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I've never created a room before!
haha, neither have I
Anyway, i'm not that familiar with everything now-a-days... but google tricks I do know
at least the older ones!
It actually is to do with my blog
it's probably really simple, but I'm clueless when it comes to this stuff
I'm in the process of transfering a huge client of mine over to a coorperate version of Google Apps, so i've been learning a lot lately
I know a bit of SEO stuff, but not much
what are you trying to do?
I'd like to install wordpress
or re-install
it's already there, but it needs to be upgraded
Hmm, do you have a server? or just from your computer?
and i don't know if I have to up grade or re-install
I have a server
all of my own
it's a amazon one
Oh sweet!
Unfortunately I've never delt with that.
but I think you can just reinstall wordpress as
as long as you leave the database alone.
I don't have a cloud host yet, but I have a lot of servers all over.
How does amazon cloud work?
can you remote desktop into it?
I can ssh
it's linux
running debian
Thats so cool!
at least i think it's debian
I haven't been in for a while
Everything I'm forced to work with is Windows based!
I doubt it would be debian...
Red-hat or something similar is more likely
not that it makes much of a difference
oh it's centos
Ah, so it must be like GoDaddy
they use centos too
I'm using a south african dns service
like go daddy
GoDaddy is a big server farm (there corp is right across the street from my old office!
oh cool
That's one of the reasons I was lucky to be where I am know! Every cool development in the 1990's
happened withing driving distance from where I lived!
How long has your blog been online?
my server is just for my repository of work code and my domain
you mean my domain or my wordpress domain blog?
Also, adding it to your profile (if you wanted,) is a good way to get backlinks*
even though it's probably no-follow...
it helps
your wordpress blog
oh yes I probably should
Is your blog hosted with wordpress? and now you want to change over to your google apps?
it's been around a couple of years?
BTW. [email protected] is my email address
I saw on your profile
whats the link again
I'm making my own blog software rite now
I really like the template of that blog
(or at least I've been trying to for the last year... MVC3/4 is super easy to learn and I enjoy it...
sadly it's MS
You can put adsence on your blog and make a bit of money... I get about $60 a month
that's pretty decent
I need to use python more...
I just use python to throw together proof of concept apps
Do you do much work in the satellite industry?
not really?
Is that a dying industry btw?
I know a guy who has a company that has a sattelite
which is very cool
and he seems to be doing well for himself
My dad started a company called symbio-tech (before I knew him...) and it was a big communications network...
But it went under in ~2003
that's always a sucky process
Now I have a warehouse full of super awsome sattelite gear and fiber optic switching hubs etc.
my uncle was very rich and owned a packaging company, but ne of his staff screwed him over and embezzled a ton of money and it went under
He was well retired by then anyway!
That's what happened to my company Premier Systems
he had to file for bankruptcy. but then he started another company and is rich again.
aw, it went under?
I didn't have to file... probably should have! but I just started a new one, and my lawyer made a ton of money... none of which I saw!
It's still around,
well I'm glad to hear you have recovered!
It was a partnership then we added a third guy and one day we found out that he drained the company accounts and stole a bunch of equipment...
Now it's just my company, and I only use it with a few existing clients.
It's really important to pick the right people!
Thats the hardest part!!!
Well that and managing them...
yep, definitely
it's so sad that the coolest projects never sell, but something like this is now used in thousands of lighting systems in the US
But anything high tech anymore is just cooler on an andriod, etc.
That's why SoC type knowledge is a great thing to have!
I guess the boring products that take off can fund the interesting ones
BTW, I think I gave you this link the other day, but is a great place to start to get your name out there!
I wrote 1 article and I landed a gig doing HIPAA security upgrades for my entire state, because of USA politics...
I took a job writing a proposal for how an FPGA can be used in an existing system
and now I've just finished the board design
it's insane
I was totally thrown into the deep end
I have some meetings comming up... If i'm lucky I may land a contract with Lockhead!
that would be great :)
I hope they go well
granted I've had meetings with them since early 2011, and nothing much has come out of it...
stuff always goes very slowly in the defense industry
especially when it comes to contract decisions
BTW I'm looking for ppl with photoshop skills. Preferably local...
It's insane!!!
We have SWAT teams out here, just high end police...
their entire system was/is running on old windows server 2000!
wow, thats crazy
I find it really scary when ATM machines are running windows XP
That's why lulzSec hacked them so easily!
Read up on it if you havent, I think it was lulzSec Arizona DPS hack...
Did you see the defcon or whatever con it was where they uploaded firmware to an ATM
and made it spit out it all it's cash?
DEFCON 18: Jackpotting Automated Teller Machines
Based off a similar hack of gambeling machines that happened where I live.. in the late 1990's or early `00
what do you do in your free time?
I'm not sure how hard it is to get a visa to enter US... but defcon is a great convention!
nothing... other than read and get fatter!
talk to lady engineers on stackoverflow? ;)
LOL, no.
I meant what I'm doing... reading a book rite now, actually
what are you reading?
I hate when you hear that ping sound and cant figure out what window caused it....
you mean I caused it?
oh. I hear pings when you talk
Free Will by Sam Harris
It was google voice... I just got a txt message
I only here a ping if you do xxx
a bit too fast with the tab button
@StaceyAnne <- thats what I meant
oh, you're right
it's only for the @ thing
You can change it...
I was trying to figure out why I heard it in the other window, but not this one
enable desktop notification
It's cool, it also makes the lille red dot on the top left of the window in SE
BTW this book is only 70 pages... Thats what I get for not researching... damn amazon recomendations!
Aren't you tired?
Yep... It would have helped if I drank the coffee I got like an hour ago...
aw, I hope it's not on my accord :/
It's actually cold outside lately, today it even rained! I can't sleep through good weather!
I have to drive a friend of mine to work in like 20 mins.. then I will go to sleep
are you noctournal?
totally! I like in Arizona... in the middle of the desert! Where a ~48 degree day is normal
is the C? or F?
I assume F?
It should be mandatory that ppl here be nocturnal!
C <- that's why it sucks!
? wow, really?
that's insane
not in winter... like it is now
but you get the idea!
I can't even have my computer on in the day in summer it makes the room too hot! we have constant heat warnings, and since everyone blasts the AC we get blackouts every once in a while...
it's the surges that kill all my cool electronics!
I gotta run! goodNite
@StaceyAnne watch this if you havent...

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