mongoose. it will respond JSON. This is the folder structure. . ├── index.js ├── lib │   ├── middleware │   │   ├── Authentication.js │   │   └── index.js │   ├── routes │   │   ├── Account.js │   │   └── index.js │   └── sch...

This should be moved to CodeReview — dbmitch 30 secs ago
@SimonForsberg - I believe it is off topic - typically opnion based or broad questions asking about the best way to do something are removed. We prefer questions that can be answered, not just discussed. Whereas Code Review is all about code that works right now - and OP is looking for a better way to do something — dbmitch 31 secs ago
Q: Counters not working for table

Gareethis is my second year of coding and I am fairly new to Java, my only programming experience before this was a semester of C (Though it used a lot of C++ apparently) so this is also my first language for OOP. I am required to make a code that acts as a survey for shows, it needs to output three ...

@CaptainObvious Odd approach, but I guess it's worth a review.
@CaptainObvious Broken.
I'm alive
@Mast @Vogel612 see this meta.stackexchange.com/a/133141/150545
only about ~10% of questions tagged as [ruby] are really about Ruby and can be answered by people who just knows this language

this is my point and @CodeGnome 's point too
it makes pointless to track the Ruby tag when you are looking for "Ruby questions"
so I assumed it would be the same logic in like any another stackexchange site
also the meta question I've just showed you is marked as duplicate of this: meta.stackexchange.com/a/61365/150545
where you se the same point
it's very very weird that you decided this rule that existed on SO for years to be different on CR
Q: Church Numerals

morbidCodeHere is exercise 2.6 from SICP: Exercise 2.6: In case representing pairs as procedures wasn’t mind-boggling enough, consider that, in a language that can manipulate procedures, we can get by without numbers (at least insofar as nonnegative integers are concerned) by implementing 0 and t...

@Nakilon have you checked the meta-post that I linked earlier?
It explains the reasoning behind what we've deemed a good idea at the time
The important difference between SO and CR is that answers may address any and all aspects of code.
as such it's a useful categorization to require questions be tagged with a language tag
"Editing out ruby from ruby-on-rails is basically equivalent to editing out c# or vb.net from asp.net questions"
It's obviously wrong
I understand the reasoning behind the linked posts, but IMO they don't quite apply
Ruby is a language, rails is a simply framework written in it
asp.net is simply a framework, too
I think drawing that parallel is justified
i misread
I'm not sure what the asp.net is
but this is wrong: "A question concerning RoR code can be reviewed by ruby people, whether they know RoR or not"
I don't quite follow
as I said only 10% of Rails questions marked as [Ruby] are really about Ruby
maybe it can't be reviewed quite as well, but I daresay that the language is the same, isn't it?
mostly it's just about ActiveRecord, MVC and other things that are not the Ruby
TBH I don't know ruby at all..
@Nakilon meh. that's just "topics"
still is the "language" isn't it?
@Nakilon I'm not sure one can make that distinction here on CR
I see the same about JS/jQuery: meta.stackexchange.com/a/32450/150545
but it's still not the same big problem as about Ruby tag
the Ruby-related questions are really almost never about Ruby
if you throw out the strongly-Rails-related part of code from the question it would result in 2-3 keywords or in no code at all, that means there is nothing to review on the behalf of the Ruby language topic
hmm ... that sounds rather reasonable. I think you should write this into an answer to the meta-post I linked earlier.
Why don't you just filter out the ones with RoR if you don't want to follow them?
@JeroenVannevel not sure what the point you're trying to make is...
Without the actual code it’s nearly impossible to give you any tips. In any case, you should try CodeReview instead for code that works but needs improvement. — Xufox 16 secs ago
If he wants to see questions that are about ruby but not RoR, you can use a search query that filters out questions with the RoR tag
that's not quite the point of the question as I understand it
Jeroen's message has sense but for some reason this way was not acceptable
maybe search queries didn't support filtering, maybe smth else
@Vogel612 I've left the answer
@Nakilon This question explicitly mentions using Rails. Why oh why did you remove the tag?
You could've added without removing the existing tag if you feel so inclined.
I don't know enough about active-record to judge that. But removing the existing tag feels wrong.
@Nakilon Search queries do support filtering. If I remember correctly it's also possible to make use of "ignored" tags (like the opposite of "favorite" tags) when browsing the site.
Discussion closed, IMO.
actually I wonder...
@Mast you are wrong.
that question isn't about Rails
it's about Ruby and Active-record
@DanPantry as our resident Javascript person: What's your opinion on dropping the from and questions?
@Mast While I currently share your opinion, your arguments leave a bit to be desired.
as far as I'm right in that .update_attributes and .save! is active-record.
@SimonForsberg Agreed.
and active-record isn't the undetachable part of rails -- it's just a gem
I'm not doing too well on the front of providing good arguments lately.
the problem is that in Ruby world it's almost always about Rails -- this makes a lot of problems and timewasting
There is a problem, but removing the tag isn't the solution.
you know, among ~100 interview requests I've got from HR departments, the first question always was "hi, you are Rubyist, right?" -- "yeah, that's true" -- "we would like you to come to our office and talk" -- "ok, I just want to inform you I'm not making websites and so I'm not Rails developer" -- "oh, sure, you will not"

