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RELOAD! There are 1992 unanswered questions (93.8851% answered)
Q: PHP Class to prevent SQL injection without using prepared statements

Ramon BakkerI'm learning OOP and totally new to this way of coding. I've always scripted PHP the procedurial way. Now i've written a working class, which creates a database connection and has the method to create a query which is impossible to SQL-inject by hexing the non-integer data. (I know how to use pr...

I hate to pimp, but what are people's thoughts on this answer? It's currently 0 and -1, but I can't tell if that's because somebody was on a DV spree or if it's because they disagreed with the answer.
@SirPython Perhaps the downvote happened before your pretty big edit?
It was.
They probably didn't bother to come back later and see if you had changed it
@Vogel612 It's not just Programmers
@Quill SFF, too
I may have missed some, but SO is always scraping the border of the abyss anyways
In case this hasn't been posted yet
TIL parameterized tests aren't inherently bad, even when they get their parameters from.... ....a .... database...
@Quill Is Martin not running again?
@SirPython He hasn't said no, as of yet
it's only been 4 hours since nominations opened
but Doorknob said he's busy and hasn't posted his yet; fair to assume the same for Martin
There also is the point of allowing another generation of mods to start taking over
@DanPantry Hexo is pretty damn good
Q: Golang Decimal to Fraction Solver

XXXI have created a program that turns a decimal into a fraction! Here we go: package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/retep-mathwizard/utils/convert" "github.com/retep-mathwizard/utils/input" "math" "strings" ) func main() { fmt.Println("Input your ...

Q: obj c - create gif from uiimage array

user100867I'm modifying a library to create a gif from an nsmutablearray containing images. I'm getting the following exception in the following code. PS: I'm trying to hardcore the images going in for now but eventually it will pull it from the nsmutablearray. error: Tester(4685,0x16e12f000) malloc: *...

1 hour later…
in 2016 Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Moderator Election, 25 mins ago, by Downgoat
@El'endiaStarman are mod downvotes binding?
Worth every penny. A welcome addition to my bookshelf. https://www.gitbook.com/book/tra38/essential-copying-and-pasting-from-stack-overflow/details
in The Nineteenth Byte, 3 mins ago, by Geobits
Code Review links generally are scary enough as it is.
@DanPantry I'll send you a screenshot later if you like, but you should get the larger one
@Quill Isn't it like, tomorrow there?
That's an odd question to ask
Guess it's tomorrow where @Quill to the same extent it's yesterday where you are :)
@PinCrash Are you a web-dev peep?
For some values of "dev"
(i.e., not really, unless you consider HTML/CSS web-dev)
@PinCrash Gimme a sec, I'll show you my problem
It's just that I know nothing
and I have a genuinely stupid question :)
It's tuesday here, If that's what you're asking
That Redux syntax man, that'll take a bit getting used to
@PinCrash you are a web dev buddy, no getting out of that one
Oh god, Object assigns inside of Object assigns
Apparently though this exercise series makes you do it the long way first, and then explains better ways to do it
Look at how weird this is
In the github repo if you search for anything to do with "Wunderbar" it doesn't show anything at all
but there's that post there that I deleted still live
Nevermind, nevermind
google bloody cache
I never thought I was a compotent designer until we started covering CSS in my web tech class
@Quill Woohoo Infected
Yeah, they're awesome
Saw them live New Year's Eve in 2004 or 2005 if I recall correctly
waaaaaat ;-;
was a hell of a party, in Montreal
If the code is working and you want to get it reviewed, Code Review is the place to ask. — Tushar 33 secs ago
Q: Reverse word in java

user3168736Short and Spicy question is that Id input is how are you and output should beyou are how. My Code public class ReverseWord { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ String input; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out....

