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room topic changed to 2018 Moderator Election Discussion: A room for users to discuss any questions about the 2018 moderator election, and where users, along with moderator candidates, can interact in a less formal setting. (no tags)
To start, I'd like to add direct links to pages specifically addressing the 2018 moderator election. At this point in time, please see this announcement.
Also see the unofficial nomination post on meta, where you can "nominate" another user who you think would made an excellent moderator.
Hi, @RobertFrost. Any suggestions about the description of this room?
@amWhy Looks fine to me. It might be worth mentioning if any subjects are off-topic or inappropriate.
It currently has a hanging comparative I guess
i would get rid of that... "less... than elsewhere" but that's just me
or just "in a formal setting"
room topic changed to 2018 Moderator Election Discussion: A room for users to discuss any questions about the 2018 moderator election, and allows users and moderator candidates to interact in an informal setting. Though "informal", all users must still adhere to the site's "Be Nice" policy (no tags)
room topic changed to 2018 Moderator Election Discussion: A room for users to discuss any questions about the 2018 moderator election, and allows users and moderator candidates to interact in an informal setting. Though "informal", all users must follow to the site's 'Be Nice' policy (no tags)
Hi, I'm planning on running this election
@ZacharySelk Hi Zach, I'll be frank from the outset. While I appreciate all the hard work members of CRUDE put into the site, I'm probably going to vote for somebody who I perceive more supportive of new users and maths of all levels - including elementary maths as I like the dynamic question / answer behaviour of the site. If other users don't like certain questions and answers I
...I'd rather see them suppressed by the downvote mechanism (or moreover the lack of upvotes) than anything else
I'm not so agreeable with the viewpoint that questions and answers should be curated on the basis of their worth as components of a long-term canonical repository of questions and answers
But I can also see why other users have a different standpoint
@RobertFrost One small point, there are no "members of CRUDE" - CRUDE is simply a chat that anyone can use. Of course, certain users use it more than other users.

Now to your point, I believe I am quite supportive of new users and of elementary questions. If you look through my answers you will notice that many of my answers are on fairly elementary math. Recently less so, because I try to give new users a chance to answer such questions. I try to only answer more advanced questions now (although occasionally will answer elementary ones).
@amWhy What's not nice? Just nailing my colours to the mast.
@ZacharySelk Sorry if I misjudged you. To be fair to you I think I saw you were the room owner and jumped to the conclusion you're one of the users more supportive of that approach. I'll take a closer look
@RobertFrost It's fine, I'm glad you care about the site enough to be active in these types of discussions. Even if you disagree with me on some things (and I'm sure we can find something), I believe even just caring about the site quality is important. Whether or not you vote for me/agree with me, I'm glad you care about the site, a quality that is sadly not that common.
@ZacharySelk Looks like we're electing two so I guess even if I vote for somebody who champions the answering of elementary maths questions, I still have another vote left.
@mods I'm glad the election schedule was extended, but for the extension to be useful, the community needs to be aware of the new timeline. Is there any chance of posting a main-site notification about the upcoming election?
@RobertFrost that's not how it works. The system used is called STV, which means single tranferable vote.
@amWhy if you really want it deleted, I'll respect your wish and delete it. But I think it might serve some purpose already, so we might just as well keep it.
@RobertFrost I thought CRUDE was just a place to request action from 10k users? What's the connection to supporting new users?
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