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@HWalters What I think we can't change is what happens in the past. This is sometimes unfortunate because what happens in the past can lead to guilt. That experience may be the more fundamental experience of having exercised in the past free will even without realizing it.
FrankHubeny Yes, that's fundamental to our experiences (won't ping you, since I assume you're just here)
I think the main issue here is the notion of people taking PAP as a kind of requirement for choice, when "choice" to me refers to that thing we seem to have, and even on this subjective level there's not really any "changing" of future nor a selection between ontic futures
Subjectively, I consider a few options and select what seems best to act upon, but those things I'm considering aren't futures; they're hypothetical. Furthermore, what I choose to act on is simply what I'm directing my intentions towards, which is no guarantee that thing will attain
So when I choose, all I'm doing is trying to figure out what I want to try to do

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