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@emanresuA I don't think so
Feel free to take over, I'm going to be busy the next few days so I don't think I'll be able to work on it :(
I'm trying to get DSO to be usable
So I won't be doing much work either
Hope DSO goes well, would be very nice
It's just going to be stuff like risky, K, ngn/apl, deadfish etc.
Mayyybe scala2js if I can configure it
2 hours later…
12 messages moved to ­Trash
9 hours later…
Tomorrow, element planning for version 3 starts
@user when you have the chance/opportunity to do so, would you be able to give a brief guide on how you recommend setting up VyxalS locally?
I think that'd help the majority of people here who might not necessarily know how to establish a Scala project
why are we using scala again?
lets use haskell or rust :p
or c++
@PyGamer0 because Scala is good
And it can also transpile to JS
Meaning that online interpreter hosting could just be done on github pages
@PyGamer0 And also we're using Scala because I actually want us to finish v3 some time in the next decade
@lyxal lol
@lyxal I’d be glad to, writing guides is easier than writing code :p
@lyxal scala?
for what?
For version 3 of vyxal
Anyhow I gots to go for sleep
Goodnight vyxalers
wait WHAT
version 3 is going to be coded in Scala not python?
from hyper-neutrino:
@mathcat i wouldn't say coded, to me it sounds veey weird
but wait really?
a rewrite of vyxal in scala?
ok lemme learn scala
and why Scala?
scrolla bit up
i asked the same thing
cause i forgot
and im pretty sure scala is not imperative
i think its functional
oh nice
@PyGamer0 what's that?
@mathcat a different programming paradigm
I'm still not understanding.
lemme just learn scala, maybe I'll understand then
CMA: If y'all try out Scala and don't like it/don't like it as much as Python, we can always stick with Python. I don't want to force y'all to do something and then have people leave Vyxal because of that
@user however i will be disappointed and I will shame you for going away from scala
@user I take this back, y'all MUST learn Scala or I'll nuke your fridges to avoid being ostracized by Razetime
everything but not that
I have butter in my fridge
mercy please
Oh okay I'll nuke your microwave then
better thanks
@user NO I have milk in my fridge
that can be converted to butter
@user let me go quickly read a bunch of scala stuff
ah scala has OOP and is functional
@user i think i like scala, now that i read some things
@PyGamer0 Is there a way to join every element like (`1`|`1`|`1`) and `0` gives (`10`|`10`|`10`)
!!/run (`1`|`1`|`1`) `0` +
@AaroneousMiller 00
@AaroneousMiller OMG THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! Nope
@VyxalBot wat
@Fmbalbuena ok let me tell you something: I am not very good at vyxal
@AaroneousMiller you need swap
@AaroneousMiller shouldnt you use chevrons?
!!/run (`1`|`1`|`1`) `0`$ +
@Fmbalbuena 00
@PyGamer0 oh lol yeah I just copied from fmbalbuena's message
@AaroneousMiller which?
!!/run ⟨`1`|`1`|`1`⟩`0`+
@PyGamer0 ⟨ `10` | `10` | `10` ⟩
@Fmbalbuena ^
⟨⟩ != ()
similarly TNB ≠ TAO :p
@AaroneousMiller because I can't use ⟨⟩
@PyGamer0 but I can use this
@Fmbalbuena use Adám's Vyxal LB then
!!/run Adám's Vyxal LB then
@Fmbalbuena ⟨ ⟩
@PyGamer0 Thank you
@Fmbalbuena You can also use the onscreen keyboard on the Vyxal online interpreter
@AaroneousMiller I'm already using.
@PyGamer0 :)
@lyxal Added a little to the readme, I'll write more when I can
3 hours later…
I wish lambdas worked on the global stack and functions worked on local stacks in Vyxal :(
We could introduce a flag or smth to indicate whether it's using the global stack or local stack
Actually, i've got a better idea
We are going to change full-stack elements to have an arity of -1 to indicate that they're using the whole stack, we could make it so that lambdas can also have an arity of -1 which would make them use the stack
Ooh that'd be nice
@AaroneousMiller We'd still have to implement global stack functions and local stack lambdas tho :(
I don't particularly care about it from a language user perspective, I just want it to be easy to implement :P
call it a v3 feature
re: the -1 arity thing; since we can already use d (double) and T (triple) to set the arity to 2 or 3, we should also be able to do the same thing with N (negate) to set it to -1
no, we want the arity to be -1, not +1 :p
-1 >:|
@AaroneousMiller Wait actually @lyxal and everyone else would y'all be okay with this as a serious thing?
I should probably make this a discussion
I had an additional feature request: prepending : or D to the body of a lambda sets its arity to 2 / 3
How would you distinguish that from wanting to execute :?
Also, we can just put d and T at the end, right?
Oh wait, true...
Never mind
Proposed the lambda global stack thing here
@AaronMiller @AaroneousMiller @Allxy @Ausername @Milk @PyGamer0 @Wansen @astonearachnid @emanresuA @grandBagel @hyper-neutrino @lyxal @math @pxeger @rues ^
Because why not
(but seriously, this would be a big-ish change and it would be good if everyone saw and voted on it
4 hours later…
@user but the moment you do that, you lose the ability to re-use the lambda's argument if there's nothing on the stack
How often is that needed?
lambdas using global stack by default is one of the things I never liked about 05AB1E
@user very often
Oh boy
good idea for a flag, not so much for default behaviour
I was thinking that maybe there could be something that pops the top of the global stack and pushes it inside a lambda
1 2 3 λ¿+; -> pops the 3 as the lambda's argument, ¿ pops the 2 from the global stack and returns 2 + 3
that is, for example
A: Sort every dimension