then you come to their office and it appears you just wasted your time, because only 1-2 guys in that company realise the difference
@Nakilon Does Ruby-on-rails come with guidelines regarding style, like spacing, indentation and naming?
imagine if you was a C programmer and all questions you get from the C-language tag filter would be about programming the specific ARM processor core model
@SimonForsberg yes, the most common rules are the same in Ruby and Rails
@Nakilon two searches for you: ruby but not RoR and RoR but not Ruby
@Nakilon So someone who knows Ruby could review the spacing, indentation and naming of a RoR question?
How would Ruby/RoR differ from Groovy/Grails? I'm struggling to understand why Ruby/RoR should receive a special treatment
@SimonForsberg this is nice statistics, thank you
@skiwi Well, first of all we only have 7 grails questions, all of which are also tagged with
@SimonForsberg this would not be a useful answer because all other answers would have the same rules already applied too but also having the rails-specific aedits
@Nakilon You're assuming that the RoR people actually have commented about the spacing, indentation and naming. What if the RoR folks only have focused on the RoR-specific things?
this search query I suppose includes all the intersection codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/…
@SimonForsberg as far as I look at their answers, at least one of them has these recommendations
@Nakilon Yes, it does. I would recommend though to not edit any tags for now while the discussion about the tagging is going on.
@Nakilon I'm more interested in the number of answers that cover spacing, indentation and naming or other Ruby stuff without covering RoR specific things.
@Vogel612 just no cc @Nakilon
It is like not adding C++ tag to arduino
c++ folk can review arduino code, except arduino libs. Ruby folk can review RoR code, except the Rails specific bits.
@Mast I think your mention of "the nature of how Code Review works" is the biggest problem. What is this "nature of how CR works"? I'm pretty sure it's some sort of argumentation fallacy here but I'm not sure which. But your argumentation would probably go better if you are specific about what you mean instead of talking about "the nature" of things.
That would involve me digging through, I dunno, 20 meta's, after finding which ones I need and writing something longer than good as a comment.
I'd say the current answers are good enough and don't need another.
@Mast I know, I didn't say it was easy.
I'll safe that for when there's no agreement within the community. There's consensus now among the majority.
@Mast But the discussion is not closed yet. I'm still open to listening to @Nakilon.
So am I. As I said, he has found a problem. But his solution doesn't cut it.
I'd say that needs a new question based on this one.
But pull it broader. Pull it for Angular and the likes as well, like @Vogel mentioned.
the reasoning of Nakilon makes sense to me. I don't think Ruby should be systematically applied to RoR questions. Only when it makes sense
@janos The only question is to know when it makes sense :)
Problem is the question will no longer have a language tag though.
Do we want to loosen up that policy?
If we do, there's a heck of a lot of questions influenced by it.
I'm wating for 200_success's answer
@SimonForsberg I think only Ruby and RoR experts can answer that
Python will no longer need 2 tags, React/Angular won't need 2 tags, RoR won't need 2 tags.
he's the most experienced active Ruby answerer I know since SO
@Mast And how is that a problem? Ruby on rails is implies that Ruby is involved, so while it doesn't have a direct language tag, you don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out what the language is.
that being said, I have a feeling it should be rare that Ruby wouldn't apply
I say that based on Django and Python, which I'm well versed in, and should be a suitable parallel
@SimonForsberg I'm not saying it's bad, but it will break with years of how we did it. It would need a community-wide change of attitude on edits and tagging.
I don't recall Django questions that shouldn't be tagged Python
Simon's search queries show that I was not right about the "90%" ratio, but there is still the issue that Railers always have smth to say about Ruby questions
while Rubyists don't always have any clue in Rails questions no matter how well they know Ruby
I can't really think of any Spring questions that shouldn't be tagged Java.
@Nakilon except for the parts about naming, indentation, and stuff, as we spoke about earlier
@SimonForsberg these recommendations are obvious and probably are linked in both ruby and rails tags descriptions
so there is not much chances that all rails-specific answerers would forget about these thins
as you could see in some research few weeks ago about Github -- Ruby has the best consistency in tab/spaces -- it's because people care so much about style. that it can't be forgotten
also there are gems like rubocop that are often included in CI
although the blind following to those common style rules is debatable, that's another topic
@Nakilon "Not forgetting about them" and "actually bringing them up in a review" is not necessarily the same thing.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comDhruvPathak 53 secs ago
This should probably be posted on codereview.stackexchange.com, not sure if SO is the right place for review questions. — F.X. 59 secs ago
This Q is not about programming as defined for StackOverflow. It may be more appropriate on the S.E. related site codereview.stackexchange.com . Consider using the flag link at the bottom of your Q and ask the moderator to move it there. Please don't post the same Q on 2 different sites. Thanks and Good Luck. — shellter 49 secs ago
Q: This is my simple temperature converter program. Can anyone suggest any improvements?

Pakbertimport java.util.Scanner; public class Temp { // convertion of fahrenheit to celcius and vise versa public static void main(String[] args) { double celcius, fahrenheit; Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter the value of temperature in degree celcius: "); ...

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