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doppelgreener has unfrozen this room.
(just in case)
posted on March 02, 2019 by Sean Nittner

4-6 13+ 2-6 hours $45 Band of Blades The Road to Skydagger Keep The Legion is in retreat following a failed battle against the armies of the undead. You are […]

posted on March 21, 2019 by Sean Nittner

Character Sheet

posted on April 18, 2019 by Sean Nittner

3-6 13+ 2-8 Hours $35 Fate of Cthulhu The stars are right for Great Cthulhu’s return. It’s up to you to make them wrong again! The Great Old Ones reach […]

posted on April 20, 2019 by Sean Nittner

Places to connect with other folks in the Fate community!

posted on May 22, 2019 by Sean Nittner

Check out these podcasts, live streams, reviews, and interviews! Plot Points Ben did a great interview with Karen about gaming, improv, and everything in between on Plot Points. Listen here: […]

posted on August 28, 2019 by Sean Nittner

Character Sheets Download coming soon… Islands Download coming soon… Players Kit Download coming soon…

posted on September 04, 2019 by Sean Nittner

3-6 12+ 2-8 hr $10 Fate Accessibility Toolkit The Fate Accessibility Toolkit is a new toolkit for Fate Core that brings characters with disabilities into your game and supports players […]

posted on September 13, 2019 by Tom Lommel

Over the past 10 years, Kickstarter campaigns have been an essential business driver for Evil Hat. Thanks to Fate Core’s 2013 Kickstarter, we were able to publish an award-winning game […]

posted on September 23, 2019 by Tom Lommel

Ten days ago, in light of troubling allegations of union busting by Kickstarter management, we decided to pause the launch of our crowdfunding campaign for the new edition of Agon. […]

posted on September 25, 2019 by Sean Nittner

3-6 13+ 2-6 hours TBD Agon Heroes of Legend Far back in the mists of antiquity, a poet sings of great deeds wrought by mighty heroes—of monsters slain and justice […]

Q: What happens after conceding a conflict, and how much should the winning party gain?

Paul PlummerI am starting a game based somewhat off Atomic Robo the Roleplaying Game which is based off Fate Core and in this case it should not really matter. This will be my first time GMing and first time playing a Fate based game for all involved, so I am trying to come up with some easy to drop in sit...

Q: Does Mode ordering break the system, and if so how?

vicky_molokhSome time ago, I encountered the following statement from Reddit, which makes me think that either I'm not understanding how modes work, or there's something incomplete or wrong in the statement (I did ask the author of the statement for follow-up clarification, but received none). I realise it i...

Q: How can I handle a mechanical justification for clerical magic in a world where gods are uncertain?

Jorge Pujalte AbrahamI'm making a Fudge campaign in a world where the existence of the gods is neither proven, nor disproven. I'd like to have multiple religions, many of which may be scams, but also may be not. What mechanical justification (not narrative/lore) can I use for the existence of clerics, when a wizard ...

Q: What'd be the Fate/Fudge equivalent of the stunt mechanics from AGE System?

Thiago MAs you might know, the AGE system (Dragon Age RPG, Fantasy Age RPG, etc) has a mechanic of generating stunt points based on the player rolling doubles on any of the 3d6. If you are not familiar with the concept, the system has a mechanic where one of its dice is called "The Dragon Die" or "The S...

Q: How do I model a fudge dice roll with re-rolls in Anydice?

Shane VinjeI need a little help with a probability calculation in Anydice. We are making a fudge based game using 4 fudge dice, so basically a d3 system: -1,0,1 We are allowing your attribute or stats in the game go to go from -3 to 4 and high stats allows you to re-roll a die. So basically on any fudge r...

Q: Do you get all your Fate Points at the end of the scene?

RobertFate Core Electronic p.81 indicates that these are the three ways to gain Fate Points. Accept a Compel: You get a fate point when you agree to the complication associated with a compel (...) Have your aspect invoked against you. If someone pays a fate point to invoke an aspect attached t...

Q: When to use the GM Fate Points pool?

MasclinsI understand that the GM follows a bit different rules for getting and spending Fate Points (FP). For instance, she only gets one FP per player and scene. My question is when to use them, since the rules suggest those are the ones NPCs have access to. The NPCs under your control are not so ...

Q: When should Passive Opposition be 'free', and when should it cost a FP to create from an Aspect?

vicky_molokhI've asked this elsewhere before, and am still in search of an answer that will give me clear guidelines for making such decisions in actual play (whether as a GM or as a player who's making up a part of a consensus). Let's say we have a situation where an action would normally be uncontested (...

