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I am supposed to write a summary of this in 200 words..
North Korea and USA relation

It is no surprising that North Korea and USA have been always in conflict since a long time.We have seen how Barrack Obama had previously maintained a "strategic patience" relation with
North Korea over the issues of conflict.However we must understand that even since Donald Trump has stepped in there has been a summitry relationship between India
Apr 11 at 14:29, by bobble
Rajorshi, how many times do we have to tell you, this isn't the place?
This is something good I am posting
Please let me finish
North Korea and USA relation

It is no surprising that North Korea and USA have been always in conflict since a long time.We have seen how Barrack Obama had previously maintained a "strategic patience" relation with
North Korea over the issues of conflict.However we must understand that even since Donald Trump has stepped in there has been a summitry relationship between India and China.Both of them have had their shares till the Biden adminstration
also recently has expressed strong disappointment with the nuclear missile activities with North Korea.
What do you not understand about "this is not a room to get help on your test prep"?
anyways, I'm out of here
@XanderHenderson Can moderators who dropped in a month ago for the first time ever, and since only engages with some, every time coming to call out users, i.e., publicly shaming them, also refrain from hostility and public scolding? Because Pedro is being hypocritical.
The link that I have provided is the article and I have written an abridged form of the article...
What are the places I need to improve and what are how do I skim it to 200 works..How to improve the structure of the writing?
Any way, since Pedro has taken his default stance, ignore me, decline my flags, etc., and you don't seem to want to respond to me Xander (by the way: the highest bar is set to the highest standard for moderators, and I think, at least on paper, that Pedro is a mod, but correct me if I'm wrong.) No problem. If you all want to take over, Xander, clearly nothing can stop you, you all like to rub our faces in that, all the time. And you want us to smile and say, thank you!
Why are you kicking me out...I am seeking a genuine guidance..
@RajorshiKoyal Yes, and you've been told many times that your genuine guidance seeking is misplaced and annoying to the people in this room.
18 messages moved from The Reading Room
1 message moved from [digital campaign manager. ](chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/123600/digital-campaign-manager)
@XanderHenderson Yes. I am sorry. Spot on. I likely inappropriately default to "moderators" at times in public chats because if is safer, in not naming a particular name of a particularly frustrating moderator. I will certainly work on being more focused in my concerns, as I was in the last sentence.
@Xander I was irritated by your previous comment, because occasionally a mod has to point blank say to another mod: "Hey, that's out of line". Publicly, when a mod is not abiding by the standards here's trying to enforce. I've seen that happen, very occasionally, but not nearly enough.
I got pinged in this room by a user named Raj Koyal but the message seems to be deleted. Could a mod show me the message?
4 messages moved from CURED
@NikeDattani It reads as follows: "I am having slight doubt with some Ennglish newsapaper editorial article @NikeDattani It would be great if we could possibly discuss.."
Thanks! Interesting that I of all people got tagged. I'm not in this room as often as some other people.
I guess, if you want to take it up, you can create a new chat room with this user.
It does seem very random.
Thanks but without even knowing what English newspaper editorial article the person is asking about, I'm not sure a new chat room needs to be created.
Unless of course the newspaper is phys.org and the article is this one: phys.org/news/2014-11-largest-factored-quantum-device.html
@ThomasMarkov FYI this is why I have them muted. Jumps to conclusions, and then starts up massive rows about it.
@RevanantBacon can we not do this? Please?
1 message moved from TRPG General Chat
@kviiri please dump mine too
2 messages moved from TRPG General Chat
@kviiri So it's OK to exhibit inappropriate behaviors, but not to call people out on them? Noted.
@RevanantBacon Do not put words into my mouth.
@RevanantBacon It is inappropriate to personally attack people
@kviiri Then don't imply them with your actions
Before you chimed in, there was a not-too-kind but still ultimately issue-oriented, not personal row going on. And it had even ended.
Or in other words: I didn't, I merely extrapolated based on your actions
can this get trashed too
You bringing up your personal distaste for another user was completely uncalled for and did absolutely no good.
That's an opinion that you're allowed to have.
9 messages moved from TRPG General Chat
10 messages moved from Spring Cleaning
@orthocresol Was it so bad that everything had to move to trash?
@ParamanandSingh up in the middle of the night, or not yet asleep? :-)
Sorry, @Paramanand I won't bother you now.
2 messages moved from CURED
Drum roll...... ....... ....... How many words (in English) of five or more letters, can we find, and list, from ENFORCEMENT OF QUALITY STANDARDS???
Game on. The only permissible four letter word is @**QUID** ;D
2 messages moved from Cafe and Tavern on the math.se

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