The new iOS update is 1.3GB, I think I've had smaller OS X updates
I don't even have that much space on my phone ;-;
Did you get the 16GB model?
Yeah, The only one my plan would let me get
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Obinna Nwakwue: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/122929/revisions
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the OP is asking for code review. — Felix Kling 9 secs ago
Your question is too broad for SO which is for specific programming problems. The architecture design aspects might be on topic for programmers.stackexchange.com or a code sample might work on codereview.stackexchange.com. I suggest reading the help sections of those sites to see if you can formulate an on topic question. — JBentley 42 secs ago
Q: Angular console like window - first directive

MisiuI've asked question on SO how to rewrite jQuery code to Angular. Because I got no answers I've tried to create something by my own. This is my version of code: (function() { 'use strict'; angular .module('misiu.directives', []) .directive('console', ['$rootScope', function($rootScop...

monking @all
1 hour later…
Monking all
I must say that it probably does depend a bit on the problem at hand (compare e.g. stackoverflow.com/questions/29186939/… and codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/77582/…egpbos 42 secs ago
Q: How to increase the execution speed

siddhu619I have service to which I have to submit a json but I have to send the json multilple times and the code is slow. Help to improve the performance of below code: with requests.Session() as s: for j in range(999): regDetails= '{"birthday":"'+str(dob[j]).replace('-','...

Welcome. You might want to see if there is a place on Stack Exchange for code reviews considering that your code works. SO is for questions where there is a specific problem. Good luck! — MickyD 6 secs ago
I hope none of our belgiums had been at the airport.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 6 hours ago, by mınxomaτ
throw javaScript.away();
Q: Cpp Spagetti Code

user3860708class A: public Object { Q_OBJECT public: EFILIBRARY_EXPORT A(bool boPower); EFILIBRARY_EXPORT ~A(); ..... signals: ..... private: void *m_pvBclass; // Bclass ist einen class void *m_pvDclassPool; // DclassPool ist einen class void *m_pvEclassHold; //EclassHold ist einen class #define p...

@CaptainObvious It's so spaghetti that they couldn't even spell spaghetti right
@DJanssens @chillworld let us know when you're online and safe - and all the other Belgians
I'm very tempted to ping jeroen
I don't think he is living in Belgium at the moment
Which is why I didn't ping him
I meant about the link I just posted
Q: What are some good economics jokes?

Kitsune CavalryWe've delved into questions about the history of economics. We've pondered what the most important equations in economics are. But let's have a little fun. What are your best economics jokes, either puns that you have heard or situational jokes about economists? I'll contribute one if I can think...

... how is this in hot network questions and not closed yet
it's about as listy as a list question will get
there we go, put it on their meta
Q: Joke list question got to Hot Network Question but looks like it should be closed

PimgdWhat are some good economics jokes? This question, if asked on any other site on StackExchange that I participate in, ("what are some good programming jokes", etc), would get downvoted and closed so hard. But here, it's got upvotes and is apparently being tolerated. Since this completely thro...

they can go deal with it
The worst part for me is that a Diamond mod on their site saw the question and thought "heyyyyy, lemme post an answer"
@DanPantry I'm safe ;)
wasn't in brussel today (that's for tomorrow)
@DanPantry I can think of all sorts of jokes but I'm not sure how appropriate they are
if in doubt, cut it out :P @Pimgd
> Help! My toaster got a virus which is performing a DOS attack on my doorlock and prevents me from entering my apartment
If that happened, what a world we would be living in.
The answer to that question is that "what model is it" and "all models require a fail-safe button on the inside, it looks like this, you can push it and go out"
additionally... unplug your fking toaster
What, something happened in Brussel again?
kaboom happened, now their infrastructure is even worse than it was
Two bombs in Brussels Airport
@DanPantry Burn it, with fire.
@DanPantry Just Read about it now. Pretty scary.
@Quill Shiiit.
Probably in response to the capture of that Saladbingbong guy
@Pimgd Now the airport looks like the roads already did?
@Pimgd All electronics have a fail-safe: the power cord.
Lol, the star and then hasty unstar.
Except for iPhones and the likes of-course...
Those are an abomination.
@Mast This is the sort of joke I'm talking about, it looks appropriate to me
Monking @all
@DanPantry I'm pointing this terrorist attack to the press, as they all covered that Salam will talk to the police and tell everything for reducing his sentence. This means that the other terrorist knows this to and know they will be captured in a short time. So they execute there plans earlier (because next week it's holiday and airport will be more crowded). If this wasn't in the press, maybe they didn't reschedule their plans and we could have capture them.
I'm for freedom of press, don't take me wrong on that but they have to think before publishing such info
@chillworld The counterpoint that can be made for this is "but on the other hand, you could have failed to capture them, and the increased amount of people would have meant an even greater damage a week later"
@chillworld it's probably too early to mention that. Note that, in the same idea, a possible scenario would be that since they arrested Abdeslam, they are looking for two persons related to him. Probably hiding with him. Those could be the source of those attacks.
@Pimgd you are correct, if they didn't succeed to capture them it would be even more worse
but why don't "lie" for the greater good, and say he refuse to talk, or even fake his death
I find it all very confusing, I know that most of the Muslims doesn't support this.
A: Strange "Want a [skill] job?" Ad