Q: Is the Opposition Rating for a roll known to the player?

Amazing RandoIn Fate, is the Opposition Rating for a roll known to the player? Is it an option to keep this number a secret? Actions and Outcomes (Fate Core) does not explicitly say. What I mean by "opposition number" is the numerical rating on the ladder that you're rolling against. This would be either the...

Q: How Do Core and Accelerated Resolution Mechanics Differ?

vicky_molokhThe differences between the two versions of the game are quite noticeable, and also spelled out in the conversion guide. Differences in various resolution mechanics seem subtler, and easier to overlook (I definitely overlooked them in the past and am likely overlooking others still). For example,...

Q: When should I mark the Summer/Winter Courtier condition?

paulodiovaniDresden Files Accelerated introduces a new way to use Conditions, by turning some ability on/off (The Third Eye, for example). Some of them, however (which are always marked), doesn't look much different from a Stunt. The Summer and Winter Court True Fae Mantles (pg 160, pg 162), have a Summer/...

Q: How to manage sharing the spotlight outside of combat in a fun way?

JetpackI noticed something as a game master of one ongoing game and a player in another. In both games, whenever a decision had to be made outside of combat, the most high energy players were blurting out whatever they wanted, made a decision, and the table ran with it. This led to a lot of exciting thi...

Q: Are there any official or fanmade character sheets for Diaspora?

ErikI'm planning a game of Diaspora that I will be hosting at a convention, and I'm trying to get some fancy looking character sheets for the players. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find any. Searching the web brings up various links, but they are all dead. I looked at the Fate Core character shee...

Q: What happens when you Take Out yourself?

ErikWhile checking the Space Combat system for Diaspora I ran into an interesting situation and I don't know how to deal with it, should it come up. There are a few options you can take during a Space Combat that cause your ship Stress. For example, firing Beams both offensively and defensively in t...

Q: Can I choose each time I cast a rote block whether the effect works as block strength, Armor, or a zone border?

Red OrcaAs a wizard with Great (+4) Conviction and Discipline, I can have the following rote spell: Type: Earth evocation, defensive block Power: 4 shifts Duration: One exchange Can I choose each time I cast the spell whether the effect works as block strength, Armor, or a zone border (YS, p. 252)? A...

Q: What counts as "often enough" for the purpose of changing a wizard's rote spells?

Red Orca Rote Spells Over time, a wizard uses a particular evocation often enough that ... its use becomes reflexive. When this happens, the spell is considered to be a rote spell. (YS, p. 257; emphasis mine) How often is "often enough" to allow a wizard to change their rote spells? When a ...

Q: Is drinking a potion an action, a supplemental action, or a free action?

Red OrcaIn the Dresden Files RPG, a character can, under normal circumstances, take one action (attack, maneuver, block, etc.) on their turn in an exchange (YS 199). If the character wants to perform a minor action during the same turn, the GM may adjudicate it as either a supplemental action or a free a...

Q: Are consequences tracked per stress track?

Weckar E.When taking too much stress, one can take consequences. However, can one - at the same time - have both a mental and physical consequence of the same level or is there only a single 'pool' of consequences?

Q: Would a Medal of Valour burn a Malvora?

anonSince House Malvora of the White Court are fear-eaters, they've got a weakness to "selfless courage". I was just wondering if, along with an allergy to a person exhibiting that, if like the Raith's being liable to also have a bad reaction to some objects that represent their weakness (like some ...

Q: Would blood bags help a Red Court Infectee manage their hunger?

anonJust someone reading up about the lore and templates in the system and wondering: Is there anything on, if a Red Court infectee were to have access to and drink from blood bags, would that help alleviate/satiate their hunger and make it easier to control at all? Or since it's not drank direct...

Q: Is it safe to handle a denarian coin indirectly?

anonI'm currently a new player in a campaign which does have a Denarian in it and has OOC had jokes made about my PC being tricked into touching one of their coins, which has made me curious and want to ask: Is there anything in the setting on if it's safe to touch a denarian coin indirectly? Suc...

Q: What character skill would be able to be used for medical/healing purposes?

anonFor a character in the Dresden Files who is a doctor/medic, which of the Skills is supposed to actually be used/rolled on to try put that medical ability into use? For instance, I'd say "scholarship" would be a necessity to have statted at least at Good for a trained doctor - but would that be w...

