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4:52 PM
@NicolasChabanovsky Greetings
5:11 PM
Is there any way to prevent editing the title of the question when only the "resolvido" (solved) word is added?
In SOpt, it is quite common for the question author to be able to resolve before someone answers the question and instead of answering it, he just changes the title. It would be interesting in this case to have a system alert recommending that it add the solution as a response.
- https://pt.stackoverflow.com/posts/341393/revisions
- https://pt.stackoverflow.com/posts/360422/revisions
- https://pt.stackoverflow.com/posts/326549/revisions
6:06 PM
@AndersonCarlosWoss Probably a warning?
@gbianchi Yes, something like "Please, instead of marking the question as solved by changing the title, consider posting the solution as an answer"
6:32 PM
@AndersonCarlosWoss Is the same as adding warning signs when the user post in english
maybe you can add a regexp on the tittle??? if the word "resolvido" is there, show the sign....
@gbianchi Does the warning also work when editing a question?
@AndersonCarlosWoss not sure.. let me check
@AndersonCarlosWoss mmm... looks like it not work when editing.. but we can check it with someone inside, maybe it can be turn on when editing in some cases...
@g3rv4 are you here?
@gbianchi I am everywhere
@g3rv4 :p
you are worst than me...
Because in this case the problem only occurs in editing the question
6:40 PM
read the last messages them :p
there's no way to modify the blacklist to work on edits right now
this should be a feature request :(
You will have to wait for Nicolas them @AndersonCarlosWoss
anyway could be a nice add for us too.. we don't have a lot of "resuelta" but, who knows...
and we don't have statistics from ja...

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