QuillThe job listing adverts aren't broken and they're not necessarily wrong either. While employers may add unnecessary tags to attract more attention, there isn't necessarily a way to tell whether they're lying. A lot of jobs aren't concrete positions where you write X and only X. Saying 'A Java de...

But on the other hand, you get the feeling that even if they don't support it, they don't care about it. I know this isn't a correct feeling, but it's damn hard to convince mine body of it
oke I'll shut up ;)
you don't need to shut up :P Just not sure the current discourse is suitable for 2nd
But I don't want to move ;)
Politics and the like are not something we should talk about in the official chat. The Nth is more appropriate for matters like that.
Q: Coding style for my little animation plugin

AspergerI have been writing a small particle plugin since I want to learn how physiks works for games. Now I have tried to get this as clean as I possible could but It feels something is missing. Am I repeating too much code? Could this be improved in any way such as in performance? https://jsfiddle.ne...

@chillworld Because this can hurt your credibility as a media source later on
Heck, claiming that he died when he didn't might be grounds for a defamation lawsuit
(yes, even terrorists have rights)
Also someone please move this to nth because I apparently suck at reading EVERYTHING before I post
Sounds like a code-review. — Sinatr 1 min ago
> physiks
Closing this site as a dupe is just them try to not get you to know the truth. — x-x 2 days ago
@AliRezaDehdar Read the description of the code-review tag. Questions about code review don't belong on StackOverflow, but instand on the link Sinatr posted. — Lars Kristensen 11 secs ago
apparently on Economics, I have to explain why fun list questions are bad to people with 10k+ rep
I hate it when you try to refactor something and the refactor cascades onto so many things
Q: Cleaning up C# method that copies file dependencies

Ali Reza DehdarI have written the following code, and it works great, but I'm not satisfied. I really love the book "Clean Code" by Uncle Bob and I try to apply all his principles when coding, but I'm having a tough time cleaning this abomination. I call it an abomination because I'm sure everyone new to this m...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comResiduum 14 secs ago
user image
coworkers are having issues with slack :p
@DanPantry Hello there wee man!
also help, I'm using markdown in Jira and it's not working for obvious reasons
@Pimgd Jira doesn't support markdown
Well, it does, but hard to wrap
> it's not working for obvious reasons
It'd be easier just to learn Jira's formatting rules
Because we needed to learn another language :(
function myFunc(){
    return 4 + 4;
I don't think there's a none formatting option either
so I just tag it as Java, because that's the default when you click code
Sorry I meant that it's not that I want to use markdown
more like "I automatically use markdown in big white textboxes"
Q: What are some good economics jokes?

Kitsune CavalryWe've delved into questions about the history of economics. We've pondered what the most important equations in economics are. But let's have a little fun. What are your best economics jokes, either puns that you have heard or situational jokes about economists? I'll contribute one if I can think...

Victory (it's on hold but auto-boxing is hard, apparently)
blame caching
Summary; they want to keep it, but agree that the current shape is bad.
They think that by rephrasing it to "jokes that are useful for explaining economical concepts", requiring explanation for each joke and limiting it to 1 joke per answer, it can be reframed and reopened
@Residuum no, it does not belong on codereview. See the comment by Phrancis. — timgeb 17 secs ago
Q: Slow multiplication in a modulo

lopataI am willing to get a linear output of a product in a ring Z/nZ For that I have successfully implemented a code that does a Product in a modulo However, it is not optimized to output the steps smoothly: /* Product of n1 x n2 x n3 modulo M */ var numbers=[n1,n2,n3]; var modulo= M; var APro...