Q: Would access to fae magic start hexing technology?

anonCertain classes of character in the RPG, such as the Fairie Knights, get access to fairie (Seelie/Unseelie) magic and ability to use it. I know that fairy magic when used by fairies doesn’t hex technology - but in cases like this when it is by nature at least not a full-blooded fairy using it, t...

Q: What makes Aspect ↔ Boost conversion Stunts worthwhile?

vicky_molokhThere are multiple Stunts that, under certain conditions, either convert a Boost to an Aspect, or an Aspect to a Boost (usually without changing the number of free Invocations). Now, I know that Boosts are super-transient, but the property of persistence alone seems not worth one Refresh (compare...

Q: Where Are (Narrative) Aspect Permissions Comprehensively Covered?

vicky_molokhRepeatedly, in the context of discussions and questions, including questions asked here, I keep running into the topic of Aspect Permissions. To further clarify, I'm talking not about Extras, nor about establishing extrinsic setting facts, but rather about them changing intrinsic properties and a...

Q: What are good guidelines and principles for designing and balancing superpower stunts in FATE Core?

vicky_molokhI want to make a stronger focus on the F in FATE1 in my future campaigns, and that means I'm expecting said campaigns to involve what I usually see broadly referred to as special or superhuman abilities: magical spells, psionics, cyberware, superhero abilities, cinematic mutations and even mundan...

Q: How to mechanically handle damage-over-time Stunts (or similar attack-modifying effects)?

vicky_molokhThere are many character concepts whose attacks don't hit all at once, but rather have a form of delayed gratification - they seem weak or even negligible when they hit, but then they keep hurting and hurting for quite a while, paying off for the delay. Probably the most often talked about but ...

Q: What is the scope of Reflex Boosters' applicability (in terms of skills/action)?

vicky_molokhThe Stunt's effect description reads: You can activate reflex boosters to gain a +2 to physical actions where enhanced neural speed and reaction time come into play. What is that supposed to apply, and what is it not? Because if I take the description at face value, enhanced neural sp...

Q: How to Fairly and Consistently Handle Silent Sentry Removal / Assassinations / etc.?

vicky_molokhThe Situations Fiction is full of moments when instead of facing an enemy head-on in an open Conflict, an attacker prefers a sneaky approach that, if fully successful, bypasses combat. Whether it's Léon sneaking from the floor below and suddenly pulling the ambushed gangster down the stairwell t...

Q: How to Interpret Defending Others vs. Shoot Attacks?

vicky_molokhA situation occurred in which the party needed to defend a 'sitting duck' in the form of a small robot against ranged enemy attacks. There was the consideration for party members to take the bullets for the little fellow. Through luck, such a drastic measure turned out not to be necessary (a PC m...

Q: Consequences/Downsides of Allowing Ranged Defence (Dodge) with Fight?

vicky_molokhThe House Rule Proposed I'm intent on making the following rule addition/change in my campaigns: In addition to parries and blocks in mêlée combat, the Fight skill also covers training in dodging projectiles and avoiding lines of fire. Thus it can be used to defend against both Fight and Sho...

Q: How Exactly Do Concessions Differ Between the Editions?

vicky_molokhThere are two things that make discussions of Concessions sometimes confusing: people carrying over rules and assumptions from a different edition, and people melding their house rules or speculation with what the rules actually say/explicitly mean. It doesn't help that it's not even always clear...

Q: Is there an expiration time for free invocations?

Maiko ChikyuThe Fate Core book doesn't seem to indicate when free invocations expire; seemingly they stay around forever. This feels rather broken to me as I could carry several throwing daggers with me, add “Sharpened” aspect to all of them with free invocations, and get +2 to my roll with all of my dagger ...

Q: How to GM Realm Management in a Mechanically Engaging and Transparent Way?

vicky_molokhI expect the PCs in a campaign of mine to eventually become involved in managing a settlement (in this case, an exoplanet colony, though it's likely that other formats may come up in more distant future too). I would like to be prepared for GMing such realm-management in a mechanically engaging...

Q: What Are the Game-Mechanical Advantages of High-Impulse Low-Thrust Drives in the Space Toolkit?

vicky_molokhWhen Space Toolkit came out (with the Tachyon Squadron kickstarter), I was glad it included what looked like a way to abstract space travel while maintaining Newtonian behaviour of spaceships. But now I'm taking a closer look at those either missed something, or have trouble understanding the gam...