lyxalVyxal, 6 bytes λ-[vxs Try it Online! -5 thanks to @emanresuA in vychat Explained λ-[vxs λ # a lambda that takes a single argument n and: - # subtracts n from itself (scalars return 0 which is falsey, lists return a list of 0s which is truthy) - borrowed from https://codegolf.stackexc...

A: How many times can I skip a stone?

lyxalVyxal G, 20 16 bytes żƛ{D?L<|?i+1$}!⇩ Try it Online! This feels too long That's better. Explained żƛ{D?L<|?i+1$}!⇩ ż # The range [1, len(input)] - this represents all possible starting throw lengths ƛ # over each item N in that range: {D?L<| # while t...

and that's just from the most recent vyxal answers
Aight, guess we'll have to keep the arities D:
lambdas are one of the things I've thought about at length
so I ask that you trust me when I say that having arities is a good idea
Also, how do you apply transformers when you want auto-closing to work? Would you be able to do λ...v to vectorise the lambda? (I assume not, because v would be applied to the last element of the lambda and not the lambda itself)
That's one of the things I've'n't thought about at length
I actually like the fact that modifiers currently work backwards like APL, because it's kinda more clear that they're not normal functions, they're operating on the elements themselves
It's also easier to parse modifiers the way I've started implementing it and I don't want it to become harder
would it be a bad idea to have both prefix and postfix operators?
It depends on what those operators are
because there's some postfix operators that I'd think would be useful
like for example, capture everything to the start of the line as a lambda
What benefits do postfix operators have?
@lyxal oic
they can scan backwards and collect elements until a condition is met
You can just pop tokens from a stack
^^ pretty much
@user or capture everything to the previous lambda as a lambda
or capture everything to the previous modifier/transformer as a lambda
@emanresuA See I'm not using a stack in the Scala impl and I'm too lazy to add it
But aight I'll modify the parser to handle postfix
but transformers and auto-closing probably means that all the stuff like reduce/vectorise/etc will have to remain prefix
So we stay with prefix for all modifiers except for the capture everything to the previous line/lambda ones?
I suppose so
I guess postfix stuff is good for tacit langs where things join together implicitly

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