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Q: Employer is trying to fire me after I have resigned

mihay10micoxFirstly I would really appreciate any help that anyone can give me. I have resigned from the company that I work with and have given my notice in. I will soon leave said company however my employer is trying to fire me whilst I am in the process of leaving. I have worked for the company for ove...

You will probably get better answers if you condense this story to the essentials. Also, are you able to say what country and/or state/region you're in? The effect of resigning vs. being fired could depend on that. What advantage would the company have in firing you instead of allowing you to resign? I'd think that (ordinarily) if they fire you, you'd be eligible for unemployment, whereas (ordinarily) you wouldn't if you resigned. So I don't see what they stand to gain by firing you.
Do you have any documentation, preferably an email, proving your resigned before they tried to fire you?
Thank you so much for your reply. I have a recorded message of when I talked to the head manager. It is customary for this company to provide a written letter of resignation. On the staff website, they have decreased my holiday pay and not allocated me more shifts beyond the last day that I am scheduled to work. In case I did not make this clear, I have not yet been fired - but they are trying to fire me.
@Kyralessa thank you again for your reply. I do not know either as I am relatively young and unfamiliar with work practice. I consider that they are treating me unfairly and I do not think that I can ever go back to that store again.
If you've already quit, why do you care if they fire you? The situation is ridiculous.
How much longer do you have? I don't see what they would gain by firing you if you have turned in your resignation. In the US it would make their unemployment taxes go up.
@user1666620 I have given in my resignation - however I do not feel I deserve to be fired I am treated extremely poorly by the managers at that store. However I still have to work a few more shifts before I permanently leave - if this makes sense. Thank you for your reply.
@paparazzo I have around 3 weeks left before I leave. Nor do I. I had complained to the head manager that the other managers have treated me unfairly and that I was disappointed by the review that one of the lower managers had given me. After I had told the head manager this he gave me an even lower review. I am from Europe. I really appreciate your reply.
@user1666620 thank you for your reply. I have considered this as one avenue. I want to complain to HR or further that they have treated me very poorly. I have worked more than a year at this particular company. I am a student and my mum told me to leave on good terms so that I can obtain a good reference for future. They will not do this now but I just don't care anymore. As you said it is causing me severe stress - and I endure panic attacks. I would rather leave on good terms as in that I have done nothing wrong. By not showing up this would suggest that they are justified in firing me.
@paparazzo I insisted that I would only speak to the head manager regarding this. I have worked a long time for this store - and I don't feel that I deserved to be fired. I don't know what they would have to gain - possibly security for them if I complain about the mistreatment I have received.
@user1666620 thank you - I had considered that this to be the case. I was considering to see a doctor to talk about the panic attacks that I have - in that case he could hopefully write a note excusing me working the remaining contracted shifts.
@paparazzo I am a girl btw but nw :) I know I will be fired since they have brought 3 incidents up. At this company they have policy to give you "3 strikes and out" so to speak. However what they are maliciously doing is bringing up minor incidents over such a long period of time, i.e. 4 months and when they said that they were informing HR I can clearly see their intentions.
@paparazzo thank you for your reply. I definitely agree with you. Honestly I do not think I can cope going back for the few remaining shifts that I have left. But I consider that by going to any further shifts will inevitably ensue in them firing me. I really do not know what to do. Whilst I am so appreciative of everybody's responses I am really unsure of what to do. This is just a horrible part time job that I have worked at beyond a year. This job sector has no bearing into where I will work in the future.
@user1666620 I have 3/4 shifts left. I'm sorry that I neglected this in the OP. If I can somehow get the shift I have covered then I will report sick as then the remaining shifts would be contained within 7 days. I probably should get a medical note as well. Thank you so much for your help, I will never work at that hell again.
@mihay10micox This comment thread has become too long. Please incorporate your clarifications into the post. I would have ordinarily done this myself, but your post is already too long. Please trim that down as well to include only the essential details.
@MaskedMan okay I will do this, sorry about any inconvenience this is my first thread I have created on this forum.
@mihay No worries, I didn't mean to scold you. I am sorry if you got that impression. We are pleased to have you here, this community is better with you in it. :)
To help answer this, it may be useful to understand why they are firing you. What benefit does it give them? Be very wary of signing anything that they give you without legal advice. At a guess, they are trying to get out of some sort of liability.
Thank you, I have not signed the documents that they insisted were only acknowledgements of these "errors". I had indicated my displeasure verbally about the other managers to the head manager which is where I consider all this stemmed from.

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