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7:06 AM
Very interesting question: Heatbed PID vs Bang-Bang - which one is more stressing on components?, but shouldn't this be one for the Electronics.SE Stack?
2 hours later…
8:42 AM
@0scar The electronics answer would be "it depends on what components they are" - they wouldn't necessarily know what's in the heatbed for a printer
9 hours later…
5:34 PM
groans people who grab a manual for a software that is 2 generations back...
1 hour later…
6:45 PM
@Trish Lol I saw your answer!
2 hours later…
8:36 PM
I see an influx in questions... do we take off or is it christmas again and people gift themselves 3D printers? XD
2 hours later…
10:24 PM
@Trish Can't blame them! I once did the same! :)
@0scar I gifted me my forst printer for birthday :P
@Trish I have added some additional answers to questions you already answered, not because I think they are not good but because I'd like to increase the q/a ratio of the site. I've upvoted your answers to support that.
@0scar we need more answers, yea

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