@Duga o/
> Phrancis
(yes I know it's an anagram)
Yeah, I thought he applied the name globally
ahhhh wakelocks
it's the company app
That's terrible
apps that keep a wakelock to continuously update your screen which is turned off need to get shot
Police use them in raids of digital criminals
A "wiggler" they're called apparently
wiggles the mouse to prevent sleeping
Q: How to deal with (orphaned) WakeLocks?

IzzyI guess most of you at least have heard about WakeLocks. Many of you will have experienced them already -- wether knowingly or not. Some may know how to deal with them in general -- but only few know how to deal with the "more complicated candidates". For those who don't know, though above link ...

> For those who don't know, though above link leads to an explanation, a short summary: Apps may request a WAKE_LOCK to keep a device component from "sleeping", so they can perform a task even when the display is turned off. This is very useful in most cases (e.g. keeping the screen on while navigating, keeping WiFi active to stream music) -- but used in the wrong way, it causes your battery to be drained within short term (up to 25% per hour).
Q: Update data in Mongo documents

Anatolypublic async void Execute() { var mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionStringBuilder.ToMongoUrl()); var db = mongoClient.GetDatabase(connectionStringBuilder.DatabaseName); var jobInfoDocuments = db.GetCollection<JobInfoRecord>("JobInfoRecords"); var encryptedKeys = new[] { "Ac...

Q: Removing a node from BST loops infinitely

XzenonI am trying to write a procedure in Racket that will remove a value from a tree. I'm following the pseudo code from Wikipedia and so far I've implemented everything but the removal of a node with both subtrees. When I try to test it however, it runs out of memory and goes into an infinite loop an...

@CaptainObvious off-topics
so yeah, sharp battery drain by doing "nothing", that sucks bad
Just get a laptop instead of going with the crazy mobile rage.
I don't have a smartphone, no use for it.
whatsapp, phone calls, relisting sold stacks in a MMORPG that uses real money, directions, quick notepad, looking up times for public transit...
hmmmmh I wonder what else I do with my phone
@JeroenVannevel You awake yet? I hope you're either home, at work or in London, as long as it ain't Bruxxelles.
oh and a light source when it's dark
@Pimgd relisting sold stacks in a MMORPG that uses real money,
Entropia Universe =)
@Pimgd So first one of the moderators answers the question and later he closes it? I call bullsh*t.
Yes, but they're a still growing community that hasn't quite figured out their scope yet
(or so they say)
@Mast Or maybe he didnt' realise the harm of the question until it was pointed out in meta - people can have their opinions change, you know
Don't make the mistakes made by others, simply by thinking 'we're new, we haven't explored this yet'.
@DanPantry In other cases I could believe that, but this is a blatant brainfart at best.
Q: fetch data from multiple tables

UnbreakableI have three primary tables. 1. Customer 2. Product 3. Order relations: many to many between product and order. CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerId int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, CustomerName varchar(50) NOT NULL, CustomerMail varchar(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT Customer_pk PRIMAR...

@DanPantry Mods should know better.
@Kaz Mods knows nothing.
You know nothing, Mod Snow
If the site hasn't defined their scope as a collective
a mod can't see into the future and bring magical future knowledge to the table
Seeing the harm from an outsider's (no offence @Pimgd) point of view is probably the worst thing
Annoying current users is bad, but they probably like the site (and have time on there) and are willing to work through it. New users (or outsiders) generally aren't willing to work through problems and can/will just walk away
His response was excellent: despite his participation in the problem, he appreciated Pimgd's view and took action for the better of the site
his first reaction was "we gotta salvage this" though, which I found weird but okay
@DanPantry Exactly what I said, and lol.
it's probably harmful for them to quickly drop content
This could potentially be a good Code Review question as suggested by Peter Wood, however before posting there, if you do, I would recommend to briefly look over How do I ask a good question? as a bit more context here (such as, what is the author looking to achieve with this code, etc.) would make this a better question. — Phrancis 38 secs ago
> 585 characters left
[Post Comment]
> Comments must be at least 15 characters in length.
... It is 15 characters...
ah it happens when you @ to someone that is not needed and the system strips it
also eww, it returns HTTP 500
Q: simple breadth first search in python. ways to make syntax less ugly?

