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11:45 AM
@MartinSleziak I changed the answer, thanks. Feel free to alter it further.
12:05 PM
@quid Thanks for the edit.
I wonder whether some of the related posts could/should be closed as duplicates.
But I suppose this can simply go through the usual review process.
Perhaps suitable duplicate targets are the question mentioned above (where the answer mentions saves). And maybe this post, too - it has an answer mentioning following: Is there any way to add a bookmark to any answer of a question?
I have cast a close vote here - we'll see in the review whether others agree or not: Is there a way to save the favorite answer?
In this case, the question was tagged - so it went through immediately, because of dupehammer: Why isn't there any option for favourite ANSWER?
Oh, I did not realize that editing the duplicates list bumps the question.

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