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@rencinas ╳ You are not a privileged user. Please see the privileges wiki page for information on what privileges are and what is expected of privileged users.
@NicolasChabanovsky Maybe not only for new users with low rep, according to me this feature is always needed. A good answer needs code explanation
@rencinas Hi!
It does need explanations. I'd love to enable the feature. Though the community needs to know what would happen.
It's surprised me that we do not have it on any international site, by the way. It's very interesting how it will go. I'd love to have it on other sites as well.
1 hour later…
@NicolasChabanovsky hello. Should we mark as status-completed things that are being done in the list meta.stackexchange.com/q/317116/209901 ?
also, the newly introduced audit reviews are not showing in the profile page -> activity tab (I just reported it in es.meta.stackoverflow.com/q/3726/83)
@fedorqui hi! Yes, correct, we need to move it from problems to findings. I got cold yesterday. Please, feel free to move it to the right bullet item yourself, otherwise I will move it [probably] tomorrow. I'll look why there is no the tab tomorrow as well.
@NicolasChabanovsky oh! I hope you are feeling better today
@NicolasChabanovsky not sure what bullet should I move it to, since "findings" and "initiatives" do not convince me much for this specific solved topics
@fedorqui Thank you! It seems to me that we might be interested in keeping all such things in the "findings" section, so if any another community decides to have it, it knows what needed to be done.
What do you think?
@NicolasChabanovsky nice! Not sure if you are coming on a holiday or for work. In any case, if you have free time I will also try to find some (I live a bit far away) and meet some day. Let me know also if you need any info about the city, I lived there for many years. I just dropped you an email so you have my contact
@fedorqui Sounds great! :) This will be holiday.
@NicolasChabanovsky it sounds good, just edited it
@NicolasChabanovsky cool! There are a lot of interesting meetups out there, in case you want to browse. They are mostly in English, so you can enjoy them
I've been in Barcelona many times before! It's a beautiful city. Spain in general, the only country where I would like to relocate :) Two years ago I lived there for three months: two in Ronda, one in Barcelona. I like Ronda a lot. I think it's one of the best places in the world :)
@fedorqui wow! Do you mean technical or general?
@NicolasChabanovsky both! meetup.com and you'll find such a list. It is even tiring to see the list, since one would like to attend them all haha
@fedorqui Thank you!
@NicolasChabanovsky niiiice! And how funny you were in Ronda, let's see if I can visit it someday
@fedorqui It seems like I could live in Rona all my life :D
@NicolasChabanovsky I remember hearing they have one of the oldest bullfight rings, among other things
@fedorqui Yep. What is the most appealing to me is the nature. Plus, the city is very nice, there is everything one needs. At the same time if one wants to go to countryside they need to walk for 5-7 minutes and this is it :)
regarding future improvements on int'sites, I mentioned some time ago that it would be great to have the Triage review queue in es.meta.stackoverflow.com/q/3200/83 There, the fantastic user Mariano answered objecting it is too early, since we don't have enough reviewers. In any case, both things could get some priority: impulsing reviewers and, eventually, get this queue
I'm not much familiar with the Triage, though I recall asking about it for SOru. The request was declined. The reason was, as I remember (might be wrong here), that it would be really hard to set up the algorithms, there are not that much content on the site at that time. But let me check it. Please add the initiative to the list.

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