AlanThe following code performs breadth first search on a mockup tree # some tree # A - LAYER 0 # B C - LAYER 1 # D E - LAYER 2 # F - LAYER 3 def get_something(x): if x == 'a': return ['b', 'c'] ...

New email from JIRA: You clicked a button!
New email from JIRA: You clicked a button!
New email from JIRA: You clicked a button!
You have (5) unread emails.
@Pimgd Welcome to my world ;p
Okay, they all say different things, but blehhhh, I know I just assigned myself to a story, a subtask, and put both story and subtask into progress
One of the mails just lists the story's attributes + a link
there's no explanation what so ever, so not only are they spammy, you couldn't even filter them in your mailbox
ehhh whatever, lunchtime
@Pimgd You don't want to do that. Really, you don't. Ask Phrancis.
So I just had a call from our auditors. They wanted to check that I actually exist.
That must have been one interesting phone call.
(The Finance Director): "Zak, the auditors want to speak to you".
Me: "uhm. ooookay." (why the hell do they want to talk to me?)
Auditor: "Is this Zak?"
"Nothing to worry about, we just have to check you actually exist."
"Yes, I exist."
"awesome. you can pass me back now."
Any reason why they should doubt your existence?
@Mast because his name is Kaz, not Zak
should I really read all these starred messages?
@Malachi better than other stuff you can read today.
you mean like a requirements documentation....
or php code
or the news
The news is not good today.
I don't normally read/watch the news. unless facebook counts....jk I don't do that much either
I should write some code that does BFS, it seems all the rage these days
and I haven't ever done it yet
@Kaz Breadth First Search
Why? Hasn't that been done to death by now?
Look at a couple of CR posts and improve on those.
yeah but for learning purposes... you know what I mean? I would like to do DFS as well, just for the experience.
But I like your thinking, @Mast
Q: New to batch, would like some assistance 🙂 (please advise if incorrect section)

user100912Firstly, I apologise for formatting, new to this site and iphone app. I've done a small amount of research. Have made a small batch to move mp3 files from my downloads folder, but now it's time for something better. You may know, steam doesn't have an auto shutdown feature, so what I was thinkin...

Q: Thread-safe access to multiple objects

FarthVaderI have two thread-safe collection in which one's item is other collection's key. Whenever a new Foo comes in, it will be both added to list and map. To ensure thread-safety, both operations are executed inside a synchronized block. Considering this code is used in a web application that receive t...

@CaptainObvious Emoticons in titles?!
Filter is broken...
Q: rails refactoring controller code

Szilard MagyarI have a rails4 app. When a user comments on a post it should send a notification to all the guys who commented on the post and to the post creator. I have a working method in the controller, but it's kinda ugly and I'd like to refactor it. Could sby tell me what the rails convention for refacto...