Q: Is the Choice of Scale Effects Limited per Roll or per Conflict?

vicky_molokhSystem Toolkit page 67 offers the Scale mechanics for attacks and defences between different-sized opponents, groups etc. However, I'm not sure how to interpret inner 'or' (i.e. the 'or' within each of the two effects). Specifically, when it says to apply a bonus to attack or defence, does it m...

Q: How to Reconcile the Action Economy with Cheaply Available Minions?

vicky_molokhI know that messing with the action economy is considered a dangerous thing. And yet I happen to GM a setting where, from a narrative point of view, it's relatively easy to mass-produce or purchase moderately competent minions (in the sense of obedient, expendable entities). So far, a single PC u...

Q: How can I convert a Shadowrun game to Fate?

VarkalI've been running a Shadowrun game for a while now, and I'm tired of the overcomplicated rules. I'm plannning to move the game to the FATE System, but have some... questions about how to convert some parts of Shadowrun system to FATE: Magic: How to represent the Drain in FATE? And spirits? Cy...

Q: How can I get my players to play a high value of Resource skill without powergaming?

Дмитрий СиденкоOne of my players has a +4 Resource and he wants to equip his group with excellent equipment(because he can). He can add by Resource roll an advantage "Excellent Equipment". But am I afraid of powergaming with using this skill to solve all conflicts. How can I do this? My thoughts are to ad...

Q: Origin and Actual Meaning of 'Stress and Consequences are Not HP'

vicky_molokhOver the course of my interactions with the fate community, I've repeatedly encountered the mantra that Stress and Consequences are not HP and should not be treated as such. The comparison can be split into two easily analysable bits: Stress is not HP, in that, unlike HP, Stress is a fuzzy abst...

Q: How do I deal with too many NPCs in my campaign?

mdriderI'm a first-time GM using the Fate Core system. I got into RPGs to help me work on my storytelling while having fun with my friends, so I've been GMing a homebrew campaign for about a year now. Unfortunately, my players also happen to be my friends who I usually talk to about my storytelling, so ...

Q: How much cost to buy Conditions from other mantles in Dresden Files Accelerated?

paulodiovaniWhen customizing characters, some players may want to get Conditions, not only Stunts, from other mantles. For example, in my campaign, I have a character with the Law Enforcement mantle that wanted the Third Eye condition. Should he pay one Refresh for the Condition as he would for a new Stunt?...

Q: Which Time Travel Paradigm Does Fate of Cthulhu Use?

vicky_molokhI'm trying to evaluate the degree to which Fate of Cthulhu is worth my time, money, and either waiting time or hassle related to buying specifically the PDF (I have no need for the dead tree version which is currently bundled with it). This evaluation hinges on two main factors: the Condensed ru...

Q: Is Move/Action Order Meant to Be Restricted?

vicky_molokhI would like to confidently know whether the order in which the free movement and the non-movement action should be taken (i.e. move+act vs. act+move) is meant to be restricted in the base ruleset. The Core book's main statement on free movement seems to boil down to a highlighted phrase: i...

Q: How can I mechanically create a "Zone of Truth"?

MasclinsIn a Fate-Core game, I want to introduce an area in which a powerful ritual had been cast in which everybody must say the truth (kind of similar to the D&D Zone of Truth spell). I have some problems thinking about it in terms of Fate-Core mechanics. The options I thought are the following: Giv...

Q: Which game mechanics have measurably higher risk of causing spotlight imbalance?

vicky_molokhAt different times, I have encountered statements that this or that game-mechanical phenomenon should be avoided because it leads to spotlight imbalance and/or narrative imbalance. To clarify the definition used, in this case spotlight imbalance is meant to include both the cases where one PC end...

Q: Handling the Scenario After Wild Player Financial Success

tomWell, they did it. Your players went head-to-head against an antagonist with Superb Resources, and instead of taking critical social damage and retiring from adventuring, they took him for all he's worth. "Nice to have you as an investor for the quest. We want riverboats, and guards, those wizard...

Q: Running away from a conflict

Jo the JockerThis might be an easy one, but i had a situation where a rogue character fought against a guard who shouted to the other guards to come and help. The rogue got a boost and wanted to trip the guard and run away. It didn't seem like conceding, really, and it's not taken out.. Is there a way to l...

Q: Which dark SciFi Fate Core settings other then Mindjammer exist?

LudossI want a list of dark SciFi Fate Core settings. I have already looked Mindjammer, which can be played with a grim mood in mind. Are there anything else?

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10:37 PM
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