@CaptainObvious example code...
applied VTC where requested
You're better off putting that kind of request on codereview rather than SO. — Robert Longson 1 min ago
Be sure to read the help center first; for Code Review is if you're looking for a general review (though you're welcome to point out problematic areas on your won); adding features is off-topic — Pimgd 41 secs ago
BTW, no reply from the place I applied for, so I guess I don't get the job. Shame, I would have thought people using SO careers would have at least replied :(
I broke the 21k level!
Congrats, @Malachi
@DanPantry sometimes it takes them a while.
SO itself takes like 6-8 weeks, no pun intended
Maybe I am being impatient, but I would have expected a reply by now
oh, wow, okay, I didn't realise that was a common timeframe.
@DanPantry How long has it been so far?
I mean, I had an interview scheduled for my current job on Friday, took the itnerview on Monday and had the job before I had even fniished getting the train home an hour later.
It can take a week easily.
really? When I apply somewhere I expect a response within 5 days
@Mast I applied on Sunday, so yeah, maybe I am being impatient.
However, it can also go quickly if you're lucky.
I am used to recruiters, though, who probably chase up the companies.
I've had applied one day, got a call on the second, had a meeting on the 4th and get accepted that day.
Sometimes things go fast, but that isn't necessarily the standard.
It's just what I am used to. I will employ some more patience. I would just be eager to hear back about whether or not there are any potential issues with my CV ASAP obviously so I can correct them.
depends on how bad they want you
@Pimgd it's a start up with two positions avaliable, so I would imagine they are really gunning for hires.
But I would also imagine they are quite saturated with hires, so who knows
I don't mind if I get an itnerview or not (though I would like an interview at least), but I hope they reply telling me if I am not successful in getting one.
@DanPantry Don't count on it.
@Mast I won't :-(
This would be the first position I've applied to without going through a recruiter.
They won't review your application for you, they'll just tell you whether it was enough to get them interested.
I my limited experience; if it's gonna happen it happens fast
Maybe I'm used to wildly different standards but like half the places I contact leads to an interview
Whenever it's taken time it's had a negative result
Same here, but again, I am used to recruiters.
I am not expecting a positive result
and with recruiters I'm used to not getting the job in the end due to recruiter fees
I've never gone through standalone recruiters
It's a position in London in a start up for React and Redux. I have not worked with it professionally (not that that is easy to do, as it has only been in the limelight for the past 8 months).
@Pimgd yeah, that's why I do not want to use one now. I also feel that recruiters have less of an interest in getting you a job that suits you and more just making sure you stay in that job for 3 months.
@DanPantry Agreed.
which are probably above $15k, given that I made a joke about recruiters during one interview with that figure and the person interviewing me replied "I wish"
As far as I understand it, the standard "package" for recruiters here is 3 months wages [of the hiree].
So for me that would be £6k, which is a decent sum.
They only get that if you stay for 3 months though...
Here they get paid a percentage of your salary for a certain amount of time.
It's quite confusing though, how much they get and when not.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the poster moved it to codereview. — Dave Schweisguth 34 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Malachi on question by Szilard Magyar: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123543/revisions
@Duga @Malachi looks like you included 1 line too many
@Pimgd really? looked rather codish to me.... lol
@Mast I'm not 100% sure on the amount they get but I know that because they get an amount, my renumeration has to be lower. :-(
Yes but if you try compiling it there's too many non-keywords that haven't been declared as a variable
@Duga Hmm.. I'd star this, but it isn't janos or Simon..
@Pimgd huh.... how do you propose I right this code issue? should I reset the code back to the way it was?
leave the top row out?
I think
I have to get back to Documentation
what's documentation?
I need to learn how to document
possible answer invalidation by Malachi on question by Szilard Magyar: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123543/revisions
Q: Dependency injection class in C++

Gyorgy SzekelyIn a recent project I started passing dependencies to classes as constructor arguments, instead of using local instances. This makes unit testing straightforward (with mock objects), but manual instance creation can be quite tedious if you have more than a handful of objects. So I created a smal...

@Duga that's just what I think, though
people with ruby on rails experience; feel free to point out how wrong I am
You're probably right, but it could also be a really screwy copy-pate bug and meant to look like this
you're now just as bald as the other guy
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :post, post has_many: comments
actually idk what I am talking about, because that second line wouldn't work
but it definitely looks screwy because belongs_to is a method on ActiveRecord::Base
oh god I searched for something and ended up at quora
why don't they have mono-spaced code
or syntax highlighting
this is the same site that pops up an interstitial if you don't sign up
> Failed to merge in the changes.
oh god
please no, not like this
(kendo-upgrade|REBASE 2/79)
not like this
you seem to be abusing your repository. Would you like some help with that? </clippy>
Tonight (sorry!). If you see any mods in the 2nd monitor, please bug them to accelerate! ;-) — janos ♦ 3 mins ago
I'm just trying to rebase my feature branch on top of the upstream branch so i get a clean ff merge when i merge the feature branch into upstream
@Sherlock9 that profile image is fantastic
Thanks :D
I'm popping in from PPCG chat for no particular reason. Figured I'd lurk
Welcome :)
@Pimgd So, we start bugging now or wait till it's past 6PM CET?
I figure I'd wait a bit, if he says he's gonna do it tonight then bug him somewhat late tonight
Sounds like a plan.

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